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Everything posted by upzie

  1. who cares, I'll still be ****** all you baddies after the nerf, like it will make a difference in a game populated by bad pvp'ers ZzZz
  2. Care to elaborate on those situations ? Lets see strafe = faster movement speed and better/smoother manuverability vs backpedalling wich is slower and more clumsy on every account. please to tell how its better, plz plz plz. And as for op, ppl allready pointed out that its not the same ppl playing most of the time, so no wonder that ppl who put countless of hours into learning their class, might have come from another game with lots of pvp expirience are better than the 10-49. Not to mention that half the ppl in the 10-49 do not have all of their core abilities/talents yet.
  3. Props on the video. But just wondering, you do enjoy pvp, you like to be competetive why not put in the 1 week of readjusting to keybinds, and get alot more out of your charecter, no matter how good you are while clicking, switching to actual keybinds would improve your gameplay by miles. Also videos with ppl who click feels alot more "clunky" than ppl who bind their abilites, in terms of enjoyment value for the viewers.
  4. I think thats a reasonable thought, and good suggestion.
  5. upzie

    Immortal after 1.2

    unbeatable and invinceble ye, immortal is not something I see regulaer, tbh the one I got tonight is the first one I've seen post 1.2
  6. upzie

    Immortal after 1.2

    Just wondering how many actually gotten immortal after 1.2 - Got my first one tonight. Immortal
  7. Start winning, makes it all go faster 8 wh pieces so far - playing ~3h on work days, more when I got days off. and theres about 3% difference between bm and wh - so 9/10 its not the gear that hold ppl back, but the lack of "skill".
  8. atm I'm just waiting for gw2. The problem for me is the lack of cross server warzones - Underpopulated servers (fix free server transfer/merges) - Lack of ranked warzones - Incentive for world pvp, like a raid dungeon or whatever, that could only be accessed if zone was controlled. A win would give access to the raid/ops for X hours, and then a new battle for access would occure, or something along those lines. That said I still find time to do daily's and do premades, but thats just because there are no better alternative atm imo.
  9. http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/7122/77018366.png
  10. Still amazed with how ppl keep trying. 31/0/10 is the most effective specc for pvp atm - its not even a contest. 5/5/31 or whatever variation of madness you might run is not hard. Madness is easy just as all the other speccs. x/31/x is not good . It can be fun, and you can enjoy yourself with it, but thats it - comparede to the two other speccs its subpar. Dont get me wrong I frequently switch to keep to keep up with the different playstyles etc. And I perform well with all of them, but 31/0/10 is the specc who provides most for your team, and have the most utility, writing 10 pages while arguing otherwise does not make it right.
  11. Its made to remind developers that if they dont start correcting the issues TOR have, then alot of ppl - My self included will be gone as soon as GW2 hits, and lets be honest, the playerbase is not nearly as good as they expected it to be.
  12. Never said I was unbeaten, I did however say I had around a ~95% winrate. And I did say I had an avg. of 15-17 medals. No amount of posts from you will change that fact, that you can not accept that is by no means any of my concern. Lets try with lets say 15 100% win rate - 15 medals/win 95% win rate - 15,75 medals/win 75% win rate - 18.75 medals/win 66% win rate - 20.10 medals/win 50% win rate - 22.50 medals/win 33% win rate - 25.50 medals/win 25% win rate - 26.25medals/win I concede, it would appear that by my own estemations, a more accurate winrate would be more like 96%, henche my first estimate, wich was illustrated with the "~" was a pretty good estimate.
  13. I could post countless of screenshots, I could post my vods and stream. In either case wether you believe me or not, is not really importent to me That post wich is quoted is nothing but pure guesstimates on your part in regards to my medal collection rate and w/l. And ye some of us actually do play objectives every single game and getting 15+ medals in NC is hardly "hard". I am afraid you're severely uninformed on this perticular scenario.
  14. You should read through the posts, where its pretty much explained with proof. But I'll elaborate for you, and explain it for you (creds to Atrac for point out the obvious math) Take a look at these Numbers - 4033 Medals and 260 wins = 15½ Medal pr win game, wich is fairly standard for a class who gets tank medals, and dauntless medals, actually its a bit lower than my actual avg. seeing as I dont win 100% of the games. Lets say I had 6000 medals and 260 wins that would = 23 medals each game if I had a 100% win rate, does that seem very likely to you, that every game I played I had 23 medals, be it fast or slow ? So bascily the closer to your baseline avg of medals you are with medals vs wins the better your winrate would be, wich in my case fits pretty damm well with a ~95% winrate. Take my word for it or don't, in the end what ever you might think, I honestly do not care that much, In this case I am just educating you on a way to estimate the winrate of ppl, and figure out wether or not they are telling the truth. TL;DR The more medals you have pr win on your Honor window the more your loosing(bad winrate). The more accurate the medals pr win, in your honor window are comparede to what you avg. in a warzone the more you win(better winrate) So basicly if you keep a "low" medal count over a big number of games, it indicates that your doing well. In my case 15-17 medals is avg. henche my ~95% winrate is pretty damm accurate.
  15. editet my post, seeing as my brain needed a bit of time to convert it into logic after a long days work and at this hour (1 in the night here atm) I seem to take that for grantede quite often, seeing as I allways am carrying, planting and ninja'ing in my teams.
  16. you would need a very big databank to even get a somewhat accurate result. Not saying that this method is better, just saying both seems very inaccurate, and w/o the actual metrics one is as good as the other.
  17. dno how these Numbers would help with a w/l estimate, the other way does idd make it possible for ppl to lie/exaggerate, but then again I could just aswell have lost 400 games w/o any one beeing able to tell.
  18. Funny fact, if you take the talent in the madness tree then WW does idd. break and stun for 2 sec. However if you do not take the talent, the target keeps beeing CC'ed regardless of dmg, the dmg the target takes is however reduced by 50%+ while in WW. Bug or intended dno, most likely a bug.
  19. Average Win Rate: ~95% Average Run Time: ~7-8 mins Valor Rank: 87 Queue status: Premade 9/10 Current Gear WH weapon and 4x WH armor pieces rest BM / Alsfo got full BM tankset for Ball running or area defense.
  20. I personaly think is a wastede switching mods. And I am getting stalker first.
  21. Streaming for a few hours, hopefully you guys will like it.
  22. Strategy > gear Skill > gear To a certian extend, depending om map and situation, often done naked huttballs with 8 ppl naked on our team, while enemy team was wearing bm+ gear, and still ended up winning 6-0 ~ 6-1
  23. Clearly ppl who are unable to understand the mechanics of a game designed for 12+ have amazing social skills, are all astronauts, navy seals and rocket scientist. Do you even listen to your self ? It does not require alot of time to be decent at a piss easy game such as swtor, and have commen sense. Get off you're high horse, nerd.
  24. I personaly use 84 end 406 power and matrix cube for my darkness pvp - I feel that 1150 perfectly sufficient, and I feel the stats from the two relics are better than the pvp version (even with exp included).
  25. I use WH head, chest and saber atm. Rest is BM - when we play huttball if I am carrier its the survivor set, if I am not carrier I am using stalker set. As for keybindings, I can only recommend it, while it is possible to play w/o them, having them makes things alot faster, and you get time to focus on other things.
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