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Everything posted by Catsmeat

  1. Now with hindsight I'm glad they didn't have one on offer as I would most likely have bought it back last November. I did buy the CE after having a great time for six months in Beta. It's been hard watching this game plummet ever downwards to where it is now. At one point in Beta it was great, I think it was the third to last iteration before release. Everything modable. All stats used as the player saw fit to build. It had such promise. My lifetime subs in STO and CO were not such great expenditures. I think one here in SWTOR would leave a similar sour taste.
  2. I'm sure they had all kinds of contingencies for the game depending on how it performed.
  3. "SWTOR has a 200-300 billion estimated PRODUCTION cost." lol - I keep hearing Carl Sagan saying billions and billions in my mind with his funny voice. By the way a billion is a thousand millions - I think someone is confused.
  4. Well they sure didn't end up here. I wonder where they went?
  5. I think I've seen most of your suggestions a dozen times over from many posters. All moved to the Suggestions forum though by thoughtfull polite CS agents to slowly fade from memory and die.
  6. Appologies OP, I just read your first paragraph. You are right. It is mighty short. Not what I would call value for money spent.
  7. They could probably go far just reusing voice files they already have like they already do to an extent. Heck in my Vanguards leveling I heard the same "For the Republic" sound file many dozens of times, often even when the dialogue choice I made was different. Maybe all the repetition of those files in the course of leveling so many 50s has me in the state I'm in now, that of just not caring about it much at all. If they had made all the VO work actually match the dialogue choices it might actually matter to me.
  8. Doesn't EA own Origin and thus the Wing Commander/Privateer stuff?
  9. Welcome to the magical world of Bioware! None of this is new. Posts vanish. Threads vanish. Posts get reworded. It's really awesome to see in action.
  10. Not a single one of my seven 50s didn't have affection maxed on all companions prior to hitting 50. It sure would be nice if my legacy spanned all servers or the characters I play now were on the same server as my 50s to use the legacy presence buff, but alas no...
  11. That sounds reasonable to me. Though they may be able to get it for less by finding a real CE in a store discount bin.
  12. I'd like them to install public WCs that require a store bought token to use. Such a feature would be awesome for RP purposes!
  13. Welcome to my experience with SWTOR since I bought the game (Pre-purchase). Little response in forums. Canned CS ticket replies that didn't help and usually showed the CS paster hadn't even read my issue, CS forum help requests directed to informationless dev posts, etc. It's nothing new. Welcome to the ignored customer club.
  14. I think they could by doing all the mission text and VO in Esperanto and then charging for a short lived translator device that would translate both the text and VO into your language of choice!
  15. I do something similar. I keep subtitles on. I read it fast and spacebar. First time through was fine for the most part but on 4th, 5th, 6th... iterations it gets old and just slows the game down. Now if we actually had additional new content paced with the leveling rate or different routes to follow in leveling it might be meaningful, but it doesn't so it isn't.
  16. I'm so looking forward to displaying my CE banner over my characters heads to show what a sucker I was in buying it. If I could give it to another player who wanted it I would. As to the coins - I'll be keeping those as I may need them when I pop back to SWTOR from time to time to see if they can make it fun again. (As a FTP of course)
  17. I believe they are supposed to be mailed in game on the 7th.
  18. lol I had the same issue about 2 weeks ago. I think it took 9 tries before the name generator created one that worked.
  19. Hmm, I wonder if the transition slide when changing zones besides having a tool-tip will soon have adds for the in game store. That's a lot of advertising space as they come up frequently in game.
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