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Posts posted by Vlacke

  1. As countless others said:


    - Bags and the quests are NOT removed

    - This change doesn't happen in 1.1.5, but in 1.2

    - BM gear is a MINOR upgrade to champion gear


    With that change I'll PVP even MORE because losing will also give you rewards unlike now. Also they already said that there will be a lot of new objective-based medals, and more medals means more valor and more commendations.


    Awesome changes coming.


    Agreed 100% mate.


    Guild Wars 2 is close. Very close. You'll never have to grind ever again.


    Have fun with that generic fantasy crap, i have no intention of leaving The Old Republic because of that garbage.

  2. WoW and SWTOR cannot even be compared at this point regarding quality, SWTOR wins the comparison hands down, much better game overall and i enjoy playing it.


    What's even better is the fact the SWTOR is a young game with ton of potential for future updates, content, fixes etc. so it can and will only get better.

  3. Crevasse City IS ALREADY DEAD! Log on at 9 pm and you will see less than 20 PEOPLE ON THE FLEET. Yeah, you read correctly...LESS THAN 20 PEOPLE DURING PEAK PRIME TIME.


    Wrong server choice, your fault.

    It's not so hard to re-roll on a better server like many people including me and my friends have done.

    Once they allow character transfer you can move them to that new server of your choice, end of discussion.

    Every time i look at both EU and US server list during prime times i see a large number of standard/heavy/very heavy servers so those who are hoping for some ridiculous server merges will be disappointed because it won't happen anytime soon.

  4. While we are at it, couldnt we just get the ****n perk that people get for doing pve quest in pvp already.


    I dont like missing that much of the game cause i dont pve. I had to pve to get my ship.. given that it was a fairly short time still i already had enough, now i just want to pvp. But i am missing a ton of stuff like companion ( which helps you craft and get you money), social, perma +stat and a ton of other stuff.


    You are missing out on those things because that is what you CHOSE, so you can blame yourself only.

    Everything is available to everyone in this game, the fact that you don't want to do anything besides PvP is your problem alone.

  5. I have a simple question


    is there a server on the north American side


    that has a big comounity on republic side


    sofar i have not found it


    If some of you can help post or mail thank you


    Cruciable Pits, Prophecy of Five, Velaa, form what i heard.

    Plenty of good US servers it seems, with good population.

  6. The game is not perfect. There are many issues that need to be addressed. However, I love this game and I am very happy with where it is at this point.


    Keep up the good work and don't let the whiners bring you all down.


    Same here.

  7. I agree with this statement :D. This is a power of money. This game is a massive failure, masses of people are leaving this game because of incredible amount of bugs, and lack of content. The funniest part of this video is when this guy says: " we are here 24/7 for you" rofl !! You create a ticket, week later you receive response copy/paste some nonsense not ralated to you request. There is no customer service what so ever.


    PVP sucks so baaaadly, ppl are all the time angry, fighting/insulting each other. Balance does not exist in PVP. There is new translation of BW shortcut, Bug Ware lol.


    The worst of all is farming end game gear. Clearly BW wants you to pay and stay. It takes hundreds of hours to get your gear, and you know what is the most annoying ?


    Sometimes you play bugged game for 10h and still no gear :), even one piece, because its completely random. lol


    So wrapping up, if you want to be all the time angry, you like to be ignored by customer service and be bored with lack of end game content (there is nothing to do when you are lev 50) go for it :). It is a game just for you.


    I love Star Wars but BW seriously can mess up even this title .....


    Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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