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Everything posted by JCDenton

  1. I logged in, went to make a new character, noticed that races like Nautolan were "locked", but I had no means of unlocking/purchasing it from there. If I were a new player, I would need to make a new character, purchase it, then make another character with what I purchased, which is bad user experience.
  2. People who enjoy finishing things within a time limit are free to do so without a time limit being imposed on everyone else. The entire concept of speed running is built on that idea. Why would people like this need be considered at all? If you would like to complete a particular mission within 24 hours, on a Tuesday, or whatever else, go do that. You don't need to impose some bizarre time constraint on everybody else to play in whatever convoluted way you personally enjoy. People that "don't give a flying (...)" about bonus series missions aren't playing them either way, so again, why would they be considered? Are you under the impression that there exists a population of people who "find them almost as unrewarding as the Destroying the Star Fortress missions" when allowed to complete the missions in their own time in a similar manner to all other missions, even on a self imposed one-day limit, but now find them enjoyable when the rest of the game's population is subjected to an arbitrary time limit? The time limit is a negative to someone, and a positive to no one. It doesn't give anything to anyone who has accumulated enough blows to the head to like the idea that they didn't already have, and it takes something away from everyone else.
  3. They really should have separated sound from visual/item entirely. I'm surprised they haven't realized they can double dip by selling the helmet and then the modulation separately via a second "modulator" slot, same with weapons.
  4. I don't think it's any secret that "space Barbie" is a pretty big factor in whatever draw the game continues to have. You should be releasing non-equipment cosmetic items far more frequently than you are, e.g. new heads, eyes, makeup/complexions, hair, etc. Unpaid modders working on an equally old game in their spare time are able to put out more hair styles in one month than the cartel market has seen since inception. I realize that asset creation isn't free, but at the style/level of quality seen in The Old Republic, it isn't exactly moving mountains to make a hair style, or an eye color, every month. People are playing dress up, meet your customers where they are.
  5. Came back to the game to see how much of 7.0 they had fixed, had no idea there was a timer on bonus series content. Why on Earth? What possible justification is there for that? What problem did that change fix? Somebody is changing things for the sake of over-inflating their closed tasks for the week.
  6. They appear to be spamming "its fine, stop crying" in fleet chat.
  7. If nothing else, it's always funny to watch the "wait and see" thing play out the way it always does. Bad indicators and early red flags exist, who knew?
  8. If they want me to rely less on a tank and a healer, making me less survivable such that I have a greater need for a tank's distraction and a healer's heals to do the same content I did the day before the patch is a strange choice.
  9. Yes, tanks do damage, but not as much as DPS. Healers do damage, but not as much as DPS. DPS, e.g. Guardian, has survivability, but not as much as tanks. DPS, e.g. Sorcerer has heals, but not as much as a healer. DPS DcDs haven't become a "replacement" for a tank in any content that requires a tank. There is no sweeping trend in the game of running MM flashpoints and operations without a tank.
  10. I'm not seeing a solution for the cartel weapons. Did I overlook it?
  11. Couldn't agree more. The criticisms about the size of the update are going to come regardless, you might as well not pile on criticisms about crappy balance, missing abilities, and "I paid XYZ for this tulak hord saber and can't even use it!" to go with it.
  12. Back in the days of droid armor and all that, he really was a terror.
  13. As it pertains to the Guardian nerfs at least, I think it's mostly PvPers who are unhappy that their dogpile takes a minute longer. As a mostly casual story player and very light RPer, there's nothing remotely pleasing about the gutting of the classes, or in trying to have that iconic single saber Jedi where you can either move quickly, or deflect blasters, but not both, despite having been able to do both for years.
  14. Yeah. Kind of like how tanks and healers can also do damage, not just DPS.
  15. I enjoyed the personal ship missions, reminds me of Starfox. Some of the later ones are unreasonably difficult though, even with the BiS gear.
  16. Discarding what we can play with our own hands and see with our own eyes, as well as Bioware's own history, in favor of this kind of wishful thinking, is an extreme coping mechanism, and the clearest sign I've seen that even the booster crowd are aware of what an impending disaster this will be, but haven't yet been able to accept it, and are looking for what-ifs and loop holes. "Sure, what you can see is garbage, but what I can baselessly imagine is great!"
  17. Yeah, I used the "random" name generator, and something like ten out of ten were taken already, not so random. Regardless, if you need to play around with spelling, accented characters, apostrophes, and other nonsense, your game is about a decade behind everyone else. If they want to modernize, the literal first step to a new player getting into the game would be a good starting point.
  18. A game that has been made so easy that a cat walking across a keyboard could clear most content, isn't easy enough.
  19. Trying to find a name is increasingly ridiculous in the game, they really need to adopt the [display name]#[unique account identifier] system most other MMOs have brought in. I'd bet 50/50 that the character sitting on your name hasn't been played in a long time.
  20. The tutorial can hardly be called a tutorial, and seems like it was put together by someone who had already put in their notice. As far as design problems, we'd be here all day, the root cause is they couldn't decide if they wanted X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter or something stat driven like the rest of the game, tried to half and half it, and got the worst of both worlds. GSF has been out a long time, and the forums are dead, so mostly all I'm going to get here are people who have learned to live with the bad design and have stockholm syndromed themselves into thinking it's not actually bad, but the player count speaks for itself. A Star Wars dogfighting game where every match is dominated by sniper space ships, torpedo lock -> dive -> wait six seconds -> torpedo lock -> behind rock -> three seconds -> torpedo lock sequences, and playing ring around the rosie for two or three minutes on every satellite. They didn't exactly capture the battle of Endor.
  21. A hold over from the days when Bioware cared about things like that. I've seen a lot of variations of Luke Skywalker running around with various accents etc., so I'm sure you can work around it.
  22. Even better, why not *gasp*, play and see? These changes that everyone are discussing aren't theoretical, they're playable, right now. Were you unaware that the PTS exists, or were you just unaware of its purpose?
  23. GSF has a lot of foundational mechanical/design problems, which is why it's so niche and generally being played solely for conquest by 90% of your team, and the enemy team. Getting some ship upgrades helps a lot, but it really does just come down to a coin toss as to whether or not you'll have a good/fun game, which is itself down to what parts of the bad map design and bad mechanics your team and the enemy team do and don't exploit, or know about. If they haven't fixed it by now, I don't think they're going to. Buy proton torpedoes, buy the extra launch range, try to let a team mate go in first, and just sort of accept that once you've burned your anti-missile cool down, there really isn't much you can do.
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