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Everything posted by Rabbican

  1. You are right both sins/shadows, operative/scoundrels have an increased stealth move, and unless they are kind enough to show you where they are before they stealth (happens quite a bit in your videos) they are hard to pop.... till they pop you.
  2. Great video, you should have shown people how to handle operative / scoundrel (DPS)... maybe next video. Though I believe they will likely tweak hidden strike damage a bit... getting crit for 8.9k (he was bio-chem (stat stim + crit surge consum, with expertise stim, expertise buff, trinket, and I already had acid blade on me "50% armor debuff") this is through 400 expertise on my 50 sage healer. Operatives and scoundrels are pretty tough to stop if they get opener, but you seem to knock many individuals out of stealth, which takes away their best attacks. I have to work on my smart placement of force-quake as a preventative measure, big resource cost for me though.
  3. They can't 3 shot people, well sniper / gunslinger can too... But they have enough problems, cover = kick me sign in pvp... Stationary dps class FTL. So far my favorite was getting hit by an operative for 8.9k with 400 expertise (bio chem, double expertise buff, trinket, acid blade debuff on me). Leaping through the air and stealth is fun too.
  4. Rabbican

    2nd class citizen

    I am 50 full seer sage you are wrong. Your hot hits for 1100, then ticks for a couple hundred a shot. The hot makes your next two 2.5 sec casts 1.5sec cast or less with alacrity (1.3) ATM for me. You are correct about the heals hitting for 2.5k ish critting for 3.2-3.6k ( you can crit for 4k + with trinket and biochemical. The channeled heal is great for anything but 2 bursty dps hitting them sub 5k health, it will heal 30ish% of their health. Pop a shield (force armor + lightning barrier) then hot healing trance and you are good to go. Can you get peeled as a healer sure, if you have guard/taunt on your side you can laugh and go about your business. Sub 50 geared healing trauma seems very unfair, bit when you finally get to the top it makes sense.
  5. 75k damage and 10/25 kills are noble goals for a healer to aspire too, if you want to focus on winning a warzone rather than padding a meter / medal count ... hats off to you sir!
  6. I'm a 50 sage healer, I even tag people with my insta-dots, damage or AOE, to get the 10/25 kill medals, time my project/pebbles well for killing blow... and I heal for 400k+ on voidstar with 0 deaths on my team... care to elaborate... 30% healing debuff = balance... Edit: Tanks = easy mode medals, I"ll give you that... one AOE taunt = 3 tank medals!
  7. you get 2.5 k heal, 5k heal, 75k healing, 300k healing exact mirror of dps... really...
  8. None that I am aware of. Would be great if there was server forums but they claim they won't , because it is difficult to moderate. Some servers have had players make their own server forums, some are better than others. I just typically look for legitimate questions on these forums before they get buried.
  9. Rabbican

    Battle for ilum...

    you complete it buy flipping points that are vulnerable / controlled by opposite side, you have to take out their crawlers / walkers repsectively or repair your base or blow up both cannons on opposite side... you right click on these things and shoot rockets at them.
  10. as someone else suggest Sentinals / mara can put out an additional 20% buff if I'm not mistaken
  11. you had trauma on you (happens in anytime you are in combat in pvp) reduces healing by 30%
  12. Rabbican

