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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by metalfenix

  1. For me, wasting, wasting other's would be not choosing their dialog options quickly, or just going AFK without warning the group.


    Ah, and BTW, I usually use the spacebar BUT I keave the whole cinematic of killings in Black Talon, and the last boss intro on Eseless, bad luck if someone enrages about it. Lucky for me, I'm the tank or healer :D

  2. Ugh...as far as I know, this is an MMO, and MMOs are BASED on TEAM WORK , no matter if it's PvP or PvE. What the crap is that they designed one class to be a "bad team player"?? Even when we play solo, we have a partner.


    I don't buy this excuse of bad team player, and this comes from someone who plays as a sintank. And please, don't get me started on the sin tank nerf... :rolleyes: . Looks like Sith Inquisitors were left behind to be healers, and the sith warriors to be the main tanks and dps.

  3. the chanlon armor is a red version of it but, no armor its like the one malgus uses, its the only one that has a very huge hole as a neck wich grants the headpice 0 cliping and it has a CLOAK! i wantz =(


    tell me about it. An armor with a cloak all in black...easily the most awesome armor in the entire game.

  4. Cold invites are a bit annoying, except when I'm standing at an heroic's entrance so it's logical that I'm about to do one. I remember something funny, I was cold invited once on tatooine, but when the guy tried to share the quest, it told him that I wasn't eligible lol . We parted ways in good manner, but it was a total lol.


    But I like the OP's method, wishpering first (always wishpering first) to the eligible players on the who list. If someone have the courtesy at least of wishpering me first, 99% of the times I'll join (specially true with my healer. Healers are on high demand even in the empire).

  5. I'm absolutely loving Bounty Hunter. Possibly the most fun I have ever had healing.


    THIS. BH Mercenaries (bodyguard speced) rock big time, in the battlefield I feel like a friggin combat medic, kinda like a big bad a** green tank.


    Personally, I believe that BW did a wonderful job with the non jedi classes here... (well, except the sith sorc wich seems the devs favorite lol)

  6. Why would I ever play a butt ugly emo goth with a skin rash and bad case of static cling? There are simply some fantasy trips I DONT WANT.


    yeah, but at least we don't get bunkadonkydonk funny butt jedi robes and we get some bada** sith armor :D


    The only class from the republic I'll play sometime would be smugglers. They seem awesome.

  7. The macs may run this game, but I'm aganist this client, at least for the moment. This game uses the direct X library...and to port them to mac (or linux) maybe it would need to use Open GL, and thus require a total re-write of the code.


    And considering the big number of bugs and issues already on the windows version, I prefer they tackle them instead of focusing on a total re-write of the code just for this client.

  8. I don't know if the card is the problem. I have the same card (A GTX 460) and my FPS problems are not very severe, in fact the game runs fine in most places (except in two spots on tulak hord tomb on korriban). my FPS range from 40 to 59 almost everywhere.


    Of course, I use old drivers prior even to the november beta, I don't know if the current drivers affect negatively the game.

  9. Did you try her DPS stance, and turn off her healing abilities?


    It would be nice to see some more hybrid-y companions.


    I tried disabling them, but her damage is a bit lacking (and I had her blaster updated), specially compared to gault. With her I had to focus mainly on DPSing instead of healing and doing some DPS.

  10. In my servers, at least I see more mercs than PT, but that's being said, I've also seen very few healers compared to dps.


    It's funny though, yesterday, by all randomness of randomness, I ended doing an heroic + 4 on alderaan, with a group consisting on me (Merc healer), another Merc DPS, and a PT tank (with mako as final companion because we couldn't find anyone else to do the heroic) and we did pretty well, That PT was a very capable tank, I could heal the entire heroic without incidents, and I realized that the BH is a Bada** class :cool:

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