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Everything posted by Tatanka

  1. If it's currently on the CM, then it's 100% available. That doesn't mean it's 100% available on the GTN.
  2. The point is that you can never guarantee 100% availability of CM items on the GTN. It gets particularly messy when armor sets are broken up piecemeal.
  3. As appetizing as that sounds, it would not be practical in the current F2P environment. It has been stated by BW that subscribers are the largest purchaser of CCs. Allowing subscribers to purchase everything with credits would severely drain revenue.
  4. Not certain which movie you watched, but Andy wasn't able to affect change until he destroyed the system itself. Unless you are secretly moonlighting as an EA exec, I'm doubting you can provide the poison pill to BW to change the system the way Andy was able to tip off authorities to the corruption at Shawshank.
  5. Andy escaped to another MMO after he realized he really couldn't change the system.
  6. You'll have to excuse the blood covered faces of some folks here. You see, they've been beating their head against the wall making suggestions and requests along these lines for far longer than your recent return to the game. They've become a bit jaded and resentful as a result. Your vitality is refreshing, but it's akin to new guy showing up to a labor camp and shouting "ok, guys! Let's roll up our sleeves and get er done!"
  7. According to Ohlen, it's "really cool." James Ohlen at PAX East 2012: JO: So the question is are we going to expand the space game? So I can give you my answer that I’ve given several times which is we do have a secret project in the works right now involving expanding the space game that I actually got to try out a week ago. It’s really cool, but I can’t say anything. I’ve said that before. Don’t worry, I haven’t revealed anything I haven’t said before.
  8. No matter how much you want, you can't shout the convenience players out of the yard. It's their yard now, not yours. You can either accept the fact that the achievement only years of the MMO genre are a thing of the past, or move on to an MMO that is a product of that past (or is so fringe that it has a pitiful population). Be warned though, even the MMOs of a bygone era have embraced convenience in order to stay alive.
  9. Hopefully the CM cost for the ewok is around 5000cc. I know. Wishful thinking.
  10. Social media giveaway? The self addressed stamped envelope contest laws should apply to those lame things.
  11. Because there was so much chatter about it on fleet and some planets, quick question. The 500cc "subscriber" reward was given to preferred status players as well? Chatter seemed to indicate they did.
  12. You folks waiting for this theoretically fabulous email remind me of a simpler time. A time when I was anxiously waiting by the mailbox for that glorious little brown box containing a figure of some mysterious guy named Boba Fett (this was long before ESB came out). So many Kenner proof of purchases... 4-8wks seemed like an eternity. I bet waiting for this email feels the same way. I envy you. Actually, no I don't. I got my Boba Fett figure and his head was snapped off. It was a huge disappointment. If it wasn't for my brilliant dad fixing it with good old fashioned ingenuity, I would have been able to recreate the lame ending to Jango Fett's life over twenty years before it was on the big screen.
  13. Well, it did kinda work for the PVP folks and bolster. And somewhat for the Revan robe color crowd. Even if neither got the 1d100 response they were hoping for. The precedent has been set.
  14. Vendor for credits, post on GTN, RE for mats for personal use, RE for mats to sell on the GTN. They are no less interesting than other green gear you loot when at the level you have to be to do seeker droid foraging. And they are imminently more interesting than grey junk.
  15. They didn't specify which year the emails would be sent out.
  16. I'm not usually big on the "hey devs, over here" type of post, but this is the number one most annoying issue I have with the game.
  17. Kitru is the most valuable tanking theorycrafter in the game. That departure is a grave loss for the community.
  18. Can not stress this enough. Do not waste Basic Comms on armor. While the armorings are ok, the mods and enhancements are often wrong when trying to optimize.
  19. Personal foul. #42. Icebergy. Using "ad hominem attack" on the SWTOR forums. That phrase has been trademarked by poster Andryah. 5min in the penalty box for you!
  20. But the same players are not rewarded by purchasing Items they want on the GTN for credits. Understood.
  21. And that's perfectly understandable. What I'm taking issue with is the distinction you are trying to make between GTN selling a CM item and selling a subscription (which is really just another CM item). You view one as bad and the other as good when they are both essentially the same thing. I'm thrilled that the CM system allows a player with more disposable incoming than myself to spend their cash on CM items that I can then purchase with my hard earned in game credits. Truth be told, I actually see myself as having the upper hand in that type of transactional relationship. I know how to play hard and earn lots of credits in game without using cash CM to GTN credits. The cash CM player may be relying on my GTN credit purchases for their credit flow. If their cash flow stops, their credits stop. If I stop purchasing their items, their credits stop.
  22. But in both cases, the end result is that someone used cash to sell something in game for credits. The credits are then turned around so that they can "buy anything they want off of the GTN." I'd think with that logic you'd be even more upset with the subscription time seller. Buying a CM item off of the GTN, the buyer at least has something tangible in their inventory. With sub time, that vanishes into the wind in 30days.
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