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Posts posted by Stealios

  1. Same experience here, spend about 3 or 4 hours in a pattern (had bad luck that 2 got snatched right in front of me) and basically helped about 20 people out of my guild to the matrix shard.


    If you're doing it at a time when the server population is low it's a lot easier than during early evening, as i found out. lol


    Main thing is you need to have some luck that other people aren't going for them at same time

  2. So, your thread title should read "Watchman Rotation Reduced to 1 Macro and 6-12 conditional buttons Ownage" Right?




    I do this without using a macro. You couldn't?



    Even with main things on macro you'll need at least 8 or maybe even 12 keys for stuff like cripple throw, saber ward, rebuke, guarded by the force, dispatch, interrupt, the occasional zen/inspiration/transendence, leap (plz tell me u didnt put leap in the macro), pacify, awe need i go on?


    And as dark_isz said: I do this without macro, you couldn't?


    btw: note I'm not saying it's a horrible thing, but since this game already isn't so hard, why make it even easier?

  3. I've got both of the proc relics as well as the matrix cube. Am artificer as well, so also have two augmented rakata relics.


    Personnally i use one of my rakata ones & the matrix cube, since i just feel that my damage output would be lower without the base stats of the matrix cube.


    Specced watchman so there's a lot of numbers flying around on my screen, but i'll try to get some research done on this.

  4. @Silly_wabbit: not saying it's a bad thing to pop adrenals & such, but you shouldn't need adrenals and stims for every harder fight, especially not once you get doc.


    Other than that: your order of things seems to forget that everytime cauterize & overload saber are up you need to use them. Doesn't matter when, as long as you have the focus for it, use it.


    Also, precision slash? don't remember that being a watchman skill :)

  5. I wouldn't worry about mods being one lvl lower at 45, you'll outlevel them anyway once you hit 50 & get to the dailies, flashpoints etc.


    Besides that the game isn't that unforgiving if you've been slacking a little with keeping your set up to date

  6. If you don't have a orange saber and are still in lvl range of esseles, i'd say sure.

    or just buy one with commendations from any given planet.


    Don't really see the point you're making here? do you want it for the name or the moddability?

  7. First: Stop using masterstrike in pvp, takes too long for biggest hit, and as you said most of the time people get out of range.


    For the not being able to cancel part; just move? it should be cancelled by doing that.


    Other than that, are you sure you're using the right abilities? building up your buffs for bladestorm, popping zen to maximize slash/bladerush output?

    Using your defensive CD's (rebuke, saberward, guarded by the force) at the right times?

    ie guarded by the foce not as long as you're above 20 percent.


    If you're doing all that and still feel like you're not doing damage,

    respec watchman and we'll talk again :)


    EDIT: Just noticed you said you hardly upgraded your skills, please tell me you did at least do that? :)

  8. Go commando or sage.


    Not saying JK is the hardest to lvl, but both guardian & sentinel are definitely not the easiest classes to run around with.


    But if you're really interested in the jk i'd say go sentinel watchman probably, can do a ton of dps while also getting self heals.

  9. Another thing you have to learn to do is move. Move in a figure 8 around the elite and if your health starts getting low pop a cd and kite it while kira or another companion takes it down.


    Eh, da*** are you talking about?


    npc's don't have the human issue of manually having to turn.

    When you run behind them, as long as you have aggro, they'll turn immediatly.


    The kiting only works if it's not a ranged enemy.


    Also always pop rebuke if you're getting hit, no matter if you're high or low on hp.

  10. Gz on downing them, however i noticed you said you respecced watchman & you mentioned using bladestorm.


    So I'm wondering if that bladestorm was while combat or watchman specced.

    If it was while watchman specced; DON'T! I't costs a lot of focus and there's more useful stuff you can spend focus on.

  11. Do you even know anything about Marauders first hand? Just start playing one urself pls, before writing.


    And FYI, Marauders got already heal....... :eek:


    Do you know anything about marauders/sentinels first hand?


    I have a lvl 50 sentinel for a few months now and I'm facerolling people in pvp. As said before, if played well we're almost op.

    Even without healer there's rarely a match where I don't hit 300K+ dmg & 75K+ healing.


    On topic: You seriously want more KB's than there are already? if you want kb and swing with a glowstick go jugg/guardian.

    Our thing in huttball isnt pushbacks, it's leaps & killing stuff quickly


    If bioware gives every class everything they might as well remove classes and let everyone be the same

  12. OP is talking about after 1.2, not atm.


    Im not sure if it would work tho, both focus & watchman have some of their high dmg & usefull talents quite high in the tree.


    It will definitely be usefull to have points in valor, since it becomes a tier 1 skill.

    Other than that, probably best to stick with 1 main spec and see if you can shuffle some skillpoints around

  13. And It'll hurt to change it how? I'm just interested in changing things so this is more a visually Exciting game, Face it. 90% of free to play games nowadays have better combat Than swtor and other ptp games.


