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Everything posted by Kubernetic

  1. Sorry the game didn't turn out to be what you were expecting. On the other hand, I'm absolutely loving this and would be playing now if I wasn't waiting on a work project to finish up! Good luck in your travels and check back in a few months. I have a feeling BW will be adding a huge amount of content in the coming months, and perhaps changing or improving some of the systems you didn't like.
  2. My /played meter reads just over 6 days of playing time, my main (and only toon apart from 3 level 3 alts) is a L30 Trooper, and only just now about to reach L31. I've done almost every quest I could find, ran all of the Heroics at least once, done almost every single bonus mission through the 3 levels and final bonus level, and still have another 20 levels to go. And now that my Christmas break is about up... I won't have 8+ hours a day to play the game anymore, so I dare say my advancement will slow down even more. Granted, The game launched 9 days ago, but I've also been playing for 150 hours and still seem to have half of my quest left on ONE character. There are still 7 other story lines to finish, as well as the ability to re-run the Trooper story with a female voice, or as a Dark Side trooper, etc. etc. I'm sorry if some of you are getting to Level 50 too fast. But I believe you are in a small minority, and the mainstream players aren't anywhere near that yet. Unfortunately, some peoples' thirst for content can never be quenched. Some people will just burn through content in a tiny fraction of the time that it takes said content to be created. And unfortunately, people like this will always be left in a sort of advanceless limbo. There's nothing much that anyone can do about it, short of implementing full sandbox options.
  3. Thank you SO MUCH for your prompt attention to this! Very much appreciated... Signed, the guy who bought a 14,000 credit chestguard he didn't need.
  4. Two things to try here. I was getting the same thing. 1) Did you try to stash your Specialty/AC bag in your cargo hold? This may disable some missions. This one change worked and freed up a mission NPC on Nar Shaddaa (Kesler mission). 2) Your mission list may be full. I was receiving these same errors EVERYWHERE until I put the specialty pack back in my personal inventory and deleted some older grayed out missions. I kept getting the "You must complete missions before you can do that." error message when speaking to all of my companions on board the ship. But it was only when a friend tried to add me to a group that it told THEM that my mission list was full and I couldn't accept any more. Once I deleted a few of those older missions, I could then add Hammer Station and the system allowed me to speak to my companions on the ship once again.
  5. Level 26 Trooper / Commando, heading off to Tatooine. Teekay-fortouon and Elara Dorne at the Fleet.
  6. I think the OP is right. It seems like we're dealing with a 3-dimensional environment in the first place, but we're simply attached on a rail. If the rail can be deleted (or turned into a holographic flight plan in the viewscreen) and a workable flight/vector system implemented, you might have your game right there. Yes, I have every understanding of how difficult that ACTUALLY would be. This is my chance as a programmer to sit on the other side of the "Nothing is impossible for someone who doesn't have to do it themselves" maxim.
  7. I would like to completely agree. This game is just amazing, and I am loving every second of it...
  8. I fully support the OP's position. This is a poor decision from a design point (if it exists) and should be repaired. My trooper will be flawed as a result of this unless I stop (at level 26+) and re-roll it, according to what some are saying here. However, others are saying that it does work, and once you reach your maximum cap on one side, it starts to remove those points from the opposite side, allowing you to move all the way TO the cap. If that's true, then there really isn't an issue after all. Let's hope on the latter option!
  9. Excellent. +1 I have been binge-playing my Trooper for a solid week now (SWTOR Holiday) and I've only just hit Level 26. But WOW what an awesome story I've been experiencing. Most especially, I was really impressed with a Trooper storyline where I obtain a new companion. Brilliant and Badness!
  10. Not to bandwagon here, but I've also really enjoyed my time on Nar Shaddaa, and this is the second time I've been through it. I love the colorful interplay between the Vegas feel (as has been mentioned) and the background purples. The areas have been interesting as well, like the medical labs, weapons warehouse, the Hutt casino, and so on.
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