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Everything posted by Boyana

  1. While dying, Palpatine was screaming something that sounded like: "Haaackeeer!" Real story.
  2. Yeah, then Jedi learned to interrupt .
  3. Same. Thing is, nobody wants to say or hear that. So many people will avoid to admit how easy they die just to preserve their, so called, reputation. In my case, 5k smash is a good thing. I am lucky to go against a "new smasher warrior" since they will leap and smash. Those smart ones will first wait for bubble break and then hit with 6200-6900 smash. I am, SADLY, not joking.
  4. Agree. It is, indeed. It does not melt people in a couple of seconds. On top of that, I also think, people do not realize how damage is the real problem. It is just amazingly high for how much HP and defenses some classes have. When you combine it all into one Warzone, it becomes a nightmare for bad (in my opinion-balanced) classes. We should not ask for them to buff some specs to to go with pair with Warrior's, assassin's damage. I would like them to balance those specs around these we consider as "fine". What will happen if they buff, let say, Sorcs to hit as hard as warriors...? Healers will see 5 seconds of every game and tanks will be past tense (they already are). So, if we want dps race only, yeah, they should buff us all to hit 6-7k. Sorry, but, 7k smash or dying in one stun, is just one big NO from me.
  5. Yeah! You go ahead and play more, because I do not think you know that by playing the game. You are just badly informed person and certainly the loudest one...If that helps you?
  6. My Sorc wants to use Scoo Bee Doo form, so I do not get Shii Cho'ed in 7 seconds and Zip-Zap'ed in 10. I am fine with that, however, because that is in the lUre. Check it out:
  7. I was left on my Mercenary to solo guard in the new warzone many times You know what was the worse? I once had a 'premade' in my team. One would think a premade, that is doing ranked, is smart enough not to leave Merc (healer) to solo guard in, not just that, any warzone. It is not rare for me to solo guard on my healing Sorcer, too.
  8. Lucky for all of you, I am not afraid of being banned of the forums. Feel free to give me your videos and I will post it here as if it was me and you could be my friend to whom I am trying to help. As much as I dislike cheaters, I also dislike those who are pointing fingers at people who are not abusing the game mechanic. If you cannot hide your name on videos, take the screenshot of the exact moment and link it to me. Glad to help.
  9. I have never heard of that Cel Cawdro's Ultimate "XXX" Poll, therefor I have never gave my vote. That is important because I am against Wookiees and Droids as playable class. Seems to me like they are listening to us. In my case Wookie is the worse thing I have ever seen. Not only that I dislike their Big Foot look or, better yet, man dressed in poorly designed bear costume, I also feel like setting my PC on fire every time I hear their roar. Same goes for Huttese, if that is how you spell it. My vote goes for: Torguta and Voss.
  10. Stun/interrupt healer, pull the tank (if there is one) and kill dps. I always think stun for a healer is way worse than death. In PuG majority of healers will use their breaker on 4 second stun. After the resolve goes down it is time for 16 sec long sleep. If we are talking about Mercs, chain interrupts after than. Sorc is the easiest. You can interrupt every single heal. The instant heal worth attention is the heal they cannot cast on others. That is how I think is the best if you have balanced team. (cough:)) edit: Yes, I think you should have killed that Juggernaut. I once marked the Marauder than kept chasing me. Someone pointed out that marked person is not a healer. I said, if they remove the target, they will not be getting heals (= I will be dead). They focused on him and the entire match became a lot more easier to win.
  11. Boyana

    This is crazy...

