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Everything posted by Boyana

  1. Yeah. I think is is extremely OP when a healer is healing a healer that is being hit by 3 warriors who can chain root, interrupt and do minimum of 18k damage in one second to selected healer, making a healer that is healing a chased healer focus only on healing the focused healer which makes it impossible to heal others if you want to keep the focused healer alive - which he won't be able to do unless there are two more healers, since, after 18k, you can use finishers and, God forbid, other abilities. Too bad one thing Bioware will never be able to implement: 'Using this stance will increase your dps and IQ by 50." Meh...
  2. Because this game is not all about PvP (nor PvE).
  3. Recruit gear is fine. PvE gear is the problem and I am not only talking about Tionese; I am also talking about greens. You will never see me leaving the game because we are facing a good team, we are getting killed fast and we just cannot push it. I am staying. If team is trying, if team is giving it all, I will be there and heal the hell out of people as long as my character can stay, but...with these guys, with "no-expertise" guys, there is no team play, there is no trying. You cannot expect of him to deal damage and lets not talk about guarding and healing. On top of that, you cannot guard him and heal, but he is eating one-shot every time. All of that would be fine if they were willing to learn, but no! They are usually really selfish people and they know 250 expertise is bad! They know it and they mock you when you point it out. Be rude or nice, but try to point it out and they will insult you, tell you to shut up because you should not care. Also, they would try to piss you off. You will see those same people asking "why do I die so fast, this game sucks", "lol empire (or Republic) sooo bad", "you nubs"... Why do hell do you play on PvP server and enter a WZ (pvp) without any knowledge in a game that is over one year old, is a question to be asked. If, by any chance, they showed 1% of caring, I would help them gear up, give tips, but no! Not only that you are playing with a guy that makes your team short by one, you are playing with the guy that will do everything just to screw you even more. Wearing greens because his/hers character looks cool and pointing how he/she "dun want to luk like a chicken" will make me leave. Sorry. If he is trying to screw up me and 6 more people, I will do myself a favor and leave before the idiot pisses me off. I think BioWare thought how only good people will play this game. They did not expect idiots to play but it happened. They should put minimum expertise allowed to join a WarZone and make Recruit free to buy at any time. Like that people could not put the story of how they sold Recruit and cannot play WZs now (GG, Bioware). Also, changing gear inside a WarZone would be impossible if that would make your character drop below the minimum. I know people would change into greens just to look good. I really experienced all of that.
  4. Oh, I forgot to add how am I doing it. My abilities are on the left part of my keyboard. Some of combinations: A, S, D, F, Q, W, E, C, X, Z (or Y on some keybaords). After that I have 1, 2, 3, 4. Since I needed more I took all of those and combined with SHIFT: S+A, S+B ... S+4. I am moving my character using my mouse. I hold both buttons down which allows my character to move forward. When I need to spin my camera, I just press left button and spin. This is the awesome tactic for 'kiting' in PvP and also has amazing use in PvE when you need to run and pull someone (if things go bad in TFB : seconds boss): You run forward holding both mouse buttons down, jump and spin camera while in air and press the button for pull. That is how I do it. That is my way. There are better ways.
  5. Keybinding is quicker and safer. Just like someone said, when you are clicking you will have to: move your mouse, then your cursor would get to the ability, then you have to click it. Before that, you need to move your eyes to the ability = losing a valuable part of the screen. That might look fast, but not as fast as pressing the buttons . I think keybinding is crucial for healers. You already need to click on raid frames to heal people. You need to react fast. Some bosses can bring your tank to 20% of hp easily. It is much faster to press the button (since you will know by heart that, lets say, D - innervate) than to move your cursor and click the ability. After this I would say tanks: at least bind taunts and defensive abilities. As a healer, it is easy for me to say which one of my tanks is clicking. The one that is not, will react much faster if his HP somehow goes fast to 10%. He/she will pop Shroud, Ward instantly. Then we have dpsers. I love to say that every mistake DPSer does, healer is there to fix. This can sound a little mean. Your eyes are on your abilities and you can easily miss the red circle and get the hit, where the person pressing buttons would have his/her eyes all the time on 80% of the screen and be able to see potential danger. If you are having problems with binding, start with 2-3 abilities. After you get used on those, bind some more. After couple of weeks you will ask yourself how could you ever click : >. Try to run around a little spamming those buttons. Try to do some simple quests while using those abilities.
