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Posts posted by Vlacke


    Your saying in that sentence, that you believe people are blowing it out of proportion based on your own personal experience. Maybe if you had left out the "it is not nearly as drastic as others believe it to be", I wouldn't have jumped all over your post. But I did read what you typed :rolleyes:


    You can jump all over any post you want, it certainly doesn't change the fact that not all of us have a problem with this.

  2. Maybe this is about play styles. I NEED the bars visible so I can see what i am doing. I have no memory for alt this and control that, just not possible for me. To many skills to do this with one toon and I have 8 toons, 3 of which were played daily until yesterdays patch. Way to many skills to keep track of. So yes I stare at the toolbar during a fight, just no choice for me. When you say keymapping are you using something other than a normal keyboard?


    *wow, i stumped the spellchecker again :(


    It is about play styles, that's why some people hate this immensely and some don't have problems with it.


    That is exactly why i said before that Bioware should make an option to switch between the new style and the old style and everyone should be happy with that.

  3. I am shocked over this outrage, I played last night and finally after 3 Pvp matches caught on to the GCD effect but I didn't notice a thing, in fact because I sometimes power smash my rotation jumping a head before my procs are up it screws me up, now I'm never accidentally hitting the wrong ability because if I do I have short GCD to prevent it, people need to get over it it really isn't that big of a deal...like at all


    The fact is that the majority either has no problem with this and are already used to the change or even like this new thing better, but the forum is filled with those who complain about everything on regular basis, things like this are perfect for them to vent and dramatize, and then they are backed up by resident trolls who increase the level of hysteria instantly.

  4. Ok here is an idea.

    I can swallow all of the flaws this game already has and there are a ton of them and most are beyond silly, so forget all the real big issues and lets focus on the unplayable part for a massive amount of subscribers regarding this innovative last UI change.


    This issue has a record number of responses and worried people so


    I dare anyone to make a poll, yes go on if you dare.

    So you can see the massive amount of people negatively affected by this and cry.


    First of all, this issue has nowhere near the record amount of responses, some other discussions where much larger.

    Second of all people like us who post in the forum are a vast minority of the general player base.


    As i sad in one of the previous posts on my server in a fleet packed with people no one had a problem with this to such an extent that they would quit, some said it was better, some said they will get used to it.


    This forum has become very unreliable because in threads like this on every one person who has a legitimate problem with something you will see three trolls popping out, bashing Bioware, threatening to quit, saying how everything is horrible etc.

  5. Here's hoping they don't just roll it back to an inferior system.


    Of course they shouldn't roll back, this is just fine for many people, an option to choose between the old style and new one can be made but no way in hell should they just roll back and disregard those who actually like this.

  6. If you are having problems recognising the icons with the faded effect then you really do have a problem with your eyesight. My wife is anything but the avid gamer and she has no problems with the new graphics on the hotkey bar at all, and she's a clicker too!


    Of course she has no problems mate.

    Aside from the few people that have a genuine problem with this by having headaches the rest of the thread is filled by whiners who couldn't wait for something to happen so they could jump on the hate/whine band wagon, and just can't stand this change.Fact of the matter is their reaction would be pretty much the same if any change was being made.


    On my server when i asked about this on the fleet no one really had a problem, some didn't even notice the change until it was mentioned, some said they liked the old style better but that it's alright because they will get used to this in no time, some liked the new style better.

    Not a single soul on a packed fleet wrote that he will quit over this, and we have posts like that on every page here almost.

  7. First of all, I think you people fail to realize that the people who actually post on the forums only make up about 5%-10% of the player base for most games at best. Secondly, out of these people, most of the post on here are vague, uninformative, or hateful, or all three.


    When you notice a bug, report it in a constructive manner. Give as many details as possible. Provide video footage if you can. Stay on topic, don't get side-tracked with meaningless bs filling up the original post pages so that there is just way too much crap for anyone to even want to read through it all to get to the heart of the matter. mainly, be constructive, contribute something besides just your opinion of the situation, your hateful remarks, your bashing on other people who post, and the meaningless threats about hope u are about to unsubscribe/rage quit because this isn't working or that isn't fixed or omg its too easy or hard.


