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Everything posted by Ancen

  1. They've been saying that about character transfers for months.
  2. There is. It's called Recruit gear, and you then can go into some flashpoints (endgame PVE) right away with it to work towards operations.
  3. Well said. There's more to PVP than instanced, timed, small-scale, meaningless skirmishes, at least in good PVP games that is.
  4. There goes even more of the incentive to care whether you're doing well or not .
  5. Drool.... pvp content (I hope revamped Ilum and RVR-style stuff!) . Where is that quote from? EDIT: Found it on darthhater.
  6. Me too, except pve servers for all... and the players in Ilum would usually run away from me too if they couldn't get a 4:1 ratio of enemy vs. me/my guildmate(s) running with me. Even solo they usually would run until they saw an ally, it was pretty sad.
  7. Bwahahahahaha, that was a good one, can I have another? Warhammer is calling you. So is DAOC. So is RIFT.
  8. OP, there used to be a ready-check in beta, not sure what happened to it . As far as achievements/etc. they said in a recent Q&A that those are going to be added. The game is pretty young, but I do agree some of these things should really have been there. Thankfully at least, they are coming.
  9. I've leveled a Guardian and a Sentinel to 50, and there are no quests on Tatooine for them that would be "very hard" period... let alone needing an "exit area" type deal to keep re-trying it .
  10. Dec 13th for people with early access. It's been 4 and 1/2 months.
  11. A) Why are you typing in a weird font color? It's annoying. More importantly, B) You clearly don't understand what RVR is and how it differs from just plain non-instanced PVP. Please go educate yourself on the topic before talking about random unrelated topics.
  12. Hoping this is fixed quickly... setting any quality level seems to work (except the one for everything), even gray, but many won't realize this and it'll slow down sales big time .
  13. Yep... I'm looking forward to a revamped Ilum and hopefully some RVR-style zones in the future. Outlaw's Den is the FFA PVP & Guild vs. Guild area, it's not rvr.
  14. Actually since you spent 3:1 to get 1 warzone, and used to have to spend 3:1 merc---->wz to get back to wz ones, you GAINED comms by not having to spend 3 mercs for each 1 wz... you now get EXTRAS by about 3x past what you would have. Try to use math better.
  15. These are the most important points, in my opinion, for an expansion to hit on . Other stuff I listed myself would be great but these are the essentials. Ooooh, I forgot about that one... bounties would be fun as well .
  16. I'd like to see... sandbox zone(s) rvr-style zone(s) a new class (with two advanced class choices) more warzones/ops of course some sort of graphical upgrade, perhaps extension of existing class stories big legacy system enhancement with things like stat boosts/accessible abilities that affect combat, *ONLY* purchaseable with legacy level xp not credits (aka an alternate advancement system) Not expecting all of this in one pack, but hopefully in a couple... *and no level cap increase!!!!!!* I don't want to be re-leveling my characters that are already leveled, and have all my gear/content/dungeons/operations instantly become useless and invalidated. Edit, I also forgot, I'd love to see the ability to customize ship decorations etc. on the interior so your ship is actually, ya'know, YOUR ship and not carbon-copy #419841. Trophies from boss kills, rare craftables, and standard decorations would rock!
  17. Not to mention, why should bad players be able to kill a good one?
  18. So, let's see your timeline, sir: You pop Guarded by the Force, 1.5s cd. 2.5s remaining now, you get knocked back right away and force leap a half second later... 2 seconds left... your GCD expires at 0.5s left on the 99% reduction... WOW SO OP! /sarcasm Oh and that's assuming impeccable reaction time, no latency, and that your cooldown on leap is up and the target is not out of LOS or in cover by the time you try to leap them.
  19. So, kite them for 4 seconds, or knock em back and LOL at them as they die to your dot's once it wears off? Sounds like some people need to stop defending their poor skills at playing SWTOR PVP.
  20. I sincerely doubt it, most MMO's don't work like that nowadays. 4 months between patches is exceedingly long.
  21. Yeah, a new raid, instanced pvp zone, dungeon, and world event is fluff, according to the OP. Amazing . 1.2 was a great patch... I especially loved the UI improvements.
  22. When might we see another new warzone? Additionally, what kinds of RVR/PVP content might we see in non-instanced zones in the future?
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