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Everything posted by Boyana

  1. Voidstar or not, that IS happening. Voidstar is also RWZ game but then again, you play on one server and maybe it is not happening on yours. I also disagree how that means the team is bad or will be weak. You are assuming it. Something like that is already happening on Live Servers where people stack, so called, FOTM specs. You know it, I know it, we all do. Isn't that one of the reasons Mercenaries are asking for buff, because nobody wants them in Rated Team? Does that mean how every team is bad because they are looking for someone who is better than a Mercenary? With that said, if this is not happening, soon it will be. Then again, we will just go in circles here. I think it should be removed even tho I am using it. Keep the respec. As long as others are doing it, my team and I will be doing it too. But, after some time, people will remember this thread just like they are now remembering threads "Do NOT nerf Mercs and Sorcs". After that nerf 50% players left the game and now we are stuck with 1 PvP Server and 80 same people doing RWZ.
  2. Actually, it does give an advantage if one team has 8 players that can respect to Healing/Tanking and other team does not. It is terrible to say someone is lazy to respec. That doesn't even sound right. What is there to be lazy about? Every person knows his/hers spec by heart and can respec with closed eyes. I can say that you are all lazy players because you need to respec into tanking/healing in order to defend the captured node, but I won't.
  3. To add: Actually, I think they gave this to people because there is no mechanism that will match the WarZone games fairly. Some are simply scared that they will perform badly if they take this away. I know, it must be easy to play Rated with 8 classes that can go DPS on attack and Healing/Tank on Defense but, if this does anything, it is destroying PvP where, at the end, every team will have 6 classes that can spec into Healing/Tanking. It is an easy way around everything that involves thinking, strategy, tactic and teamwork (as expected).
  4. Oh, agreed with this. This is the most stupid thing and I am abusing it. Yes, I am and I think it needs to go. Now, before some 'weekend warrior' jumps in and asks "wai u do it?", I will say because there is no chance for me to win the game the other way: read Voidstar. My main is a healer and I hate DPS Sorcerer but there is no use of me being a healer on Voidstar Offense when opposing team is playing with tanks and healers only. It is completely destroying the balance EVEN MORE and we know how 'balancing' in warzones (does not) work.
  5. Yeah, I missed it, totally. Thank you ! If I am not wrong you are getting nothing for it, right? I see: Location - > Planet - > Exploration, but when I click on it there is no reward. Then all they have to do is to give a reward for it. There is a "Datacron mount" yet we get nothing for completing it all. Go, go, BW, add that! My friends promised to send you guys 'pics' if you add something. /wink
  6. I think they should include Datacrons here as well and, if you have every Datacron, you get some cool mount that is only obtainable by collecting every single Datacron in the game. Maybe even some tittle: Historian, or w/e. The only reason why I think they should add this because Datacrons are amazing, hidden, have story attached but people tend to skip them or only collect those that increase their main stat+endurance.
  7. AAAA, what the hell is wrong with their eyes???
  8. Kk, thanks. Hope it doesn't happen to me. I really want to test things : P.
  9. So, is this the bug that only happens to Assassins? My friends have also seen this, but every time it was an Assassin. Did anyone see any other class with so much HP? (Just wondering)
  10. Wow. Thank you! I have to say, they all look nice, but there is one thing I dislike. As usual, Republic abilities are harder to see. Look at Shadow's and Assassin's phase walk. Not fair ! If this can be seen by opponents, it is unfair that Assassin's can be noticed from the Space Shuttle, while Shadow's you hardly notice. This is also bad for Shadow's team. But, anyway, animations look good. Shoulder cannon <3. Love it.
  11. We already have that ratio in the game. So, no need for you to wait, it already exist...now, if you want only change in numbers, that is something else !
  12. You're op because you're a centurion.
  13. Haha, teleport for a class that can spend an entire game in stealth. To be honest, I still do not know how it works but the worse scenario is putting the mark at their goal line, or next to a node you are not on, in general. p.s. Imagine people who come back without reading the patch notes. HACK!