    Most of the posts under this topic are **** I demand a fix now.... I killed x amount of players in setup a, b, +c, and didn't get any credit at all for doing so. List times, places, server, faction, valor rank, etc anything u think may be useful in solving the problem. Honestly all the posts without such information should be deleted as trash.


    Ironically enough, when a moderator or csr responds to hateful posts like these, clearly stating they have begun to look into the problem, or that there may even be a problem, the post is met with perhaps a single thank you from the community, followed by even more hateful posts than before. Or the response is just completely ignored because it wasn't the particular response people were looking for.


    As far as people complaining about bugs and how broken this game is, I have to wonder if this is your first mmo you have ever played. This game is far from broken. Bugs do exists, and it is true that some fixes introduce bugs that were not foreseen, but on a whole, Bioware has patched and fixed/updated this game more in the first 1.5 months of release than most mmos have in the course of a year. insulting the developers who are trying to find a balance to keep the forum community happen as well as keeping the game balanced in completely unnecessary and counter productive. were I in their shoes, I would already discounted a lot of the posters on the forums as the 'no matter what changes you make I won't be happy till its exactly how i think it should be' people. because that is how most of these posts come off.


    We know from our Wow experiences, that basing pvp hot fixes on things posted in the forums, without deeply investigating the causes and conditions, just leads to more imbalance. As much as the Wow fan boys would like you to believe otherwise, pvp in wow is still broken in many aspects, and on many levels, the pvp game play in this game is more balanced than wow ever was, minus the exploits to valor and current imbalance in ilum due to faction population differences.


    On topic, they already posted, on page 12 in case you didn't make it that far before writing a post, that they are glad you made them aware of the problem and that they were looking into it. Of course this wasn't good enough for people, so more hateful posts followed. aside from the Ilum 'bug' that people are experiencing, everything else in the patch is working great from what I can tell. The biggest change for most people being in the commendations received from champion and battle master bags now. while you are being hateful of Bioware, and calling them incompetent and suggesting they fire such and such, don't care about the player base, and just don't care about pvp; please keep in mind that the commendation/bag changes were a completely player requested change in the way those items worked, in which bioware implemented rather quickly given the time from release of the game to release of the change. obviously things like this get over looked when 'something' doesn't work, and woe is me, if it takes months to fix this I am out type of people... but Bioware has shown us, since release, that if something is truly broken or unbalanced, they endeavor to fix it as quickly as possible.


    No mmo I have ever played has ever been able to keep the forum junkies happy, and even when changes do come, positive good changes, there is no ty for the quick fix, good job, that boys going around. generally its just more hate about something else that 'isn't the way I want it to be so fix it' kind of posts. Even after the moderator got on here and asked you all to stay focused, be civilized, and allow them time to look into and fix it, this post too was met with hateful remarks. And all the while, the people who make these remarks expect the csr and moderators to hear their opinion or 'bug report' as valid facts while they bash the people they are 'supposedly' trying to help save the game.


    Swtor doesn't need saving. Those of who think this game is a sinking ship are free to have that opinion, but honestly I disagree. The game has tons of potential, is still relatively new, and updates and patches faster than any game I have played to date. when something is broken, they taken in your feedback, as hateful as it is, look into, and fix it as fast as they can. That is all you can really ask for any company to do from a customer service point of view. If there is one thing Bioware should learn from Wow, its that listening to the forums, for 'game balancing changes' has to be taken with a grain of salt. Wow did this to great extent, and because of that remained unbalanced for a very long time, and in many ways still is unbalanced where pvp is concerned. People may disagree, and that is their opinion and they are entitled to it, but I am just speaking from my own experience.


    The bare bones of the subject of this post is this - The PLAYER BASE of the game created a situation where they were exploiting the way Ilum was intended to work. Though this could have probably been foreseen, it was not, and though it may be too late to retroactively punish those exploiters, the best they can do now is implement changes to prevent this from continuing. They have already said - 'We are looking into the situation and will keep u updated', twice in this forum post. both times they were met with just more hatred. honestly I don't see why any company would want to deal with the mmo community in general just because they are more hateful than constructive 95% of the time.