  6. I can see your point and today talked to friends about this very topic. It is kinda...weird...that you can get the best gear that way without even stepping into operations but, on the other hand, it makes professions useful. Well, some of them. I think (my opinion), they should have put better weapon (63x, lets say) in TFB HM and even better in EC NM (63y, lets say). Only weapon, so it keeps the spirit of "being awarded". I will just point out that, even when I get all 63 gear, I will still keep running operations 'cos I love them. I am still doing KP and EV even if there is nothing I need in there.
  7. Tell me... What the hell is with those designers and yellow color. Every damn item I pick has the yellow color. Yellow-blue Yellow-red Yellow-white Can you give us like simple Sith robes for Sorcs? Like long coat. Please, remove that extra "things" from the Sorc's gear. Also, if that is the BH gear, that is already in the game. He look like a chicken. If you google, you will see that a chicken has that thing on top of the head. I think it is called comb. http://tiny.cc/chickenhead3
  8. I want this but not in CM. This should be in the game! Edit: anyway
  9. The worse that happened and happens to me, is when I notice the guy solo guarding and try to ninja cap when, all of a sudden, a wild Marauder appears behind me out of nowhere. Not only that he is following every step, telling to enemies "Hey, assassin here!", he also insults the hell out of you because you decided to stay in stealth and not help him in his heroic mission after enemy person called for help. "U so bad, l2p moron"
  10. Ohhhh, I agree, especially with the bold part!
  11. I have many ideas but not sure how would they work if ever implemented. My first idea is "root immunity". The problem starts (for me) when 3 or more warrior chain their roots. It would be nice that the root of a second warrior, who leaped, lasts only for the half of it. The root of a third would not work at all. I do remember my friend not being able to move 5 feet for 30-40 seconds. So, my second idea was to increase HP or defense. With more HP people would last longer and would not be dying during 2 stuns. Same goes with more defense BUT that would require rework of damage and healing done, so I am guessing it is not an easy path.
  12. I have all 5 bays and every bag slot unlocked. I want more. Please!!!
  13. Aw, man, that...it gives me chills. LOVE IT! This is like my favorite: Hehe.
  14. I just hope that headgear is not the part of the new set. I really hate and dislike gear that has some..."oversized"...parts. Example: Rakata/Exo/Tionese shoulders for Inquisitor. That is one of the reasons I dislike games like GW, lets say;Weapons are just super huge and I see no satisfaction in it (if you get it ).
  15. Can we, who are paying to play this, get something without spending money in cash shop, pleeeeeeeeeeaseeeeee?
  16. If that appeared to his guildmates, then the best thing that happened to him was the kick. That seems like one of those guilds where you need to suck up to all of them, but mostly GM, in order to get invites, no matter how good player you are. I was in one of those guilds and left. The guild where the GM is praised like the God and where you need to please the GM and officers in order to do something with the GUILD, is not for me. That includes: doing everything to make them happy, take their insults, insult others if needed, listen to them even if they are wrong and, if you are by any case the same class as one of the officers or a GM, you need to know you will NEVER (NEVER) be as good as he/she is and he/she knows the class better than you EVER will.
  17. Really nice. Had no idea we are getting this, so it comes like a little surprise now !
  18. Tomb of Freedon Nadd 4/10 but it can go below that. Terrible...just terrible. It is only because I have some real-life and in-game friends I play with, but when you look in general, at the bigger picture, it is awful. It is not only General chat. It is also PvP and PvE groups, even guilds that are complete disaster full of rude and, if not, evil, arrogant people. P.s. my opinion and experience.
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