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Everything posted by BongoFrenzy

  1. If you have 3 lvl 50s on lockouts for EC, KP and EV then you obviously have quite a bit of spare time on your hands. Most people don't have that much spare time.
  2. Is there a chance that cross server warzones (not rated ones) might be implemented in 1.3? I'm currently having a hard time finding warzones in the afternoons and late nights on my server, so cross server warzones would be fantastic.
  3. If I didn't have a fantastic guild to play with I would have rerolled, but when you have spent 10-15 days of play time on a character you want to be able to continue playing on it...
  4. I love this game, and I have a ton of fun when I actually play it, and therein lies the problem. My server, Bloodworthy, used to be one of the most populated ones, but is nowadays below average in population, so it can take forever to find a low lvl warzone in the middle of the day, and it's almost impossible to find a group for HMs anymore. Character transfers better come fast, because I'm not enjoying myself when I'm just waiting on the fleet...
  5. Does the +15% AoE damage fro Explosive Engineering boost the damage from Corrosive Grenade, which hits several targets, but isn't perhaps strictly an "area effect"?
  6. I usually use Shatter Shot first (I just forgot to write it, though I'll correct it now), but using TA for that is a great idea, if more burst is desired. However, it might lead to energy problems in the long run.
  7. I've been trying to find the best rotation for Lethality in PvP (my PvP/PvE spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400bZbIZGbbkrMGdhR.1), and this is what I have come up with so far: Shatter Shot -> 1) Corrosive Dart -> Corrosive Grenade -> Weakening Blast -> Cull -> SoS -> Ambush + Cull (activate cull in the last 0.5 second of Ambush) -> If target health is above 30%, go to 1), if not, continue to 2) -> 2) Takedown -> Explosive Probe -> Use whatever ability isn't on CD to finish off the enemy if it isn't already dead. The beauty of this rotation is that it times all the cooldowns very well and it also keeps the energy above 60% if your critical rating is decent enough, but the rotation can probably be improved. What do you think of this rotation? Do you have any suggestions for improvement, or should I use a completely different rotation?
  8. About MM vs. Lethality for burst: I have played both, and what I can say is that a MM Sniper can start its burst immediately, while a Lethality one needs to use Corrosive Dart and Grenade first (this should be followed by Weakening Blast, but it is not always necessary). However, when that is done, the Lethality Sniper can do insane ammounts of damage in very little time, and the MM one cannot compete with that burst.
  9. I used to play MM/Eng, but since I changed to Leth (http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400bZbIZGbbkrMGdhR.1) I haven't felt the slightest urge to go back. The mobility is great, and the damage against tanks (and non-tanks, ofc) is spectacular, but it does lack the element of surprise that MM and MM/Eng has. That said, since I figured out how to manage my energy well (it is more difficult) I have had a blast playing it, and on the plus side, it works great for PvE operations too.
  10. TBH, I don't think that the numbers will drop after the free 30 days for the players who reached 50. If you have already reached 50, you already know whether you like this game or not, so why would you then play for another 30 days if you know that you will stop after that? I would have left in that case, but I enjoy this game and thus I haven't.
  11. I'd like to see a few more warzones and operations, and some more cool armor shells.
  12. Lol @ OP for writing 25% instead of 24% to make it sound more dramatic. I'm not surprised though. The people who were never going to like this game left rather early, and that's what we saw. The players who remain 5 months after launch obviously like the game (except for the small subset of QQers in the general forum), so the populations will likely stabilise.
  13. The subset of SWTOR players who are complaining in the forums is a vocal yet small and rather isolated. I have loads of fun with this game, and so does everyone else in my guild. If you don't think this is fun, then don't play, but there are a lot of us who do think that this is fun. And regarding fewer people being online at peak hours: it's because the game was released almost five months ago and it's not a holiday. People aren't playing 7-8 hours a day now, but perhaps 2-3 hours.
  14. I have been playing a MM/Eng hybrid for quite a while, and I like it a lot in PvE. In PvP, however, it is not particularly good at all, so I wonder, is Leth/Eng viable for PvE, and not just PvP? If so, what build?
  15. I suspected that, but I wonder why they just didn't improve the Gunslinger version... Nevertheless, patch 1.2.1 definitely made up for the loss of burst in PvP.
  16. How did you get your Cunning over 1900? I have 3 pieces of Rakata armor and the rest is Columi, and my Cunning is only around 1550.
  17. Does its damage mitigation count toward the tanking medals if an affected player attacks someone else?
  18. Thanks for the answers. I think that I'll roll a Powertech, because I like mobility and survivability.
  19. I want to roll a DPS Bounty Hunter, but don't know which of the two ACs is best for DPS. I will probably play a lot of PvP, but still want the specc I choose to be somewhat viable for end game PvE aswell. Which should I choose?
  20. What do you guys think of this build for HM and NMM PvE? http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400rsrbbRoRMZbI0rRo.1
  21. The Vendetta chest piece is white, but I think you need to be around lvl 45 to wear it. Check the GTN for it.
  22. Will I at some point care about what happens?
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