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Posts posted by Kabaal

  1. Funny post. OP is trying to show that teamwork is key as opposed to everyone being 50. People mocking/calling BS on OP are probably people who actually agree with him on the main point, but are still disagreeing most likely just because they viewed the post as a bragging post. I love mmo forums :D


    Nail. On. Head.

  2. Just make the anti-CC ability have something like a 30 second cooldown. Double-stunning will still work but at least you'll almost always get out of one of them.


    If i remember right it's pretty much the same ability they had in WAR, but they gave it something like a 15 second cooldown there. At the very most it should be something like 1 minute instead of the 2 minute cooldown it is here and either make it 15 to 30 seconds cooldown for tanks or give all tanks more than one CC breaker like the Powertech/Vanguard currently have.

  3. Well Maul does like 1k base damage but costs 50 force to use meaning that crits usually dont go over 3k and after 2 stabs you are pretty much dry.


    He's probably thinking of before we all started getting champ gear on. I'd jump on my sin every so often when needing a break from leveling my jugg and was getting 4k crit Mauls, but, everyone was lowbies including myself at that point.

  4. As a Rage Juggernaut they are probably one of the classes i fear the least. When they're tank specced they really aren't that troublesome as long as you don't stand toe to toe with them when their cooldowns are up.


    It is hard to judge properly though considering i can't remember the last time i fought a sin with both of us a full health due to the nature of the Warzone matches and the fact that open world PvP just doesnt happen, yet. That and the only Sin i know to consistently do very well in matches plays on my side :p

  5. The jump of mob stats from Hoth to Belsavis makes the Vengeance tree complitely useless, the tank tree can only survive one pull with help of a Malavai Quinn or a good pair of hands and the Rage-Smash tree is the only viability to keep playing with the companion you can while playing with companions you like and that.


    Note that obviously every talent tree can play with any companion and makes all. But isnt the same:


    Face Darth Baras as a Rage and kill in one try without Malavai Quin rather than try on Vengeance and wipe 5 o 6 times on each combat



    There is zero reason to take Quinn anywhere with you as Immortal if using the abilities you're given. I do agree with the spoiler though.

  6. Once you get past 30, Vengeance becomes less effective, and you start getting your **** kicked in by regular mob packs. It gets really bad in the early 40s. Past 30 it's often better to go Immortal and stick with Vette. But if you enjoy vengeance you can stick with it to 50, I did it, it was just slower than doing it as Immortal.


    I'd say it's not really until you get to Hoth and start seeing two strong mobs per pack that it gets difficult. Had my *** handed to me a couple of times when i first went there as Rage spec so just switched to Immortal. Once out of Hoth it was easy as either spec again tbh.

  7. I am still confused on how this works. You spend 800 pvp warzone commendations for a champion bag and hope to pull either a champion commendation for gear or actual champion gear?


    No, you only get centurian commendation not champion commendations out of champion bags, you do have a chance for a token that you can hand in for a piece of champion gear though. You need valour rank 60 for champion commendations as they only drop out of the Battlemaster bags. It's all just a bit silly.

  8. I just hit 50 last night and opened 3 bags. I got 2 of the same chest and some token. I think people are forgetting that the armor is a BONUS and the thing you are after is the tokens. If you open a gazillion bags and got nodda then you would have enough to get everything you needed right?


    Except that apart from the expertise stat the Centurian gear you can buy with the tokens is garbage, it's a downgrade from both crafted and PvE gear. You can't get the Champion tokens until valor rank 60 when realistically you'd be wanting the battlemaster gear anyway.

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