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Everything posted by Rasstavad

  1. You are republic... how many time do you get The Pit? Once every 2 days? and you automatically quit? rofl If you were Imp you would be quitting every single match.
  2. Rasstavad

    Tracer missile

    Yeah, I get 4.5-4.9K crits every WZ too... but it's on one ability that is on a 15 sec CD that requires 6.5 seconds of setup to hit that hard.... and guess what? It's not Tracer Missle. Full champ gear minus the boots (cent boots)
  3. ?? Grinding out 20+ bags to get a piece you are missing and getting nothing but commendations or repeat items is a hell of a lot more frustrating than working towards a specific number and piece that you need. The goal of anybody who wants to pvp "competitively" is to be on equal gearing with their peers. Once "equality" is achieved and gear can't be blamed for a loss then, aside from balance issues, you can PvP for the simple fun of it. In WoW, the start of every Arena season is an unwelcome grind to get the gear so you can compete... that part isn't fun - the fun begins once that gear is obtained. In TOR, no matter what Valor rank you may be there are such radical differences in gear simply because it's so random.
  4. I'm sending BW a bill for a new mouse. I have the mousewheel bound to scroll my view out - which I have to constantly do in a warzone to keep any kind situational awareness. rofl Anyhow, I'd like to address something being talked about a few pages back... how clunky mechanics and "ability delay" lower the skillcap and even the playing field. An simplistic example I'm fighting someone in The Pit, I have the advantage and I'm going to win - I notice another enemy approaching to help his teammate out. So, I move the fight nearer a drop-off and as soon as the 2nd player approaches I switch targets, stun the incoming enemy player and use my kncokback to send him off of the ledge. I then switch back to my original target and finish him - which gives me a few seconds to either run away or quickly try to heal myself before the person I CC'd has a chance to move back up. Now, this is what really happens... I see the second person approaching and when he gets close I attempt to tab target him, but I end up targetting a player 30 yards behind me... so I try to click target him (harder than it sounds, rofl) finally I get him, now I'm engaged. I stun him, position myself and use my knockback.... it doesn't fire... I spam the button, it goes off - but instead of flying off the ledge he is knocked through me to a safe location away from the pit... now, if I'm lucky I can finish the original guy but I'm sure as hell going to die to the second. So, instead of a simple bit of finesse, situational awarness, positioning and quick reactions allowing me to win the 1v1(2) and get away I end up pacing back and forth in spawn waiting for the shield to drop. When you can't execute abilities when you need them, exactly when you need them, and have those abilities react properly with the other players/environment, it takes all finesse and skill out of the equation and promotes simple gear battles and button mashing - and rewards those that win the ability lottery. Anyhow, I just can't comprehend how people can't understand that ability delay and all the problems we have mashed together under this problem are a casuals wet dream but a competitive players worst nightmare.
  5. You are wrong - it is timing the cast bar. It is no different than casting a combat ability and moving the instant the cast bar finishes. If you can't do it with the speeder you sure as hell can't do it with a heal. It *is* indicative of combat responsiveness - and the most easily tested method. When the cast bar finishes on your screen, the cast is complete.... or is supposed to be.
  6. The only people I ever hear complain about "twitch" based combat are people who lack the "twitch". What is the point of having a GCD or "instant" abilities if they are both trumped by animations? Animations might be nice at first, but in the end gameplay and combat responsiveness are what is going to carry the game, imo.
  7. Are you really trolling or have you not been following this issue at all? GZ already stated that EVERYBODY suffers from it to a degree - however, he also stated that some folks just aren't fast enough or good enough to notice. I guess we know what category you fall under. I'm sorry if this comes across as a bit harsh, but after a month of harping on this issue, multiple responses from the developers acknowledging the issue, to have another troll pop up and blame "peoples PCs/IP" is too much.
  8. I get the feeling that BW's definition of "instant" means you don't have to stand still to use it.... lol If you can be interrupted after you hit an instant ability by a stun or knockback then the ability is far from instant.
  9. If this works out the same for me I'll be pretty happy. I can't count the times when a clutch CC or a knockback could of saved a match but didn't because of current issues... besides it being frustrating when you have to fight your controls just as much as your opponent.
  10. There is going to be much placebo effect regarding this change. I tested it a bit this morning before I left for work and it didn't really seem any different (mount test, etc)... and although it seemed smooth I attribute that to the fact that fleet had 35 people in the the shard I was on. I want to see how things work in Ilum and in a Warzone myself before I get all happy. School tonight after work so it will be tomorrow before I can really test anything.
  11. No, what GZ said was that some people were more "tolerant" of the delay than others - meaning that some folks just aren't as sensitive to the issue (not fast enough, new to MMO's, etc). He said a few of the issues under the title "ability delay" are global.
  12. People that didn't really start to PvP until they hit 50... You don't have to be Valor Rank 50+ to open a Champ bag and use the gear tokens.... you just have to be level 50 (max level).
  13. I opened 8 bags today - one after another. Nada, zilch, ZERO. I'm not a BM, just rank 52 but damn, I have TWO champion pieces. I'm tired of seeing people in the mid 30's with almost a full champion set.
  14. I've seen that many 50's barely log in anymore and my guild has half the active players anymore - and most are either grinding champions bags or leveling. I have seen many newer players (or alts). It's way to early to tell... a drop-off will be a gradual thing and not a "one day POOF" type of thing.
  15. Probably because some people get unlucky with bags. I'm a Champion with 2 actual pieces of champion gear. Pretty lame.
  16. I'm on DR too - but my biggest gripe is that Ilum is the only place (when in a large OP) where my uber system seems to have issues and framerates in the 20's are the norm. I haven't tried turning down settings from high just for Ilum, going to try that next.
  17. as GZ noted, different people have "different tolerances" and he did mention that we ALL suffer from some of the things that fall under ability delay. In other words, you may be too slow to notice it.
  18. Xcores new video on ability delay. It showcases some very specific examples in a very detailed manner. I'm sure the devs could use this information - so here it is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33rZGc3EpZM
  19. Why do you think the developers even noticed this issue? It's because those of us that made a huge (and continue to make) stink about it. If it was up to people like you nothing would ever get fixed because nothing would ever be said about problems.
  20. Great job Xcore. There is more definitive news on the issue in a sticky above... but I'm still sure we will have fanboys incoming with their "nope, it's all in your heads... works perfect for me" posts.
  21. Where are all the trollling fanboys with their "Nuh, uh, there is no ability delay. derp derp"
  22. If you can't read you shouldn't comment. He isn't asking for one button macros, the exact opposite.
  23. First day of the patch things seemed better. Yesterday things seemed worse than ever.... I spent the hour I was on crafting... and even that bugged out on me. rofl
  24. Heh, yeah... they are trying to bury this topic now. In another interview we were promised some fixes in this last patch. lol
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