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Everything posted by mufutiz

  1. to be fair, on my main server it will still show as "only" heavy when there are 200 people on the fleet. It depends on which server cap is applied to the server. The busy servers have high caps for obvious reasons, the less populated have lower caps. that's why you cannot compare one standard/heavy server to another. For all you know there is a 2:1 population difference. that's the same for all servers though, so a 2:1 ratio between two servers on the fleet will indicate a similar total population ratio. It's simple logic. (they are still fluctuating a lot because of whole ops groups zoning into their ops / warzones popping up etc pp, so no I did not only look at the fleet. That statement above was just an example)
  2. they are not trying to actively deceive anyone really. Although it certainly does not hurt giving people playing on a ghost server the impression things are not quite as dire as they seem to be. I mean after all it's still the "standard" community experience on a fleet of 30 man during prime time ,right? all they did is increase the server cap on the well populated servers and the empty servers have decreased caps. This is a fact and one you can easily convince yourself to be true by checking it out for yourself ingame.
  3. It's not a conspiracy. a lot of servers had their capacity increased, so many of those show as standard most of the time now, maybe heavy sometimes. There are a lot of european ghost servers already though, most of them are still standard. I even saw one heavy a week or so ago because the caps were not increased for those servers or maybe even decreased.
  4. The least populated servers have not had their cap increased so that doesn't really say much. how do I know? I was browsing torstatus.com or whatever the site with the server pop data is called and realized a ghost server, I knew for a fact was a ghost server showed very high on their list, above my two very well populated servers even. Logged in, /who. Yeah. dead server. heavy, standard, light. those words mean nothing. tell that to the people playing on a "Standard" server where the little number above your chat says Republic Fleet: 23 on a weekday evening prime time. I dare you.
  5. veteran mmo players are not the target audience for mmo's anymore. sad but true.
  6. the first level 60's on pretty much alll servers in wow had multiple people playing the accounts 24/7 and it still took like what, 10 or even more full days /played ? Most people probably needed twice that, or close, to get to level cap. I think my first 60 had something like 17 or 18 days /played and that took me more than 2 months even though I was spending as much time in the game as studying and a hyperactive girlfriend allowed me back then (so a lot about 5 hours on a daily average i would think). might be wrong, I don't really remember. The first 50s in swtor appeared 2-3 days after early access went live. big difference. a little over 2 days /played, exploit or not (who cares, honestly. certainly not bioware)
  7. exactly this. the problem I see with it is a horrendous one though. sure, class story is nice. but the whole leveling experience is so incredibly linear with virtually no variation, it's not even funny. Will become very old very fast. I have 2 characters on each faction and the only way I can see myself leveling up another character is exclusively warzones + class quests. which would suck on another Empire character...
  8. Exactly wherein lies the paradoxon. That's what I meant
  9. So because the game does not absolutely necessitate it we should not have a BASIC MMO FEATURE (please, just for a moment realize there is no respectable game that launched without a combat log since the decade before the last one... none I know of. Even complete indie games like Fallen Earth had a pretty functional combat log). I guess they should just scratch all their plans then, who needs guild banks, right? The stock UI isn't that bad either if you think about it. Same for target-of-target. Or dual specs. everything can be done without so it's.... useless I guess? I actually have not been doing a lot of pve at all, you want to know why? Because it's easy and boring. Been there, done that. There is literally not one single thing that is new or inventive to see for me here - at all. So obviously you might be right, the pve in this game might not absolutely require it right now(my raiding guildees keep rambling about combat logs,ToT and other convenience features though. And who can blame them? There was no reason not to expect those, they are absolute standard by any measurement). But it can only be a good thing to know as much as possible about what happens to your character. And I wholeheartedly disagree with your assessment of PvP. Especially because the engine is so laggy and there is still ability delay/clunkiness, faulty animations triggering when abilities are not actually triggered, etc pp. Face it, combat logs are great. I want to know if I should stack a little more accuracy or not. How much difference in received damage that new upgrade made for me and what/who just crit me for 5k in the back. Surge Nerf? I want to see hard numbers before:after not wishy washy "yeah those yellow numbers do seem lower duh" there's no way to know for sure over the internet. you seem like a guy who got told on his subpar performance by his raid leader and possibly ridiculed in front of the entire raid one too many times though, that's for sure.
