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Posts posted by Kabaal

  1. until we get a combat log, and a parser we have no way of knowing. However with that said, Rage is mostly focused on force attacks. The only non-force attack I could see them using is vicious slash/assault & obliterate if it is considered melee (i would guess it is force though). So imo it woun't translate to much of an increase in dps at all.


    Force attacks are kinetic damage, reduced by armour.

  2. It will vary from target to target and will be more effective on heavy armour users than light. I'm pulling these numbers out of a hat but it probably goes something like :


    Heavy armour user has 50% mitigation

    You ignore 20%

    Heavy armour user now has 40% mitigation


    Light armour user has 20% mitigation

    You ignore 20%

    Light armour user now has 16% mitigation


    I might be wrong but that's how i see it.

  3. Yeah when I was in testing before launch they talked about this and with the old forums being wiped I am unable to find the link anymore. :(


    You can use google to find it by using the cached results of the wiped forum. I'd search but i wouldn't know what to search for as i never read the thread.


    If on firefox do the search on google as normal then to the right of each result is an arrow tab, hover over it and a new link will appear on the right, click on "cached" under that link ;)

  4. to having 2 peices of champion pvp gear..


    Were you already Valour rank 60 when you hit 50? @47 my valour rank is only 43 if i remember right, just not enough matches popping during my odd hours i guess. You must have gotten lucky with the champion bags, can only seem to hold one and stock up 1000 merc tokens and 1000 warzone ones in preparation :/

  5. After reading this thread I am a little disheartened. I recently created a Juggernaut to play with a friend and due to my health issues I am unable to cope with anything more than about 26 hotkeys. If this class excludes any form of consumable (be it relics, medpacks, grenades, whatever) from that number then that will pose a problem.


    Are you all absolutely certain there are 0 redundant abilities, or at least abilities that are of minimal effective use? I rather enjoy the storyline and play style so far and with my friend playing a Sorcerer I'm able to make effective use of Guard when we PvP together, and I have always enjoyed being a disruptive force on the battle field so Immortal seems like a good fit.


    At 42 i'm only using 24 hotkeys on the keyboard and another 4 on my mouse if that helps. Mouse thumb buttons and any extra on the top (including clicking the scroll wheel) are lifesavers. There are a couple of skills on my sidebar that occasionally get used for pve but they either don't work or are useless for pvp.


    Edit - make that 26, i was forgetting a couple of abilities bound to the F keys, add another 2 to that for pve medpack and pvp medpacks being bound to F keys as well. Then add another 1 when you play huttball lol.

  6. Anyone who thinks the class is fine have cearly not played an Assassin, Powertech or the republic equivilents to a decent level. While we do OK and can get the job done whether it's PvE or PvP the other two are just so much more efficient at it. They both have more tools at their disposal and both do much more damage even tank specced than we do.


    Should that put people off playing them? My only answer to that is that this is an MMO, what is considered to be flavour of the month today could very well be at the bottom of the pile in a month or two. The game has only been released for a matter of days and i say just play whatever you enjoy playing no matter what the numbers are on the other classes as things will not stay the same, if anything can be counted on in an MMO it is that.

  7. Im playing a vengeance build and for me the rotation is atm (lvl 35)

    Force charge, ravage, Smash, Impale, Force Scream, Sundering Assault, Assault.


    Ravage does tons of damage and costs no rage. So i want that on CD all the time.

    Smash does good damage and costs no rage. Also allways on CD.

    Impale and force scream go hand in hand. Impale first to proc a crit for force scream.

    All in all thats 4 attacks of only 8 rage. Which i usually allways have by the time of the Force Scream. If not ill just pop an enrage.


    But your problem with CD's is nothing ive never felt and it seems i use more skills.

    For me Vicious slash is just a rage dump. Dont know much about the rage tree. But Force scream generally does more damage. So i would prioritize that. Then use Vicious slash only as a rage dump.


    I rarely ever have to use Assault at all. Im guessing your level aint that high yet. My tip is to prio the CD's before vicous slash (which has none)


    Using your debuff near the end of your rotation? seems silly to me.

  8. There is plenty of blue heavy hooded armor from around 30 and up, there are also a few oranges. I've a couple of oranges in my storage, one that dropped from the third boss in the level 28 instance cacidimu (or whatever it was called :p) and another that i got around 33.
  9. I wouldn't advise keeping guard up all the time if you're going in dps spec, just use it sensibly when certain people need it.


    I was Immortal from 10 to 35 and loved it in PvP but with the leveling starting to slow down it was beginning to drag for the pve leveling side of things so i switched to Rage spec last night to try something different. Went from usually being in the lower half of the damage counter in matches to either first or close to it each match, the difference in damage is night and day and certainly makes up for losing the survivability. The enemy doesnt expect 4k crits from a Juggernaut :p


    Will be switching back to Immortal at 50 though as most of my guild are playing healers and DPS.

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