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Everything posted by Claymaniac

  1. I would start a BH or Agent, simply because you get to experience another storyline.
  2. Where did you hear that transfers were scheduled for "early march". Always been late April that I've heard.
  3. I like the city planets. Every MMO zone is a wide open area usually. Its fun to explore something different. I find it amusing that people cry about Bioware not doing anything different, but in areas they do, people whine that its not more of the same as in other MMO's. Corellia is actually my favourite planet in the game. Least favourite is probably Tatooine. Not that I hate it, but a giant desert really doesn't give you much room for variation.
  4. What's the point of level 30 legacy and 21 million credits if you aren't enjoying yourself? Surely, you don't expect any sort of fix to your server's population in the next couple months do you? Its not a "flip a switch" type of problem. So, in the meantime why not reroll? You may have a better experience on a more populated server, or you may continue to be miserable and hope that some sort of solution is implemented soon(despite there being no indications of it). Rerolling may not be the ideal solution, but you decide what you prefer. Your investment on your server is barely 3 months long. I'm sure a well implemented LFG tool will alleviate this issue a little. Even on a "dead" server. They have said they want to get that out by 1.3.
  5. 1. Jawa/Ugnaught/Ortollan. Any sort of midget race that people can make punting jokes about. 2. Voss. They look cool and Bioware's lore establishes them as an acceptable race for both factions. 3. Togruta.
  6. You guys QQ'ing about server merge/low pop questions not being answered, need to get real.
  7. Do you never say thank you when a waitress brings you your order or when a customer service guy assists you in a store or something? They are all doing it cause its their job too and not because they personally care for you.
  8. Absolutely gonna stick it out. I am already making adjustments. Trying as much as possible not to rely on quicker Deliverance and not using Noble Sacrifice for no cost. People like to toss out "Useless" and "Nerfed to the ground" anytime any sort of change is implemented, but lets actually wait and see. If it really becomes impossible to heal, I can always respec or play a different character till it gets changed again.
  9. Agreed. Very much enjoying the game and am very excited to see what you guys have in store for us in the future.
  10. Its not a huge deal, but I'll admit that I was under the wrong impression too. I had expected we could take the mods, including set bonuses from our existing gear out. Communication does need to be better if so many people are getting wrong impressions.
  11. "fighting for a game that isn't fighting for me". Why do people make things sound so overdramatic?
  12. I'm no huge star wars guy, but aren't a lot of the stories based on characters falling to the dark side or being redeemed? Are there racial limitations to that? Can a Mirialan never fall to the dark side? Can a Pureblood never be redeemed? Is there lore that says that?
  13. Balmorra and Taris are separate planets for republic and imperial. Different level ranges too. Balmorra I believe is a 16-20 zone for imps, while its a 32-36 planet for republic. Vice versa with Taris. You won't see the other faction on those planets.
  14. There really needs to be a better and quicker way to do it than running lv10 fp's as a high level. I mean, when I'm grouping for heroics or other fp's, grouping for warzones, grouping to hunt datacrons, etc. am I not being social? Why is social = only conversations? Why not give a social point reward after every group activity? Complete a 4 man fp, get 50 sp at the end regardless of conversations. Complete a 2 man heroic, get 10. 4 man heroic get 25. Just leaving it to conversations forces you to group for solo content a lot while leveling, which I'm not really interested in.
  15. Its not really useless. Giving everyone the chance to have a neutral GTN on their ships may increase the activity on the neutral GTN. That's a good thing.
  16. http://swtorhub.com/dash-everything-swtor-12-interview-james-ohlen Not before 1.3 at the earliest.
  17. What exactly do they need to apologize for? I've only finished the consular storyline and don't see any reason for that. Of course, I am annoyed that they are giving in to the QQ and changing ME3 now too.
  18. It would be awesome if when we get player housing, we can see our alts(from the same faction of course) hanging out in our ship/house just like our companions.
  19. *Shrug* you can't please everyone all the time. I don't think the average player has a ton of lv50 alts already.
  20. Most people do enjoy the game though. You are making it sound like the game is unplayable currently.
  21. I doubt most people do every daily every day. That would be mind numbingly boring.
  22. You can delete him. Answered in the community QA last week I believe.
  23. Its not like the CGI trailers are all they showed about the game before they released it, is it?
  24. People actually set their expectations based on CG trailers?
  25. I actually hit lv50 while I was on Hoth. Granted I did every heroic quest and fp's and dabbled in a few wz's, but I really don't see how its possible to run out of solo quests. Are you sure you went back and did the Bonus series on every planet? And are you doing the bonus quests that pop up while doing other quests? Make sure you finish those before you turn in your quests. They result in good chunks of exp too.
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