  14. Not really. People do want to die, but not every 5-10 seconds just to give enjoyment to FOTM classes. People can be outplayed, but do not fool yourself thinking that every person who rolled a warrior is amazingly skilled player. If we could all be more realistic on these forums, one day we might get a nice PvP where we won't have people strafe-left-right just to keep their brain busy to not fall asleep.
  15. - Reduce damage and healing done/increase survivability so people are not dying in 5 seconds I would add all of this:
  16. This is not the case on my Server. There is a lot of pvp going around. Sometimes we are outnumbered, sometimes we outnumber, sometimes it is equal. Mostly, we are outnumbered, because it is only 4 of us in the group. But I like it !
  17. You seem mad and insulted. Do you have some problems with your age, since you are constantly picking on "kid" lines. I feel sad for your family. This must be the same way you talk to them. Having a father and husband like you must be an ultimate disaster. They must be proud on their daddy or hubby, because he is spending time insulting some 'punk kid', as you say. At the end of the day you are one of many people who think, just because they made babies and married someone, they are now "old and mature" and people, even in online games, need to bow to you. Look at your text. It is covered with baby tears. Having a family won't change the fact that your brain is still bouncing somewhere at lowest IQ possible thinking that you are the only one who has a family, and that having one, is the goal in everyone's life.
  18. I think that PvP should never be around some objective where FoTM classes have huge advantage, such as: Smash spec, Bubble Pop since people are clustered and have to stay close where these abilities are simply working heavenly. The only thing they should make is give Warzone commendations for every kill, but there should be some limit on how many times you can kill some player to get the Commendation. That will prevent people from trading the kills. I would personally love credits : P. I have to admit, I dislike "the gear damaging" part. I really hope they never implement that. To be honest, I do not care about rewards but, sadly, if that has to be added to make people engage into PvP, be it. Oh, this is just my opinion.
  19. I get you. Yeah. The Earth revolves around you and we should all kneel so you can get your daily done and go to work. I hope they will learn you there how to type. Do you also complain how you have no time to complete raids? I think BioWare should give us an option to solo raids for weekly...you know, for those who have no time. Like last week I could not raid at all!!! I really need that one button. Simple.
  20. This is the truth and this is how I feel: *I stopped (regularly) playing warzones 2 weeks before this patch and decided to cancel my subscription since I stopped enjoying my Sorcerer and Mercenary long time ago *I will be renewing my Subscription now --- Why ? --- * I do PvE and PvP quests on Ilum and I combine it both * I camped middle about 11 hours today with my friend * Since they implemented this event and new Ilum I did 0 Warzones total and cannot care less * I am not planning on leaving Ilum any time soon * No, I do not need a life * Your insults are not getting to me 'cos I am enjoying this event so much and playing the game to its full potential * I LOVE Open World PvP I am going to sleep now. It is 8am. When I wake up, I will log back in to kill those "smart ,mature, old people with skill and life", since I am a "kid with 0 skill and 0 IQ without a life". Damn, even some of the 'top guilds' are crying and begging us to stop killing them! Go back to your Warzone where bubble pop and smash has more effect. : P.S. Thank you for this wonderful event that came as a gift after the "exam period" P.S. 2: Keep on killing, that is the point of event. Ignore insults in chat that come from people who were always carried in Warzones anyway. : P.S.3: For all those who are getting insults even by Republic players, stop wasting your time on explaining to them how that is a PvP server. Instead, kill them more to make a point. I am sure they did not care when they were in full greens and Black Hole entering your Warzone. (You know...looks)
  21. Yes! I totally agree with this. ------ I always say, if you like to PvP, you will need no rewards to encourage you to PvP. It seems like people are playing on a PvP server because they think that is cool, or whatever.
  22. The most weird and interesting was when Republic guys insulted my friends and me in a /say chat. Being called "kidz" and "stupid", yet they are the ones complaining about PvP on a PvP server, in Open World PvP zone, in a game where there should be a constant battle between Republic and The Empire. To be honest, PvP'er or not, knowing there are two sides at war should - me killing you - make perfect sense.
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