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10 Good
  1. At first this expac was nothing but jokes and giggles for me. I would hop in a WZ and laugh at how i can roll naked and basically rolling on the floor to see the crits go off. Now that's settled down a bit here's some seriousness. Don't mock the Bolster system. It might not be working as intended for some parts, but its basic idea is achieved. Who here loves to hop on a 50 toon and basically respec every other game just because you don't have to worry about stats? I for one LOVE this. I change my jug to Veng to smash to Immortal all the time and it's fun as hell. They say TTK is low, but what the hell? Everyone's stats is boosted to almost perfection, ofcourse everyone's gonna hit like a truck. It'll be way different tho at end game. As of right now I can hit an 8.7k smash on a Sage, and this isn't even an Elder game WZ. Imagine if in the old 1-49 brackets people were hitting for 6k-8k smashes like the 50 brackets..... Everyone would be 3 GCDed too. Ummmm.... and no smash is not OP. I got an 8k crit off Ravage in Vengeance, and get this, on a frigging Jedi Guardian, with the same gear i might add. There's ALOT less smashers now, and if you say otherwise i'll call you a whining *****. You know what scares me the most now? Lightning mofo Sorcs. Man do they hit hard. Also, roll tank. You'll love it. My jug went from 23k hp to 27k hp just by going Immortal tree and let me tell you.... I do not die. Even without a dedicated healer. My Juggernaught actually feels like a Juggernaught. I know they will fix bolster soon, but i'll be damned if i dont have as much fun as i can while its here. Learn to adapt people. The metagame has changed, you should too. Rather than sitting there scratching your head and cursing out "**** THAT CLASS JUST CRITTED ME FOR XXXXX!!!!!" and be like "LMAOOOO HE JUST CRITTED ME FOR XXXXX!!!! HOW DO I DO THAT TOO?"
  2. So.... stay on your Mara and not your Sorc? Lets see..... Mara has no ability they can pop while CCed..... in this moment you can burst him down. My force choke is always saved for Mara, they pop UR? Choke em. They pop out? Intimidating Roar. Full resolve? Pop some sort of root/slow. Mara is meant to shred and they do it well get over it. To tell you the truth, no mara would jump into a big fight while their skills are on CDs, it takes people literally seconds to burst em down. A ravage used on a Mara would hurt him more than it would a sorc. Just saying.
  3. The first 2 hits are almost instant. The third takes the longest to hit, but also hits the hardest. As long as the animation and white damage pops up then yes it hit. If target moves out of range you'll miss the third, or if you're CCed in between ravage you will miss out on any missing hits. Usually in PvP one can easily dodge the third hit, so mostly i just Ravage for the first two hits and if it seems like they'll be out of range, i cancel the ravage and Force Scream. That's just me tho
  4. I think it's 1-50, 51-54, 50. Reasoning behind this maybe because they're trying to seperate the Expac users and non-Expac users. Since 51 you get your new skills so a wz from 50-54 would be a bunch of gimped lvl 50 F2Ps. Then again it'll be worse for 1-50, but there's always bolster
  5. Rage about? If i may ask. Also, if you are winning, why pay attention to mindless chatter? I honestly only look at ops chat when we're losing. I only type to "try" to coordinate these zombies, and it gets rated-R quick if you know what i mean. If everyone just be aware of the map, no one would be at fault. Novaire, Civil War and Hutball..... You can see the whole map so if an objective gets lost, it's partly your fault too.
  6. Totally agree, would be nice to have a door timer though, but that would be cheating.
  7. This post is still going? If only you guys put the same effort into PvPing, maybe we wouldn't need this post.
  8. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO best joke all day.
  9. Your argument is invalid, if he was defending the whole game he would have Platinum Defense medal + atleast 1 Attack medal. With 70k damage he would have one 2.5k and maybe 5k hit medals, 1 last hit medal. Also with 5k more damage he would get 75k Damage done medal. A player who does this usually ends up on top. Just saying. And to whoever said yelling insults is not the way to go, i agree, but i also do it on a regular basis. Like the guy said i offer helpful advice at the start, one **** goes down hill REALLY REALLY fast for some stupid reason that's when the insults come out, but i also add in things they should be doing. It might sound like i'm demanding, but i find that this way works better than trying to be nice. PUGs respond better this way.
  10. What is the point? Should I get another bucket? Cuz tears are kind of overflowing on this forum. I might need to put up an irrigation system to alleviate the flooding.
  11. Voidstar is actually really fun, and pretty objective based, I think. Let me elaborate on that. Voidstar is the only map that one can FFA all game and still be on objective, be it PUGs or Premades. Long CD on doors, because they're close to nodes. This also allows the offensive team to wipe the defensive team in a manner which allows them to plant the bomb, requiring a coordinated effort and timing to yield best results. After the first door, the narrow hallway to the bridge allows the team with the best use of their mezzes and CCs to get them a lead to the next objective. Hallway being small so that this type of skirmish/traps would ensue to ensure a somewhat "controlled environment". At this stage the defensive team need to stall as long as possible(kiting and tricking the offensive team comes into play) because dying at this stage would mean a respawn on the other side, this is bad from a defensive point of view. Also the ledge in the middle is a close enough distance for pulls/charges/leaps to the other side. So in theory you can hold them off indefinitely at the bridge. Unfortunately this also applies to the offensive team. From personal experience i can tell you that there's nothing more hilarious than skipping the bridge, leaping to a poor lad on the other side, then Force Pushing him into the pit to bomb the door without any bridge being open. After the second door opens, we go into an L shaped hallway. This is what we call a "cluster ****", same principle applies. At this stage and point, with the right use of Predation/Force Speed, the offensive team can bomb the last door in less than 1 min. This either force the defensive team to commit suicide for some sort of last line of defense, while a small group tries to stall(this is the worse case scenario though), or just beat on them till you get wiped. Now at this point, the last door is pretty much gone, because trying to defend these two doors gets a little tedious. Anyways...... So saying Voidstar isn't objective-based is kinda cut and dry. Just because people get caught in the FFA tunnel vision, doesn't mean this map is the "worse" or needs to be "trashed". My two cents.
  12. Well you mention Veng for Jug and Carnage for Mara so ill answer based on that, and since 2.0 is around the corner ill take that into consideration too. Jugs will now have Sundering Assault on long CD, but gives mass amount of Rage + Armor reduction. Shatter no longer requires the debuff. These changes make the class easier to play as you can open with Shatter, Impale and force scream to get your bleeds going. No more spamming Sundering Assault and fillers, and you get an extra execute on proc. While Carnage mara got hit with a Berserk rework. That alone messes up with one of their burst rotation. So Jug.
  13. Like title, would the Carnage talent Brooding work with those? Or specifically Seething Hatred only?
  14. Untrue, given the conditions are the same the Mara will always top DPS. With that said, Jug is really good all around and unstoppable alone make this class the best frontline melee. You're at a cross road. Now your choices are which one has the best armor style(according to you) and do you want to straight melt faces, or just torture em to death. I'd say pick one and stick to it, you'll never make a decision if you try to balance out the pros and cons.
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