    Grace period

    your team will be at a disadvantage if they had to wait on you, nothing like a 7v8 to turn the tides. Sorry to hear about the error 9000 but what your suggesting would severely gimp the team you d/ced from.
  13. #1 biggest micoconception about resolve.... the stun/knockback/pull that fills your resolve bar (it turn white) DOES NOT TAKE YOU OUT OF THE STUN THAT FILLED YOUR CC BAR. IT ONLY MAKES YOU IMMUNE TO FURTHER CC/STUN AFTER THAT WHILE YOU HAVE WHITE BAR (ANY BIT OF IT LEFT)
  14. Healing / dmg is tricky because only effecting healing counts. Easiest way to get 800k+healing? have another sorc/sage spam consumption/noble sacrifice while you spam heal them from the saftey of your non-afk zone part of base. Kudos to the OP for doing great damage as well, this seems legit not cheezed. Healing over 300k = gear dependent, team dependent, and level dependant.. your team has to guard/taunt and other team has to do massive damage for you to heal for effective points.
  15. Nope just 300k, nice to get the 100k damage there as well. Did you get your 5k single effective heal?
  16. 1:24 (video Timer) bomb is planted, there is an audio and visual Q for this... (visual Q is on the your minimap complete with a bomb countdown)... but you stay on your side doing a 6vs3 and are surprised when door blows up. If you notice your side has more numbers... chances are they are on other side. Before that you wonder why you are focused.... might you be the only target not hugging a pillar? Not much choice here being melee, but you can choose your targets better when you get low... Do you try to los and stick to your healer... no you try to los your healer. Your in Vent with the healer I assume, best way to approach voidstar? Have voice comms up with other person watching door, assign people in your group to a door they never ever leave that door and call out before they die / caps go off its easy to reinforce and stop caps. 1:57 You stop your forward progression to wait for your healer... what do you think the enemy is doing while you aren't moving? They couldn't be moving forward on the left door where they had planted/had their team in force... 2:14 they just blew through the second bridge... it couldn't be because I was sitting in hallway doing nothing. 3:10 Got this guy trying to stealth up.... okay thats important I should knock him out with my aoe. 3:16 Forget that stupid stealther... people are hitting me I'll forget him... I'm sure its not important let me beat on the main team behind me. 3:32 you jump on the furthest person you can see, whats that blue light off in the distance? That couldn't be stealther I forgot to knockout (with my aoe 'aoe stun/aoe or force sweep would have done the trick) and kill/delay.... I"ll just keep beating on this guy who isn't capping. 3:45 I can't believe this... that stealth capper I ignored (half health when you saw him in stealth btw) is trying to plant a bomb.. I keep forgetting I let him go. 4:45 someone's going for the plant... you saw the guy heading toward the door.... I'll just keep hitting this guy 100 yards away from the door about to be capped.
  17. Either roll republic or leave every huttball you get (no penalty for doing so), just be prepared to wait an hour for non-huttball games.
  18. Good tips, thankfully I knew about all but the alternate way to mid in Alderaan. I shared it with my guild... but only my guild. This information is dangerous in the wrong hands... seriously though keep up the good work and do continue the commentary videos. Amazing how quick this thread gets buried amongst the garbage threads people start over and over. Not sure what professions you picked up, but Biochem will give you the biggest advantages in pvp and pve (flask like stims, re-usable DMG/crit stims, health stims etc..)
  19. That animation was the ball exploding prematurely, it seems it was rather excited by that heroic leap.... and you know... careful how you hold that thing. Definitely a bug, I saw the ball timer not yet complete as well... but there is no doubt that was the ball explosion animation.
  20. Anywhere between 2.5k and 3.5k dmg is what it seems to take... not sure if it can crit etc... just from my own personal observations. Sin/Shadow, Operative/Scoundrel,Gunslinger/Sniper can usually pop it one hit, most other classes it takes 2-3 hits.
  21. Depends on the warzone and how geared your dps is. Operatives/scoundrels can 1-2 can assist train wreck most anything just because their burst is so high. Likewise grav/round tracer missile spammers are usually sure to kill their target after the debuff hits a 5 stack, if their target doesn't los them. Pure specced healers typically have no dps synergy or regen while they use their dps attacks. So it boils down to this... Voidstar: 3+ healers on your side you typically won't have the dps to cap doors before they reinforce (very much weighted on your dps and pug/team tactics, whether you can lead away, cc etc..) Alderaan: If you can get to the points fast enough having many healers can turtle point all day and never lose.... but by the same token if they cap 2 first... you won't have the dps to cap before they reinforce (unless they are stupid and are led away from cap etc..) Huttball: 3+ healers can be very beneficial only if you can get ball first / control every flip (takes alot of coordination), but if your coordination is lacking to the other team and they control the ball spawn you typically won't have dps to snag ball back ^ All this is assuming they have 1-2 healers I agree with your assessment that having 2 healers and x other is best setup. 2 healer + 2 tank premades usually have a devastating effect on WZ. The fact is I've lost a game of voidstar where we had 3 full specced healers and no one died, our pug dps wasn't very good so they couldn't assist train, do enough burst, etc... to take counter the other teams 2 healers.
  22. I won't deny that 5k healing medal takes some setup to get (expertise buff) + cd's. I never go for it in Voidstar or huttball (too action oriented), but as far as alderaan is concerened... let me guard a point for 10 mintues with 0 traffic. Whats that a expertise buff 50 yards away... sacrifice... sacrifice...sacrifice... sacrifice... crit cd, surge/crit relic, hot + 2.5 sec heal (1.5 sec buffed) twice for good measure 1 or both will be 5k +. Healers medal's = mirror of dmg medals both have to be effective damage/healing. Dmg spec just has better chance of getting KB and solo kill. Also you have to tag enemies with an offensive ability to get the kill for 10 or 25 kills... I usually have a free global / dot to use.
  23. Pro tip wait for trauma to fall of of you, rakata med pac, or use your cd + crit surge trinket to heal yourself. Sorc/sage is easy you can hurt yourself with sac/consumption. I was able to pull this off with 1200 of my primary stat and 200ish exp
  24. L2 5k healing effective medal healing medals = 2.5 single heal, 5k single heal, 75k heal, 300k healing... just need 1 to complete set.
  25. If it says you are away from keyboard your pvp flag will drop anywhere even on a PVP server. Note that type in guild chat etc.. un-afks you so 0 key input for about 10-15 min. Are you on a pvp server? Honestly don't worry about it world pvp hardly every happens until tatooine czerka quest, and voss.
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