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Posts posted by Vlacke

  1. Online and profitable in the East and a ghostown in the West. Going F2P in Europe and pretty much the poster child for what MMO companies shouldt do. However, Bioware seems to be hellbent on not learning and moving just as glacially slow.


    You should go back to whining about your precious textures, if you spread too thin some might think that the only reason you are paying sub for this game is to troll it and bash Bioware.

  2. I haven't seen any indications that it is growing either. At lesat not on my server. If population is growing it's on Imp side.


    It seems to me at least that it's decreasing rather than growing.


    However I did an experiment just now.


    My server republic Chuundar fleet at this very moment 31, STANDARD


    Bloodworthy server imp same time also STANDARD 137...


    That is a HUUUUUUUUUUGE faction imbalance right there



    Your problem is the fact that the republic faction is almost non existent on Chuundar which is why me and my friends decided to leave that server some time ago.


    Now on our current server we have 250+ on the fleet in prime time and the number of people on the planets is constantly increasing, not the other way around, also some servers that were standard these days show heavy population.


    I would have to agree with the OP, the population does seem to increase.

  3. I'm going with $$$$$. The trolls are out in full force to defend certain other games that they fear this one is going to kill for them. Content locusts who made 50 and did "everything" wil be back every time there's a patch with new content...their locust swarm will devour the crop and they'll be gone again for a little while in between that and the next aptch. Meanwhile, everyone else with a normal life will just keep chuggin along a couple hours per day, enjoying themselves immensely.


    Agreed 100%.

  4. The fact that Qyzen uses AIM is ridiculous in the first place, i am amazed how they didn't change it back to Strength already.


    Dismissing Aim for Strength and an option for Qyzen to use other melee weapons would fix things.


    I hope Bioware puts more effort in creating Consular companions in the future expansions, as things are now they are by far the most boring bunch when compared to companions of ANY other class.

  5. 1 - Stop using "ain't"... it hurts my eyes to see that word.


    2 - You attack the "random numbers people toss out", but then, in this very post, used, "but for a LOT of people". Perhaps you should take your own medicine?


    3 - The actually release content pretty fast for an MMO. Your complaints, to me, seem unwarranted, as if you have never played an MMO before.


    Of course you are right, OP as every other good Troll always tries to present his biased subjective opinion as something that is shared by majority of others.


    Bioware is doing a good job and SWTOR is indeed an excellent game as far as i am concerned, a game that will only get better in time with new content, fixes etc.


    The fact of the matter is that the number of people dwelling in the forums and whining constantly about various things, threatening to quit in the process (this one really got old) is the vast minority of general playing base, most people don't even come to the forums to post, less alone complain on daily basis.

  6. People that unsub because Bioware didn't fix a (insert YOUR IMPORTANT PROBLEM HERE) immediately with an uber-hot fix make me LOL.


    Indeed, a bunch of spoiled whiners.


    The patch isn't coming too late, just the opposite, it's timing is perfect and it's list of content and fixes is even better.

  7. You know paying attention? The reason that SWG lost all their subs was because of the CU/NGE. It had a consistant base of 300,000 players for 2 years. Thats with all the bugs that never got fixed at all since beta.


    The CU/NGE made it a wow clone so if you are saying that SWG was a failure because it lost all its subs you are in fact saying that trying to copy wow will lose subs. What do you know its true copying wow will lose your subs.


    Remember give it time and the subs will keep dropping and dropping. They will start adding in LFG and server transfer and all the other goodies that show a game is failing just so they can keep milking as much money out of the people.


    Your consistent player base of 300k is ridiculous when compared to SWTOR, a game that will grow undoubtedly because it's good and has a lot of potential...surprise surprise.

    Also what you see as signs of failing, LFG, server transfer, others see as signs of progress because those are some features that almost all MMO's have nowadays because it looks like many people want those things, weather you like it or not.


    Face it, SWG is deservedly dead, and it will stay that way.


    People like you are hypocrites, bashing SWTOR on forum constantly, saying how bad it is, how Bioware has no idea what they are doing, how it is a WoW clone, and yet at the same time paying subscription and playing the game.

  8. That and people saying SWG shut down due to low subs mis-information.

    Misinformation, seriously?

    So in your opinion SWG was this amazing game, doing so good and making loads of money from it's enormous player base and yet someone decided to pull the plug?