  10. Is it a paradoxon if we include your comment? why yes, yes it is.
  11. Absolutely agreed. I also think 8 man groups should be exclusive to the premade vs premade bracket. Then again I guess that might be the plan anyway when they introduce a more competetive aspect to the whole thing and player rankings etc. probably a bug that has a nice side effect because that mixes up teams a little bit. Teamplay is everything in this game. Wouldn't want the same premade being coupled with the same pugs/facing the same enemies all the time.
  12. they posted in this thread on the pages before my post. and they keep going, look here:
  13. all you need to know about resolve is that it SUCKS in a major way.
  14. to answer the question: Nope. There's no coming back, that train has left the station. as a lot of servers experience an unhealthily low population, which obviously hits republic more in most cases, the problem will get worse. At some point many players will not see any reason to continue playing and since there are no server transfers it will be: level up again(this time on Empire side for sure!!! No reason to be gambling again) or wait for a better game.....some nice games on the horizon. just saying on another note: What is it with the faulty WoW and horde/alliance analogy all the time? horde ALWAYS had the better players, I played since launch and yes we were mostly outnumbered in open pvp but that was amazing. We felt like Spartans destroying entire raids as a small hit-and-run group in the blackrock. And when the battlegrounds came... dear god, what a massacre. Horde was wiping the floor with alliance since the beginning of the game - that's part of the reason why people(pvpers) rerolled. too bad in this game Empire= Horde (if you mean business look the part or gt*o) Republic= Alliance (if you're casual and/or carebear come help us pick some flowers on the wayside, dear friend)
  15. when the pvp changes come and you can choose your warzone juggernaut will be awesome. just queue for huttball only and be MVP x7 every single time (unless a better jugg/guard is in your group)
  16. It makes me so sad. Ilum is a great zone, I mean who does not enjoy big scale open pvp? The map is even great for smaller skirmishes. But Ilum is such a desaster.... catastrophic really, bringing that giant mess online is multiple times worse than saying "sorry guys. still needs work. will come somewhere in the future" someone really dropped the ball with Ilum and it probably wasn't the bioware devs who surely (at least I hope that) were advocating for holding it off "until it's done".
  17. It's a hobby, allright. A very time consuming one. Time you voluntarily or involuntarily spend with other people you might know really well or not at all. Time that is much more limited than our mind allows us to realize in order to not make us go insane in the face of our own mortality. so yeah, better not waste my time, bro. MMOs are made for people who, among other things ofc, like the intricacies of the system. People who love numbers. People who will min/max their characters relentlessly. People who will farm the same content over and over again to get an item that will prove to be a small stat increase. Yeah, the truth of the matter is most people who oppose even the idea of combat logs (damage meters are a - slightly - different matter) just plain out suck. exactly the problem! It's not even about overarching class balance alone. there is no way to tell what kind of stealth-nerfs they might try to sneak past us
  18. It was an example situation. Combat logs are absolutely imperative for any decent tank though and obviously, it's not just about finding out what killed you and for how long you received no healing. Again, an example. If you don't care to know what killed you while you were facing away - no problem dude. Just disable the combat log that comes with the next patch and try to solve the puzzle by meditating on it or something like that. Seeing the name of an ability that deals damage to you, who used it, how much damage it did and how much you resisted, what kind of damage it did and why the dot seemed to be ticking so fast (oh surprise two different guys dotted you up!), etc pp. There is a wealth of information you can draw from your combat log in any pvp situation, including your own output of course. If you have time to track all those numbers during a pvp encounter I salute you (more likely I should encourage you to stop observing and start pushing some buttons though) A lot of people don't care about this, I know. They don't have to utilize it though, nobody forces them. To those guys I say - just disable the combat log and enjoy your backpedal session the way that's good for you. this statement alone is a safe way for me to assess what kind of player you are. which is why I am regretting even taking the time to write down the answer above. you got me
  19. that's doubtful. If you play a game for years, you might come back for an expansion or a patch. But if people leave a game they know is a work-in-progress within the first 2 months.... yeah those guys are gone for good.
