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Everything posted by JCDenton

  1. Very agreeable. It's been a wild adventure to watch this hobby going from fighting so hard against the Jack Thompsons of the world, to actively inviting them in to help us battle the terrors of voluntarily reading mean words in a video game.
  2. I believe its something like "guild information", it isn't guild chat, you should be able to match the color to the channel when you right click general. If you only want to censor some items, you're out luck unfortunately, everything is all or nothing. I have the same issue with alien NPC commentary showing up in the same channel as system feedback.
  3. Yes, trolling is often enjoyable for the troll. What point did you think you were making?
  4. Yeah, they would need a small handful of small animations. It's crazy how low people's expectations of Bioware are now. The things that the community sees as unreasonable or insurmountable are just the most bare bones basic stuff.
  5. Free access to cartel items on the PTS would help alleviate the issue that I can't be certain what ridiculous sound effects they've added to various helmets and weapons until after purchase, and they have a tendency to add some really atrocious ones, e.g. the notorious bounty hunter helmet. Allowing for sound preview alongside the already available visual preview might be a more elegant solution.
  6. I find it difficult to play the game without getting to read the wisdom of the dozens of political, scientific, and financial experts on both Dromund Kaas and Fleet. Bioware truly made an excellent game for it to attract so much expertise from so many different walks of life, and so many years after release.
  7. I'd love to see new combat styles introduced. I don't think we will, because if you can't be bothered to create new animations, something that requires new animations plus much more is an even taller order, but we'll see. Considering how hard they pushed Mandalorian content on the cartel market, and how much of their on-going business is tied to it, I'm sure they'll want a path for the player who wants to buy the beskar spear and play their donut steel version of Djarin, so I'd certainly expect something along those lines first, and maybe a darksaber or darksaber knock off added to the market.
  8. They really need to do a quality pass on everything, starting with character and clothing. I'm hopeful that this is part of the vague "visual update" they've mentioned.
  9. Sure. And some ideas, like that one, are so bad and off-brand that even speaking them aloud is a clear mistake, let alone doing enough work on them for people to have data mined it later. That's bad (or absent) direction, and creatively bankrupt.
  10. I would also like this. The animation is already in the game, you can see an NPC doing it on both fleets.
  11. Not being forced to choose between reflecting blaster fire (saber reflect) and agility (blade blitz) on the Guardian class. Neither was there originally, but it feels a little less "iconic Jedi" to me without it now.
  12. They know how to turn it off. The problem is "until you get hit again" is often a matter of seconds, on fleet especially. I'll never understand why so many on this forum work so hard to defend and justify every small waste of time, annoyance, etc. that happens in the game.
  13. I would especially like this on the Imperial side, where I find every existing ship to be *** ugly.
  14. I feel like I kill gunships more easily than most other targets in my strike fighter, even as a probably mediocre pilot. I have no idea how matchmaking works though, so maybe I'm getting paired up against newer people without many upgrades.
  15. I think the issue is that if you're a new player, who doesn't have ten years of wealth built up, the GTN effectively might as well not exist. Between the vague technical and visual updates, wanting to make sure the game doesn't look "old", the extreme ability simplification, and so on, I think they're planning to draw in and retain new players for a while yet. If they're successful, hopefully they're able to figure something out with the credit supply. Then again, I suppose they're probably fine with billion credit outfit prices that might just funnel people towards the cartel market instead.