    Yeah, happened to me, too. Just, I was the one attacking while my friend was healing. ;p I think I wanted to report but then I forgot !
  12. Agreed. I have been asking this trough Q&A many times. However, seemed like nobody cared. I suggested that companion should be disabled when involved into player vs player action. It would also fit the story and RP rules for those who are into it. One more thing I have been asking is removal of powerful guards, such as, one-shooting turrets. Companions, turrets do not belong on PvP server. They are limiting PvP experience and preventing Open World PvP. I am sure that people who are somehow against it will be on PvE server, so no big deal. That is why you pick the PvE and not PvP server. Seems like people are picking servers just to look cool or something. PvP is not only a WarZone. It is also the feeling of constantly being monitored. You think twice before using every ability because there might be a stealther that will pop out every second. Why would anyone be on PvP server and disagree with this, is beyond me.
  13. Oh, Force Speed "lag" is just...irritating. It actually ports you back. Maybe Overlaod can get on this list, too. However, I am not sure does Overload fail due to lag or it is really something broken.
  14. Maybe, maybe not. Might be that every Marauder on my server is not-that-good and cannot play the class to its full potential, or we just have amazingly good Juggernauts. However, by being more afraid, I do not only talk about 7000 smash. There is more to it. In my opinion: Marauder only kills, but Juggernaut tortures you first. You never know with them.
  15. Yes, they will be able and can do that. In my case, I am more afraid of a Juggernaut than a Marauder.
  16. It hurts . But, judging by forums it seems that all bad players are playing Mercs and 50% experienced, good, amazing, awesome players are playing a warrior. The rest are having the blast on other classes that kill easily. That is because they are amazing and it has nothing to do with 7k smash or 5000 (x3) discharge.
  17. I would like to last longer. If that means to reduce healing done and increase armor, let it be. Sometimes, I feel like I am unstoppable, but that is only against people who are not really informed how my class, or classes and warzones in general work. I know how many people will not believe, but sometimes I get killed during one stun. Many healer won't admit you that, because they think it will hurt their reputation, but I have experienced it and I have seen it happen. I was the one dying in one stun and I was the one doing it to others. That is not fun. Maybe it is not the class, maybe it is the map, but that does not have to mean that I need to be happy with dying in 4-5 seconds. The worse thing that can happen is defending VS against a coordinated team. I usually do not heal - I have no time. I run out, interrupt the guy planting and back to my spawn area. If I menage to bubble someone, that is the bonus. Sometimes even announcing you are a healer won't help. I have witnessed many times a Marauder calling for healing -" how about some heals?"- (like he is the only one in a wz) while I am, or the other healer, getting chased by 3 warriors. So, that is where second problem hits: the people. Just because you are dps, does not have to mean you cannot protect me. Stun, slow them, pull away from the healer, so I can actually cast a heal. I swear, the warriors are the worse. Not every, but majority. They are usually crying for heals without noticing that healer just died 10th time in a row. So, yes, I have been thinking what could be done. My final conclusion: less damage. If that would make healing 'too good', reduce healing but increase survivability.
  18. Bubble does count as a heal and it is easy to test it. Just like someone said, bubble yourself and run trough fire in Huttball. Make sure it is at the start and you will get 2.5 k healing medal. That is how hybrid spec. healer get his/her heals. They are only, and I say only, bubbling people and cast heal here and there. It is normal thing to see a Sage running towards the healer just to pop the bubble into healer's face. There are also some people who just 'bring' the bubble, stop next to you, do nothing, wait until your stun is gone and pop it. It should be fixed and it will be.
  19. Healer did. Back then, you could get 1.5 sec. cast time on Dark Infusion and could use Consumption without damaging yourself to get the force back. All that with right, but not complicated, rotation. I think the worse was the cast time change because nobody really has the Force problem now. They are usually dead before they run out of Force, unless there are 3 healers to back you up or opposing team has no damage.
  20. Well, not much can affect PvE. The only thing that could is if we ask them to increase healing done by XXXX. It would be nice for people to waste their interrupt when your Energy Shield is up.
  21. I love your post. This is what I think: In my honest opinion Emergency Scan is just way better than Sorcerer's instant heal because it can be used on other players. Yes, Sorcerers have bubble that can be talented into annoying "bubble pop". Thing is, they are not really healers and should be seen as some sort of annoying support. It is not a healing build. I cannot and will never give my HP in a hand of a hybrid healer . Also, it will soon be fixed and since we are talking about the future, we can delete the bubble pop right now. One more thing: I would gladly trade my Consumption for Vent Heat. There is no place for it in PvP against organized team. If there is, then the opposing team just does not have the damage or mine has a lot of healers. So, I do think Instant heal and Vent Heat are better than Sorc's heal and Consumption, but...there is one thing I would like Mercs to have: Jet boost. It would be just like Force Speed. To make Merc healers better they could add: 1. Jet Boost (Force Speed) 2. Vent Heat cooldown reduced With that implemented you would also have (I will point what is in my opinion better or same): 1. Amazing shield that gives you immunity (Sorcerer has no immunity, but has bubble. I do not count Force Speed as some immunity -.-) 2. Instant Heal that you can cast on other people (Sorcerer cannot. They have Perp. heal but I usually compare it with Rapid Shots.) 3. Small aoe shield combined with aoe heal and slow for up to 5 enemies (Sorc's aoe heal is better only if people are standing in it for its duration. Has longer cooldown. Has no reduced damage but still has bubble) 4. One not-that-good Kolto Shell but still a shield that can heal you a little bit (Sorc's have bubble) 5. Ability to make your next spell instant (Sorcerer does not have it) 6. (Instant) 8 sec cc (Sorcerer has to be specced into it to make Whirlwind instant) 7. Abilitty to make your next heal cost no heat (Sorcer does not have that but does have Instant Heal that costs no Force. On the other hand, Mercs have Rapid Shots that do not heal much but have only gc and cost no heat) 8. Vent heat (In current game, if both healers are out of resources, Vent heat is better) 10. Heavy Armour (Sorc's have light armor, but we can say they have bubble) With all that combined I think adding Jet Boost (Force Speed) would be fine. Having Vent Heat on lower cooldown would just make Merc's complete healers to go against DPS race that happens in WZs. They do need some sort of escape. Conclusion: For me, in my hands, for my play style in current state of the game: Merc > Sorc. It is not all in numbers at the end of the WarZone. The only time when I think Sorc > Merc is in Huttball. In every other game I would go with my Merc. Long Story short: Give to Mercs Jet Boost (Force Speed) and reduced CD on Vent Heat. That is my opinion. If I made some mistakes, sorry. I am sleepy.
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