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Everything posted by Claymaniac

  1. http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/2082/screenshot2012041219251.jpg
  2. You are talking of skill target forwarding. At least that's the term in LotrO I believe. I would like to see that added, but I certainly didn't expect that to be target of target. Target of target is pretty much what I expected it to be.
  3. What exactly would you like them to do? I don't think you understand what "self-entitlement" means. You feel you are owed something. You are not. They didn't even need to give us free play time. They did. Not good enough for you? Go ahead and unsubscribe. Accept it or unsubscribe. That is LITERALLY all you have. LITERALLY. You expecting more is your delusional sense of "self-entitlement". You won't get it. Deal with it.
  4. I saved him and he is back in Tython for me. Weird. Guess it is earlier conversations that determine that.
  5. The new conversations sound like its a different guy to me. Am I just imagining things, or does anyone else feel this way?
  6. I love titles, whats the deal with missing titles on every planet? Come on Bioware.
  7. Why do people keep bringing up the "Should have been in at launch" thing? Many things should have, they weren't. What are you gonna do? We are getting them now, so be happy about that. Or show your displeasure and quit. its not like they can build you a time machine to go back to launch with it. Same thing is gonna happen when we get a real LFG tool too huh? Instead of just enjoying it, people will cry about something that cannot be changed anymore. Guess people just like to be negative even if it leads nowhere.
  8. Other than #5, you do have to pay for the rest don't you? Get to that legacy level and you gain the ability to purchase that perk. Its just the species you can unlock by leveling them. I don't really have a problem with that as this game needs money sinks. But, some of you people aren't really expecting to get stuff like training dummies and GTN kiosks for free when they hit the appropriate legacy level are you?
  9. **Very mild Spoilers** I felt the same way too. For my Consular, Qyzen's story felt fleshed out and I had actual quests for him taking me to different planets, which made me feel more connected to him. But, every other companion does feel rushed a bit. Since their quests all occur strictly on the ship/cantina. Even when they need to go somewhere to do something, they just do it on their own while the screen fades out for 2 seconds. I was hoping we would have actual quests with every companion that required me to go with them to assist in some form. **Tharan Cedrax quest Spoilers**
  10. Dailies usually. Once that's done or I just don't feel like doing them, I play my alt. Unless of course I get into a fp.
  11. It gives us more reasons to level alts than there already exists. Class buffs, emotes, race unlocks etc. Leveling alts isn't supposed to be this super undesirable thing that you need a ton of incentives to do. You may feel that way, but thats not what Bioware's attitude towards alts is. The legacy isn't mean to change strict anti-alt people's minds about leveling alts. Its an added incentive for people who don't mind them.
  12. 1. A proper easy to use, effective LFG tool. If it needs to be cross server in order to be effective, I'm cool with it. 2. Dual/Multi Spec. Not just spec changes, but with gear and ui changes built into it. 3. Real open world PvP. Not go to a specific planet and play an open world warzone. I want PvP servers to mean something. This I assume is too late for the existing game probably as the 1-50 experience is pretty much going to be sans any real PvP due to how separated the 2 factions are. But, please make the new content have a good amount of common areas. Separate the quests, but make us go to the same places simply to increase the chances of running into each other. Oh and give us reasons to kill each other out in the world(valour, commendations, stats, etc.). Too often I've seen people not even bother fighting each other on the rare occassion they do run into each other, because whats the point.
  13. Options to shut the droid up have already been confirmed to be on their way. The other thing has been brought up many times.
  14. The thing is to get a high social rank while leveling, you need to group up for literally ever yquest, solo or not. Or at least group up for the conversations. Which is why people leveling together end up with more than others. For me, in a MMO, I prefer to solo the solo content and group up for the group content. Plus, there is plenty of group content I've done in the game that rewards no social points. Is finding a group for a Heoric 4 quest that comes from a mission terminal, then doing it and turning it not social? So why does that award no social points, but making a conversation choice in a conversation for a solo quest does? I wouldn't even care that much, but it really is quite aggravating to me that a lot of the planet specific social gear you get from the social vendors have higher social rank requirements. I would like to get some of that gear and wear them, but can't because the social system is weird.
  15. Actually, what they said is pretty spot on. People need to give feedback better. Its easy to just say hire people to sift through comments, but its not realistic. People assume a ton of stuff and post it as fact and when you do that, its hard to take the rest of the post that seriously. Heck, your post is the perfect example. Your exact quote is "But everything I hear about upcoming patches/content sounds like theyre content with what theyre doing and seem to be ignoring a lot of the major concerns players seem to be having or underplaying them. World pvp (REAL world pvp. Not artificial world pvp like Ilum), performance issues, immersion issues, etc.". All 3 of those issues have been specifically addressed. The Game Director is asking people to tweet him personally for feedback on world pvp. The PvP forum has a poll up and a feedback thread asking for ideas. We've been told that there is a dedicated team focused just on optimizing the game. The people on the PTS are already reporting better performance in 1.2. I believe one of the QA's(maybe guild summit) mentioned that they are working on adding stuff to the world to make it feel more life like. Stephen Reid has said on a number of occassions that live events will start soon after 1.2. When they are sifting through thousands of posts, I'm sure its not easy to separate the constructive stuff in a post from the non constructive stuff. When you say stuff like "They are ignoring so and so" when they clearly are not, the natural reaction will be, move on from this post.
  16. I wanna play a Chiss trooper. But my only characters are a lv50 mirialan sage and a lv18 twilek shadow. I would much rather pay 1.5 million credits to play a Chiss trooper than I would to level up a Chiss on the imp side. I'm not planning to have any imps on my current server anyway.
  17. Its that difficult to understand? The guy said Bioware should offer pause subscriptions cause to that poster, the game isn't worth paying for right now. So I said, don't pay for it. What's so difficult to understand?
  18. Umm, to me that is a REAL complaint. When I get upgraded gear, I want to look different. Guess you don't like apples?
  19. I'm betting when today's QA comes out, we will get a lot of these I hate apples, oranges are more important, why do you focu on apples so much? posts.
  20. They already do. Its called unsub and come back when youthink the game is up to your standards?
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