    Some people here cannot accept the hard fact that SWG with all it's flaws and qualities failed miserably in the end, which is why they decided to kill the game.


    If that weren't the case it would still exist, making significant profit which is by far the most important thing, anyone who thinks that this is not the case is simply wrong.

    No one in his right mind would decide to shut down a good and very profitable game with legions of followers, SWG just wasn't that game apparently.

  9. [*]Pazzak.

    It'll act like dueling and another player can walk up to them, right click and select view Pazzak Game to see how the match is going.

    [*]Free Flight Space.

    When you launch your ship you'd go directly into space and have your fun there. I really don't need to see ships just hovering around while I'm running around questing. AFK in space please.

    [*]Customizable Ships.

    Or at least the equipment you place on your ship have a visual effect like equipping armors.

    [*]Improved LFG Tool.

    No cross server please.

    [*]Improved UI design.

    Stuff like being able to re-size, not placing the reset button right under a drop down choice. Better/Smarter Design.


    I agree with these things, they would be welcome indeed, especially Pazaak and customizable ships.


    I am pretty sure it will happen in time though, the UI changes and improved LFG tool are on the way as speak anyway.

  10. So because you disagree, their opinion is somehow invalidated? :rolleyes:


    Not invalidated really, it's just how some like to use plural when trying to discredit this game thinking it will add significance to their opinion, it's all "WE think, WE want etc" which is somewhat ridiculous since it's written by one person.


    On topic:


    SWG is dead and buried for a reason, it wasn't that good and popular obviously despite what some of it's fans think, otherwise it would still be alive and kicking, making money from the people who play it.

  11. 1. because it was starwars.

    2. because WE though the game would be something different than just a copy of wow

    3. because WE are waiting for a game that is good enough to play


    Another angry whiner thinking that everyone is sharing his opinion...


    Speak for yourself really, the majority here don't share your thoughts despite what you may think.

  12. Simoon:Will you be adding the option to choose what Warzone you enter a queue for?





    Gabe Amatangelo: Not until we introduce cross server queuing. If we were to allow players to choose their Warzone before they could queue across servers, then it would negatively affect how often every player would see a Warzone





    Oh, I do apologize for bursting your bubble, but we all know it had to be broken sooner or later.


    To clarify, NO. They did not in any place say they would make cross server queuing for Flashpoints. In fact, all I can see that they would be enabling it for Warzones and Warzones only.

    Not only was your OP wrong in his quote (How exactly did you pull LFG tool out of that) but I think it's laughable to see how many of you didn't actually read the blog post.




    The actual blog post -------> http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-feb-10th-2012 The question and answer will be found near the bottom of the page - second to last question in the Q&A


    Don't reveal these facts, you'll ruin their party! :D

  13. @Xelorph

    Oh, my gosh. You shouldn´t metion WoW in your post. The sharks will come back.:eek:


    You should learn to write properly at least before you decide to make a thread filled with nonsense, maybe illiterate OP's such as yourself are more welcome on WoW's forum.


    You played the game for what, 2 hours until you reached your level 8 and jumped on the forum here to tell everyone how it's really not so good while saying that WoW is better in the process and found yourself "surprised" of people's reaction here...seriously?!

  14. Any more smart things to say pal?


    In fact yes, it should be forbidden for the likes of you who don't pay the sub and have nothing better to say than "this game is bad" to pollute the forum here, it would become a much better place for the majority of those who do like SWTOR and are offering constructive critique and thoughts on how to make this game even better.


    One would think that you lot would have better things to do instead of wasting your time on a forum of a game you obviously dislike.

  15. So be positive and everytime you see one of these guys say "troll", just imagine some nice word instead of it.


    So that's what makes you lot fell better about yourselves.


    The problem with this reasoning is the fact that troll is a troll, and a simple glance at your post history reveals that you fit into that category also.

    I'm really not sure how else to call someone who bashes this game in his almost every post, praises WoW, and yet is paying the subscription in order to play SWTOR.

  16. Common knowledge is rubbish as argument.


    Trolling is also rubbish yet you seem to like it a lot.


    Why don't you go back to that beloved WoW of yours, rumor has it that pandas are coming just to make you happy, instead you are being a hypocrite by paying to play this game and write how bad it is on the forum.


    I certainly won't even consider going back to WoW, ever, because for me SWTOR is much better game overall, yet unlike you here i don't go to Blizzard's forum and pollute it with garbage posts.

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