    Ilum is broken according to some people, on different servers, and past a certain time today.. they said they are looking into it and will update us as soon as they have more information. The patch released this morning, their responses to your complaints came shortly after you posted them on the forums. People suggested the 'rollback' the servers to the previous patch; Honestly, f'that. The new changes, aside from the ilum bug, greatly outweigh the inconvenience of Ilum atm. to be honest, Ilum has always been an inconvenience for most people on uneven faction populated servers, and the bag changes alone were worth the patch. Not to mention the increase in pvp responsiveness of yer skills activating and the improved 'cool-down' ui added to better show wut skills are available when.


    Just my two cents. just get tired of seeing all of these non constructive posts and rage filled posts. Honestly, report the bug you have found, give as many details as possible, and be constructive in your criticism. Otherwise **** unless u can do it better, and in that case, pls apply to bioware asap.


    On a whole, I am happy with the game and where it is going. The commendation change was a huge huge buff to anyone with any-type of reading comprehension. Even this change was met with hatred, after the player base specifically said' we want more control over our pvp progression', met with so much in fact before the patch even released, that Bioware had to Spell out the specific details of just how many of what u would get in each bag. In hindsight, they could of avoided some outrage by mentioning this upfront, but on the whole, I am sure it would have been met with just as much hatred and bs as most changes to games are.


    Swtor is still a child as far as MMOs go. It has been out for 1.5 months now. Just look at the 'patch notes' list if you honestly think Bioware has done nothing to improve their game since release. If you still feel that way after seeing how many, and what they fixed in those patches, then you have no business being on the forums giving any type of opinion whatsoever because you obviously lack a basic understanding of things plainly obvious.


    Yes, Ilum is bugged atm for some people, yes crafting needs work, yes the warzone issue, which i myself have not experienced with wins not counting, needs to be addressed; But on a whole, Bioware is doing a pretty good job at trying to keep the players happy, keeping the game in balance, and fixing things when they arise in a timely manner so far. So if you're gonna complain, at least do it constructively so this game can continue moving forward, instead of the pointless insulting bs most of you post on these forums.


    Thanks in Advance. Have a great night.



    Post of the day, definitely.

  8. I know this complaint doesn't belong here, but oh my god I can't play off of 6fps anymore.


    Seriously, 6 fps?

    Sounds like bad hardware to me more than anything else.

    Try lowering your graphics settings, or keep high settings but turn off bloom and put shadows to low, it should help a lot, if your PC is an old pile of junk though then even this won't do the trick.


    For those who are bothered by it though, (and are legitimately bothered at that, not just finding something new to complain about) I hope Bioware will offer some middle ground for you, but not at the expense of my shiny new actionbars either! :o




    They should maybe make an option to choose between the old one and the new one, hopefully it's not too hard for them to do something like that, and basically make everyone happy, those who like the new version, and those who apparently hate it immensely.

  10. Why do YOU even care how it is affecting others if you see no issues? Who are you to determine how bad it is affecting anyone other than yourself? When you decide to pay our sub fees, I guess we can all let you determine how bad something is or isn't for the rest of us.


    Nerd hysteria. :cool:

  11. Damn some people are really overreacting.


    Previous version was better i agree, but this is nowhere near as bad as some here make it to be, at first i didn't even notice the difference and once i did it didn't take much time to get used to it.


    As for seizures, headaches...you people serious?! :rolleyes:


    Anyways if it's such a problem for so many people i am sure it's not going to take long to correct it.


    Personally i don't have any problems with this.


    I mean if I was going to market a product I think the choice should be ALLOWED atleast once.....


    The problem with this is that some people here in all their ignorance feel that AC change should be allowed more than once, as in whenever they see fit, which would be a complete disaster and will never happen.


    A one time change which would cost a lot...ok, not much harm in that.

    Making it available for AC's to be switched on regular basis on the other hand is just ridiculous.


    Majority of people I run to in game think that a LFG, add on, maro system are around the control. You can't judge what people want from the fourms, there just the vocal minority.


    SO: SWTOR will get cross-realm server before the end of 2012, I promise:)

    You can promise all you want but it doesn't mean squat, especially since Bioware said themselves that they don't want to, and have no plans for implementing anything cross server at this point, it isn't even under consideration.

    They are working on improving the existing tool and that's about it for now.

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