    Still I'd take dull, but working combat over cool looking crappy combat any day.


    Having said that, some of those animations will look really forced if their duration is only the length of global cd.

  14. In pvp I'd say use force stasis to interrupt people, or keep them from moving in things like huttball.

    In low lvl pve; use it to take the heat off for a little bit, if you feel you or your companion is getting hammered.

    Now in high lvl pve (ie flashpoints, operations): never use it, there are more effective ways to gain focus, and the damage you can do instead of using force stasis is awesome.


    Masterstrike: i have it on hotkeys, but almost never use it. Takes quite long for it's biggest hit to land, so in pvp most of the time it misses (if people are moving around).

    In pve i rarely use it, sometimes to fill a little time b4 my bigger hits or DoT's are on cooldown.


    What you really want is to use your dot's (overload saber & cauterize) and zealous strike & merciless slash as much as possible.


    A few things you shouldnt be using in high end pve: blade storm, costs almost as much as merciless slash, but damage is so much lower.


    Also stay away from force sweep in pve, damage is worthless

  15. ^This


    Totally agree with poster above me, played sentinel all the way up to lvl 50.

    Started pvping around 35 ish, always did ok, but never great. Then merciless slash came around and there were the high numbers.


    Just always make sure you're using cauterize, zealous strike & overload saber as soon as they're off cooldown, they're pretty much your base damage & focus gain.


    Other than that even though a lot of ops fights or FP's favor a ranged dps over a melee one, once people see what you actually can do & how awesome your group utility is (I usually have about 60-100K healing in WZ) you'll be asked in groups all the time

  16. I agree with you on the part that some abilities look a bitt... dull, to say at least

    And you're suggesting some nice visuals


    But some of the animations take quite some time as it is, so with the changes you're suggesting it would make the animations quite a bit longer, hence you'll feel more like a snail even when not using master strike.


    Other than that; sabers throwing to the side during force sweep? I don't see the point

  17. Eh, I'd say if you're able to use 10+ hotkeys in all the harder fights, go sentinel.


    Yes, you really need 10+ abilities to play sentinel properly and together with your (geared) tanking or healer companion you should be able to solo H2+ at the higher lvls.


    In pvp you have a few nice group buffs and nice survivability due to self-heal on dot crits & awesome cooldowns



    As far as guardian concerned if you think tanking is fun or don't want to rule it out just yet, go guardian. They still can do quite some dmg and have some nice survivability as well.


    And taunting in pvp = awesomeness

  18. In those matches i was top damage yes. But keep in mind im using this keyboard Awesome keyboard


    As you can see i have 5 buttons below the spacebar that are really easy to press with my thumb.


    Other than that, guardian definitely has a few bigger single hits than sentinel and can do their fair share of damage. I've seen guardians/juggernauts doing quite some more damage than me sometimes, so dont assume sentinel is highest in pvp.

    Every match you got to have some luck and ofc some skill :)


    Having said that, I haven't played high lvl guardian yet so what I can tell about them is from what i've seen/heard.


    Also I've been playing sentinel since december when game released so I've gotten really well used to it.

    Think the main thing for sentinel watchman is to remember your dots + timing you defensive cd's.


    Other than that gotta love the 2 lightsabers :)

  19. I've been playing as a sentinel both in low & high lvl pvp so i can at least tell you about that:


    First I am watchman specced 31/10/0.



    The watchman spec has a nice survivability in the fact that all your burn crits will heal you for 2% (talented). Also you're interrupt is on 6 sec cooldown & force leap has a 0-30m range (both talented) so it can be used as a second interrupt. This makes you really usefull versus casters and healers.


    Also you have 3 group buff abilities:

    • Inspiration: gives party a 15% Healing & DMG buff for 15 secs
    • Transendence: buffs party with 10%damage reduction & 50% movement speed
    • Zen: will heal the party for 1% per tick of your burning crits


    This makes you really usefull for your party to survive some of the bigger fights or some of the really close ones.




    Cons:Sentinel has about 10 abilities that you're going to need on hotkeys at least.

    We don't have any pushbacks or proper stuns.

    Eventho watchman spec gives quite the survivability if you get ganked you'll still die really quick.

    Don't spec watchman for the big numbers, we have a lot of small quick numbers with a few big hits in between.


    I've also played combat spec, which has a higher burst damage, but a lower sustained.

    As well that spec gives a speed buff of 15 or 30% (can't remember exactly)



    Please note that I might be a bit biased since I love my sentinel really much, but this pretty much seems like a good image of the sentinel imo.


    On that note, here are a few screens so you get an idea of my average highest hit combined with group utility (ie healing)


    Huttball DMG

    Voidstar DMG

    Voidtar Healing


    BTW I'm not posting this to show off, just so you get an idea of what you can do as sentinel.


    I've seen guardians that can do the same or more dmg as me, think it's also a matter of playstyle preference

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