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Everything posted by Claymaniac

  1. I'm not going to throw a tantrum like so many want to, but I hope Bioware knows what its doing by moving the rest to Prophecy of the Five. Obviously I don't have access to any real numbers, but eyeball test says that Fatman will be stuffed and PotF will be underwhelming. Hope I'm wrong.
  2. Yeah but a striving robust server shouldn't feel dead on an alt. Not in a game that promotes alts so much. I'm not playing this game just for the endgame.
  3. If Anchorhead is the second highest pop server of PvP East, then damn how bad has it been for the rest? Cause Anchorhead is really barren. Been leveling my alt the last week and if I see more than 4 people on Balmorra and Alderaan its really something. Usually its just me or 1 other person. It would be pretty disappointing if after all this, The Fatman gets stuffed and then the rest of are assigned to a second fiddle server.
  4. No one would find a reason to complain if that happened right? hehe
  5. Yeah I know that, but people are implying that because Bioware picked their server for them they have an inherent right to not lose their names. I'm saying that back then no one could predict which servers would be destinations today, so whether Bioware picked your server for you, or you did, the odds would still be the same for you being on an origin or destination server today. Saying "I was assigned here by Bioware" holds no weight in the "Why am I losing my name" argument.
  6. I don't get the whole "I was assigned to this server!!" argument. Like back in December you had the foresight to know which servers would be origin/destination servers in June 2012. If you weren't assigned your server, you would just pick some other server and no one could predict what the situation would be today. It really is a gripe for the sake of griping, imo.
  7. Read your post again. You said you did something, "believing" something else would happen. You just assumed. No word was given that that was going to happen. And when it doesn't work out the way you imagined it to be, you claim Scam and get mad.
  8. Pretty sure it did start months ago. I'm reasonably certain server transfers isn't a simple issue of adding "/add server transfers" to the code that they decided to wait till yesterday to implement. Of course, people will always says, "Well that should have started months ago too". Can't win.
  9. This would be great. I hope MMO's of the future actually do that. I don't care if you have to do a lot of sharding, have as many people on one server as possible. I would rather see Tatooine 36 on 1 server, than no sharding but 36 servers.
  10. What I mean is don't do what you did during launch with the over use of phasing(multiple phases forming with 30 people on an entire planet) and having way too many servers. I realize you wanted to be like WoW and have millions and millions of players right away and opened an absurd amount of servers. And thought that there would be so many people playing at once that you needed a ton of phasing. But, ultimately what I want is to play with other people as much as possible. Not necessarily group, but I want to see other people around us playing. So, all I ask is when you are "carefully monitoring" transfers, don't be too careful and do stuff like, "We should only allow people from 3 servers to go to 1 destination server". If what you end up with are 10-15 full servers and every other server being dead, so be it. You can always open more servers up. I don't speak for everyone of course, but I know that I would rather deal with short queues and have tons of people to play with rather than what's going on now. Lucky to see even 5 people on a planet and more than 15 people on the fleet during primetime.
  11. Well, I was playing strictly republic side because I wanted to finish all the stories on that side, before I played Empire. So, this kinda stuff is annoying. Although, like with the race unlocks, I assume we could get the companion for credits too.
  12. I agree. I'm a completionist too and its quite disappointing that the codex, which was hyped pre-launch as big feature to follow the story and lore has been ignored like this. Unfortunately knowing that there are always going to be so many incomplete entries makes me lose motivation to find the entries that do exist. And titles were and still are a big draw for me. I like collecting them and displaying them and its so disappointing that more than 6 months after launch, most of the planet titles are still not available. For all the talk of how the new community team will do their best to communicate better, its frankly quite unfortunate that this issue has been ignored. I guess, cause this thread isn't 200 pages long of back and forth trolling. Heck, I would even prefer a "We don't have any plans to address the codex currently" post.
  13. Will anything be done to fix the numerous missing codex entries? It was touted as a big feature pre launch and there are tons of entries that are unavailable to us. Where are our titles!
  14. I too would rather have a full Chapter 4 than bits and pieces ever so often. I'm 100% fine with Makeb not having any class story. Add it later when we have another planet or 2. Then you can use Ilum, Makeb and new planet for another chapter.
  15. Why would it be? What are people expecting to see from Old Republic?
  16. Will anything be done to fix the numerous missing codex entries? It was touted as a big feature pre launch and there are tons of entries that are unavailable to us. Where are our titles!
  17. What sandbox MMO has been anywhere close to as successful as theme park MMOs?
  18. Still not even an acknowledgement by Bioware on this??
  19. I'm not sure if anyone else is experiencing this, or if it just happens in Hoth, but my Telekinectic Throw seems really broken. I use it once and the pebble stream animation just stays active and I can't use it again until I move on to a different encounter. Even after the cooldown is done. Plus the animation seems to stay active even after I move on. The screenshot below shows some of my pebble streams staying active plus a weird thing, where if you just spam the button for it, it seems like a new animation starts on top of the old one. So the stream I have going is like a super stream! Already submitted a bug report. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/18/screenshot2012043011341.jpg/
  20. Flashpoints and Heroics are both equally important to me. Operations I can live without as they may not be as conducive to just random pugging. But FP's and Heroics need to get groups formed much much easier.
  21. Me too. I found it at -880, -1742 but its un-clickable for me. I've completed every other quest today, but not the world bosses. I dunno if that affects it.
  22. Are you kidding me OP? This is one of the best things Bioware has done. Tatooine has come alive with people. Large scale world PvP is happening. Hate to say this, but go play a single player game if you want to be 100% in control of the game and what happens in it.
  23. It would be cool if the family tree gave you appropriate titles. So, i can be <Character>, Rival of <Alt>. And so on.
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