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Everything posted by Kubernetic

  1. Apparently I'm not the only one. The link to the "sub data" doesn't even lead to a page detailing subscription data. Any search of that site on "Star Wars", "Star Wars The Old Republic", or "Electronic Arts" leads to a page which states: So? Where are the facts?
  2. Roll another character. You'll enjoy the other stories.
  3. Looks like a bunch of conjecture and strung-together half facts to me. And no, I'm not leaving this game to play one with elves and orcs and whatever else Diablo has to offer. Unless another awesome sci-fi based game is on its way, I'm here for the haul. BTW, where are all of these figures coming from for a 40% user drop? More leaving after 1.1? Anecdotal pickups from the forums or what?
  4. Gotta agree with this. The cooldowns aren't horrible when it first starts, but by the time it gets down to the bottom, the icons start to look like the others that are available, but just seem unresponsive. They need to be dimmed out so they are easily and quickly differentiated, yet still contain the sweeping line that lets you know when they will be available again. Please change it back!
  5. I absolutely love the story lines that SWTOR has offered us. But a few Sandbox elements would be welcome. For starters, it would be nice to have a few completely open planets where we could really roam throughout the entire world, finding all levels of resources and all kinds of mobs. But there will need to be some compelling reasons to go there and stay there. Another great addition would be an Event system that places certain "zones" on these open planets around certain types of mobs. This would allow any player to set up an event at a certain time in a certain zone, so that others could come and participate. As the player sets up the contest, they would be able to choose a range of qualifications to determine the winner, such as most mobs killed within 60 minutes, most loot acquired, most damage inflicted, most healing performed, etc., and then be able to donate and specify monetary and item winnings which would automatically be handed out by the system to eliminate favoritism and shady antics.
  6. Please stop posting these messages. BioWare is NEVER going to listen to you. They have a staff of people that can handle multiple things at once, regardless of whether or not they are fixing them according to your extreme personal timetable. They will continue to release new content AND fix the bugs at the same time. And nothing you do or say or squeal about will change it. Period. If you really have that much of a problem with how they're handling the game, I suggest you dust off your resumé and go join the team so you can fix the bugs immediately as you claim is possible.
  7. I'm having a great time with all of my characters, and am quite happy with the game itself, the launch process, and how BioWare is reacting to issues. I think forums are almost always going to be a refuge for people who hate the game or have significant problems, and therefore a loud (sometimes incredibly loud) but small minority will always be posting there, complaining about this or that. The impatience which some of these players attack the game is pretty incredible, IMHO. I mean, a patch is released today, which has some problems, acknowledged pretty quickly by the developers, yet still you have a wave of people saying "Fix this in 24 hours or I'm leaving." I'm not sure where this world is headed with such impatient people, but in the mean time, I think we've got a great game and a great future in store for it.
  8. I LOLed. Thanks for giving them so much time. Truly an incredible display of patience.
  9. Don't want to be too much of a conspiracy theorist here, but we are indeed seeing a lot of rage and a lot of insults to the game based on "not having what WOW has", and it just struck me... how difficult would it be for Blizzard to put together a team of 50-100 people, buy them all a game box and a month of time, and send them all over here to set up infinite ragefests about the game? Even if you take it to 1,000 people, $60 a game box, that's got to be less than the price of a single TV ad in a major market area. We already know about sock puppet software out there that the Department of Defense was using (or seeking to use) to allow one person to handle 20 different "online personalities"... I guess the saddest thing is that it might not be a conspiracy at all... it's just WOW kids doing this for free. LOL Oh well... love the game!
  10. This had me laughing for a few minutes. You must be so proud of yourself. I do just fine in groups, and I don't need extra tools to help me keep my companions alive, or to kill the boss that's in front of me. Anyone can learn to play the game (even endgame content) as well as or better than you do, kid. Don't sweat it so much.
  11. I agree, OP. They should stop deleting your threads and instead send their lawyers to sue you for libel. Good luck.
  12. Thanks for the update! Looking forward to all the new content in the coming year. Oh and please fix Ilum and the PVP thing so these other people will stop crying. There is a growing danger that people may begin slipping on the wet floor and hurting themselves.
  13. No. Let's be clear. We're comparing players of arcade games 20 years ago to players of computer games today. There's a difference. Learn it.
  14. I didn't know what the acronym was. I had no problem understanding the actual concept. Try again. Usage of acronyms as some semblance of expertise is an old trick and quite transparent.
