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Everything posted by Tatanka

  1. Have Mako figure out their next destination. Because in the 3min it will take me to get there, the mark will have realized that Quesh is a marginally better hole than Taris and bolt to the next system.
  2. http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/5268 Character transfer FAQ from the transfers last year. I'd imagine the name policies will not change much if at all from that, but hopefully BW will update the FAQ if they do.
  3. Recolored... but with animated textures added for flair.
  4. Bacta tank backpack and spray nozzle... I would actually spend CC on that vanity item for my commando just for the silliness of it.
  5. Only if we can use /smash on our companions. Just like the sith slap companion racial.
  6. There are a handful of missions that had variable rewards based on conversation choices. How are those handled with the new system? For example:
  7. This appears to be an assesory striped version of the Taris social set. Kind of boggling at the price. It would have been better suited as one of the common armor set prizes in a gamble box. You should start a thread on that.
  8. Have to admit, I'd feel somewhat bad for the folks that fill their inventory tonight with CE and security vendor dyes in hopes of being able to sell the "old" version several months down the road only to find they have bags full of bound dyes. Somewhat.
  9. +1 for the return of the shells. While the complete looks for some sets was not that great, there were some great individual pieces that looked good.
  10. I lament the mainstreaming of the MMO market. Everything has been made convienient in order to attract the highest number of mainstream subscribers. Call me a pre-WoW MMO elitist, but I don't think we'll ever return to the pre-WoW era of placing the burden of effort on the player.
  11. 2.2 patch notes are up for PTS. http://www.swtor.com/test-center/patchnotes
  12. A Wintergrasp/Tol Barad style area on one of the planets. Cross server queues.
  13. The transparency is much appreciated. Hope you fully understand the bar you've now set, because this crowd will eat you alive if you fall under it. It has all of unfocused vitriol of a regular MMO base mixed with the fanaticism of Star Wars fans. Interacting with it is akin to being digested by the sarlacc for a thousand years.
  14. If 2.2 is targeted for a June 11th release, then shouldn't it be up on the PTS by now? Or at least ready to be on PTS next week after the holiday? I figured with the stuff that slipped though the cracks due to 2.1 not getting the PTS treatment, BW would play it safe and get some extra testing in.
  15. Step 1: Do dailies. Step 2: Do more dailies. Step 3: Do even more dailies. Step 4: Recieve your Money and comms. Step 5: Buy gear that allows you to go into any instance Step 6: Clear hardest content in game while skipping 99% of other content. There. Fixed it for you so that you can take that hard earned real life money and have a nice dinner with the wife. No, no. You don't have to thank me. This one's on the house.
  16. Just find the least populated instance and work on the missions there. I completed the PVP missions on three characters back to back the past couple nights and can count on one hand the number of players I saw in the PVP area. There was only one time another player approached within 30m and that was because they had an orb to turn in as well and likely didn't feel like taking a chance fighting. I really think that lots of players having an issue with this are likely bringing the grief on themselves. If the area is too hot, wave off and come back later. If you get killed, shrug it off and come back later.
  17. By This time next year, we'll see outfits similar in visuals to characters wearing green screen suits and running My Little Pony.
  18. They were probably intending it to be a big player morale boost announcement heading into a long weekend and after a couple weeks of 2.1 debacles. I'm not a big PVPer, so the lack of news for them isn't hitting me hard, but I've read the post a couple times and still say meh for some reason.
  19. Two months to speculate on this little morsel.
  20. Neither would win. M1-4X would never pass up such an opportunity to dispatch two high profile imperial hedonists in one blow! He would achieve "incredible results!"
  21. The community constantly burns them on every little word they type. I wouldn't be surprised if even the question of the day posts are vetted before posting by now.
  22. Hate to be cliche, but PVP happened in a PVP area. Stay away if you don't want to face the consequences. My only real gripe is the fact that it's FFA. The craptastic targeting system and inability to have Ops groups to assist with friendly targeting makes the experience a bit clunky during brawls.
  23. Everquest Planetside World of Warcraft Earth and Beyond Vanguard Earth and Beyond and Vanguard... such wasted potential. Just because SWTOR isn't on the top five list, doesn't mean I don't like it. It just didn't make the top five cut.
  24. Jorgan. No nonsense professional that gets the job done, has the best interests of the Republic military at heart, and isn't afraid to speak his mind. That is why he's my XO. And the fact that he's a sentient cat means never having to clean his litter box. He's also been know to be distracted by the laser sight on my blaster rifle. We're still working on breaking that habit. Thank the stars for Guss Tuna treats.
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