  16. Your premise is built on an assumption that what they're doing is the more labor intensive between the two options, which I don't have any reason to believe. They aren't fundamentally altering what's already there, or adding anything new mechanically, they're taking the abilities and the passives you already have, smushing some together, and letting you keep a few. And the two are really separate concepts anyway - there's nothing about reducing the number of abilities a Guardian has that synergizes or benefits in any way from letting Sages be Guardians too. If I believed they were also going through the game and making sweeping changes to balance and raid design in each encounter in order to accommodate these changes, e.g. "this boss assumed you had reflect and blitz, but now you don't, so we had to change X, Y, and Z", you'd have a good point, but considering they couldn't even be bothered to get most of the content up to level 75 last time, I don't have any good reason to believe that either. Ultimately, neither of us were in the initial meeting with a tape recorder, so we'll never know, but between "we make money from cartel market items, Disney+ tie-ins especially, and we'd like to remove obstacles to purchase so we can make more" and "just make him a smuggler trooper lol", the former sounds more like the sort of thing an MBA at Bioware, EA, or Disney, who doesn't play the game and doesn't care beyond numbers on a spreadsheet, might lay out as a core objective. The latter sounds more like the kind of spitball you'd toss out when trying to find the path of least effort towards that goal.
  17. My understanding was they were keeping moddable gear for the higher tier stuff. If that isn't the case, whatever the higher item rating ends up being, that gear should orange/moddable as it is now. I'm generally fine with removing it from the lower levels though, and just having it as an endgame thing. I think orange gear is a holdover from the days before an outfit system, and intended to (among other things) solve the same kind of problem.
  18. I've actually seen a few, but they always seem like they have trouble forming coherent thoughts and complete sentences. The target audience, maybe. I'm half certain somebody at Disney wants the game on Xbox and iPad. The general direction and rationalization is giving me Marvel Heroes vibes.
  19. I'm having a similar experience on Star Forge, intermittent short lived lag spikes on a fiber connection.
  20. Who mentioned a new class to be balanced? Ability does X damage in Y seconds, whether you play the pistol animation for it, or the rifle animation. Balance is mechanical, not visual. It would have the same impact on balance as the costuming/outfit system, i.e. none at all, because it is conceptually the same, a recognition of the separation between the underlying game mechanics layer and the visual presentation layer. If anything, this pipe dream/coping strategy that some here have of imagining that this change will bring about entirely new combat styles would have severe balance implications - if it were to actually happen - for a game that hasn't once been balanced for a full twenty four hours. They can theoretically go from not being able to balance eight advanced classes, to not being able to balance an arbitrary number of them that each introduce new abilities and mechanics, instead of simply changing the presentation of what already exists.
  21. It would have fit the overall story of those expansions better, as they were way too Force mysticism focused, but it would have been a disaster for those characters. When your game offers four different flavors of Force using individual, and I deliberately choose something else, coming back 100 hours later to yell "Sike!" and hand me a lightsaber anyways is a pretty ridiculous idea and a huge waste of everyone's time. This is the first I've heard that they were planning this. If it's true, it's to their credit that they had the sense to shoot it down, but it's to their shame that someone even vocalized the idea.
  22. The entire thing came about because they wanted to sell rifles and spears from The Mandalorian, but their in-game mandalorian class couldn't use either...but they also didn't want to create new animations, despite that workload being something that hobbyist amateurs regularly complete in other titles, and without the benefit of a multi-million dollar annual revenue. When it was first announced, I mostly saw people assume that they would still be a Bounty Hunter, just using a rifle now, as that would be the most sensible and quality driven approach. The idea that you would equip a class the way you equip a pair of boots was so absurd that I'm not sure anyone outside of Bioware ever considered it. But here we are.
  23. The snowball spam ran its course a very long time ago, and certainly needs to die, but I don't think enabling PvP with a troll many dozens of levels higher than the average player will do the trick. They should instance the effect, i.e. you throw a snowball, you hear it, you see it, I don't. Or have it work like the rest of the troll abilities, group members only. I'm sure the obnoxious sound and animation inconceivably seemed like a good idea to someone, but the reality of players who grew up with lead water pipes just spamming it endlessly gets pretty old.
  24. I tend to favor Kashyyyk as the last original Knights of the Old Republic planet still missing, but wouldn't mind a trip to Naboo either. I'm sure the Gungan voice acting would be very popular.
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