  15. I'm just from another world, I guess. I'm an old schooler from the arcade days, all the way back to Pong and Space Invaders and the first vector games that hit the market like Asteroids, Battlezone and so forth. I'd spend weekend days at the arcade and I remember days where I'd drop $20 into Super Sprint just to play it over and over and get up through all 5 levels of turbo, traction and speed, and once I had my supercar, beating the crap out of everything else on the tracks, then the "doom race" would appear and this super car out of nowhere would blow everyone else away and beat everyone, or alternatively, the game would actually RESET itself and force you to play it all over again, as you'd lose all your powerups and whatnot. We didn't scream that the machine just "stole our money" and that there was a breach of contract going on, calling our lawyers and getting all anxious. We pounded the steering wheel once or twice and inserted a new quarter. These games all had issues. In the thick of battle, you'd be spamming buttons and sometimes they wouldn't respond properly just because of the mechanics. Half the time you'd just insert another coin to continue, half the time you'd say "Bah!" and go play another game for a little bit. You'd find arcade games that would come out that still only had a 4-way movement mechanic rather than 8-way or 360-degree joysticks, even though the other tech already existed, but that was how the game was set up, so you'd play it. There was no writing to the companies and complaining, telling them you wouldn't play their game anymore. There was no arguing with them that their control sticks didn't move properly and how could they release a game with 4-way movement when other games already had 8-way and more? We didn't stand around the arcade telling other players "Don't play this, this game sucks" unless it was actually a broken machine and was just eating quarters or something. We didn't have damage meters, we didn't have add-ons that we could plug into the game and the like. We learned how to play the games by practicing, and playing them over and over again. Some of the kids around here just don't know how good they've got it. If you think this game is broken, or in beta, or shouldn't have been launched, I'm sorry, but you really aren't credible... at all. The game has been fine so far, and that's with 4 different alts leveling up through both the Republic and Imperial sides. If you can't play the game for some reason, and it isn't a hardware issue on your end, then I'd try looking in the mirror to see why you can't play it. Why can't you heal your companions without nifty macros and add-on programs? Sure, there will be misfires every now and then where I get stuck on a player when I'm trying to damage the boss, or I'm stuck on a boss when I'm trying to heal a player, but it's just a mistake, and you figure it out, and you move on. You don't need helper apps and little magic elves to help you. You need to learn how to become a better player. If there's an ability delay problem, which the developers have already acknowledged and said they're looking into, even though it might take some tinkering under the hood with the basic engine itself, then figure out how the ability delay affects the characters. Someone responded to me earlier and said it doesn't affect all classes equally, and hurts the instant casters more than those with longer delay timers. If that's the case, then REROLL a new character with more timed casts so you can play the game and work around the delay. ____________________________________ TL;DR... Work AROUND the problems and play the game, or else just go. Say your peace, give your feedback, and just go away. The exclamations of "broken" and "shouldn't have launched" are just over the top garbage. Plenty of people, hundreds of thousands of them, are playing the game you say is "unplayable". People are thankful that they can play the game you swear "shouldn't have been launched". People are using the auctions every day to find things you say can't be found. People are using the auctions every day to sell items you say can't be sold. People are using the existing UI to play the game, defeat bosses and world bosses, and heal their companions in ways you say are impossible without all your handy dandy add-ons and mods. People are PVPing and getting up to high Valor rankings with a "broken" system. Yes, the developers have work to do, and they've said as much. Some of you have work to do as well, learning how to play the game. Learning what mistakes not to make, instead of wishing you had some add-on that would minimize the mistakes you keep making. Get to it, or leave your feedback and just go. All of the QQ is just ridiculous. That said, we now return you to your regularly scheduled QQ, already in progress...
  16. 1. It's not an assumption, there were posts about this earlier today in General Discussion. 2. Sorry, the game works fine without these. Wants don't equate to needs. 3. Sorry, the game works fine without these. Wants don't equate to needs. 4. Sorry, the game works fine without these. Wants don't equate to needs. 5. Too slow. Type faster. They've already addressed this and are looking into it. 6. It does everything I need it to do. Maybe you're using it wrong? 7. But it works, and people are grouping often. Argument fails. 8. Never tried to run away from one of my targets, sorry, but good luck with your strategery. And machinima producers can cope in other ways, for instance, with creativity and an imagination.
  17. Well I'm no PvP maven, but am I incorrect in assuming that any ability delay (which has already been addressed by the game team as something they're looking at) affects all players in the PVP zone equally?
  18. Thanks much. I guess I could have gone to search but with the rest it was just why bother. Do you have any idea what the heck this refers to? What the glitch where every once in a while you hit an ability and you get the cooldown but the ability didn't fire? Good god I hope it's not that, lol.
  19. Please stop planning your life around a game.
  20. 1. Combat logs are coming, for your own stats. 2. Doesn't need a customizable UI. If you get one, you're lucky. 3. Doesn't need macros. 4. Doesn't need add-on support. 5. Global Cooldowns? Versus animation? Wha? 6. Auction house works just fine. 7. You must be trying to find groups wrong. 8. Who the hell cares? What are you filming movies? When will these posts stop? Good god, the whining...
  21. I get that feeling that it's a solo RPG game, then I see other players run through the area where I'm playing, see others chatting about the game, and sometimes I group up with them to run the same mission, and then it dawns on me that it isn't a single player game.
  22. You're just crazy. You don't take all of your development team and put them on bug fixes when that isn't their core competency. There's no need to halt new content development in order to fix bugs. Those can be fixed by the tech teams assigned to fix the bugs.
  23. No, please feel free to voice your suggestions. Talk about the bugs you find and bring those to the attention of the developers so they can be fixed. But complaining that someone is "lazy" just because they went through the build versus buy due diligence and decided that leveraging the work done on an existing engine instead of starting from scratch was a better business decision in the end is just exposing the poster as unaware of the real world restraints on software development and production. Even the haterboy favorite of these forums, World of Warcraft, used an existing engine instead of creating a new one from the ground-up for their game. Hmmm, wonder why? Additionally, no one has proven the game as "faulty" or that it has significant "transmission trouble" except for folks that are angry that their "new car" didn't come with a way for them to customize and rearrange the dashboard layout, or that their new car requires them to pay attention and operate the vehicle while they're driving.
  24. I love watching the kids complain about developers and engines. Someone slapped a few lines of PHP together for their blog and suddenly they know how to program a game engine. So choice...
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