  20. Ich habe mich doch wie bereits oben geschrieben nicht dazu hinreissen lassen deine spielerischen Leistungen zu kommentieren, auch wenn deine grundlegende Haltung durchaus zu Mutmaßungen verleitet. Eine deiner Stärken ist allerdings sehr offensichtlich: Selektives Lesen Übrigens, auch wenn du das wahrscheinlich nicht lesen möchtest, aber ich raide nicht. Spiele ausschliesslich PvP bzw fröne meinem chronischen Altoholismus, PvE haut mich derzeit nicht so vom Hocker um ganz ehrlich zu sein, been there, done that. Dafür ist mir meine Zeit zu schade, aber ich gönne natürlich allen interessierten Raidern ihre dmg meter. Combat logs sind halt nochmal ein ganz anderes Thema. Hat schon seinen Grund warum noch keiner von uns ein (ernstzunehmendes) MMO gespielt hat, bei dem kein combat log bereits zum launch implementiert war. Zumindest nicht seit vorletztem Jahrzehnt.
  21. Das ist kein Grund, der dagegen spricht. Dies ist ein "Grund" der weder dafür noch dagegen spricht. Also ein Grund ohne Grundlage, kann man das überhaupt noch als Grund bezeichnen? Sehe allerdings keinen Grund zur Diskussion, haken wir diesen "Grund" also einfach mal ab. Das ist ebenfalls kein wirklicher Grund der dagegen spricht. Dmg-Meter sind nicht das Problem, diese Spieler sind es. Und ohne dmg Meter finden solche Spiele auch andere Mittel und Wege um ihre Mitspieler zu trollen. Auf der Kehrseite der Medaille sieht es aber so aus, dass eine tatsächliche Fehlleistung, wenn auch aufgedeckt von einem "Dämätsch-Affen" durchaus sanktioniert gehört wenn die gesamte Gruppe zustimmt. Oder befürwortest du hier grade die seit WoW altbewährte "Ich lass die andern 4 mal die Arbeit machen" Grundhaltung die viele Spieler, die mit der Kick-Funktion bereits, oft regelmässig, am unbequemen Ende des Hebels Bekanntschaft machen durften, an den Tag legen? Einfach eine Gruppe mit Gleichgesinnten aufmachen und das gemeinsame Wipen geniessen. Ist doch ganz einfach. Ebenfalls ein Problem in den Köpfen der Spieler, nicht am Grundkonzept des dmg-meters. Mit dmg-meter können die ganzen Leute die so oder so nichts auf die Reihe kriegen, wenigstens ihren Schadensausstoß etwas erhöhen und somit nicht komplett nutzlos sein. solche Leute landen mit Sicherheit nicht in einer guten Gilde, die überwiegend von intelligenten Spielern bevölkert oder gar geführt wird. Gleich und Gleich gesellt sich gern, sehe auch hier kein Problem. Von welcher Minderheit und Mehrheit sprichst du? ie Mehrheit der Raider steht wohl felsenfest hinter parsern und dmg metern... In meinen mehr als 10 Jahren MMORPGs habe ich allerdings gemerkt welcher Spielertyp die Mehrheit unter den DMG Meter Kontrahenten bildet. Ich will dich da nun nicht mit einschliessen, da es durchaus Ausnahmen gibt. Nur soviel sei gesagt: Keine sonderlich rühmliche Gesellschaft ;-) Ich persönlich muss zu dem Ganzen noch sagen, dass mir dmg-meter im Grossen und Ganzen nicht wirklich wichtig sind. Sind sie implementiert, werde ich natürlich meinen Spass dabei haben mich an der Spitze zu positionieren aber was mir wirklich fehlt ist schlicht und ergreifend das combat log... ein Unding ohne combat log überhaupt live zu gehn und nur ein weiteres Anzeichen, dass das Spiel unfertig 3 Monate zu früh auf den Markt geschmissen wurde um vor den Festtagen noch vermarktet werden zu können.
  22. I don't have strong feelings towards recount one way or another. Combat logs need to be in the game though. Like yesterday. Even waiting for 1.2 is too long, I mean this is one of the most basic mmo features, such a pivotal analysis tool... it makes my brain hurt trying to think about why they would go live without one...
  23. probably at the "real" launch. you know, patch 1.2. the patch the game should have launched with.
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