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Everything posted by Rasstavad

  1. No, no you wont. But I'm sure afterward you will have no problems hitting your Q key repeatedly.
  2. Because I haven't spent the last month grinding BM gear....
  3. Yeah, the BM gear is optimized differently than the same Champion pieces (especially the implants/ear) if you replace them in the wrong order you can find yourself with very low crit for a while.
  4. Skill being equal this is not true. Any good melee is going to eat a arsenal merc - unless he tries to engage on the catwalks in huttball - and although a pyro has a much better chance at kiting until help arrives or possibly long enough to escape he will also get his *** eaten if neither of those things happen. We are not talking about a decent merc vs a terrible melee... always assume equal skill and gear (and by skill I mean both are competent).
  5. For Arsenal I go with 3 rakata (weapon + 2 main set) which still gives me over 500 expertise. For Pyro I go with one rakata weapon and the rakata chest... I find the increased crit chance for railshot trumps the increase to powershot in PvP.
  6. You ever see what happens when a decent melee jumps onto an arsenal merc?
  7. Rasstavad

    30wins 1 loss

    Which is why you think unrated premade vs pug games somehow define skill. If you HAD played that game you would be in that guild full of 1500 champs in welfare T1 who use the premade enabler to allow 10-15 man groups into random pug battlegrounds so you can roll people in greens and feel good about yourself... too scared to even set foot in a RBG. You are a scrub. edit: People like you are the reason we need to have our toons linked to our forum avatars and when rated PvP becomes a reality an armory.
  8. Rasstavad

    30wins 1 loss

    The fact that you lost any matches running a premade just shows us that you pretty much suck. A well rounded premade should never lose to a pug.... if they do... roflmao
  9. What's your name on ArenaJunkies? I'd like to troll you over there.
  10. Not only that, but the more champion pieces you actually had the less of a chance on getting the one or two pieces you really needed - under the old system.
  11. I'm getting the idea that you are very young. Don't you understand that under the old system you might have ONE champion piece in those 40 bags and maybe enough for 3 centurion pieces? Like the guy you quoted and didn't read... when I hit rank 60 I still had 3 centurion pieces.... and it's a common story.
  12. Exactly. It's just like a slot machine. Every time you pull that lever you have the same chance to win as if it was the first pull.... a long losing streak doesn't magicaly increase your odds like most people think.
  13. What hybrid spec? roflmao Hint: if it shoots purple lightning at you it's not a BH Merc.
  14. True... but how many times have you seen someone complain about WoW being too easy and then you see that they have never even completed a normal mode raid... or complain about PvP balance and their highest Arena achievement is 1500. But yes, an Armory would be nice and someway of linking a persons toons to their forum avatar. Their is way too much anonymity on these forums even for the internet. lol
  15. I'm a BM 50 imp on Dark Reaper and have never lost to a republic premade when running one myself.... and repubs are always running premades. Anecdotal evidence can be misleading. However, I will admit the average pub pug seems to always have the advantage in healers.
  16. Your entire screen flashes with explosions and glowsticks being waved around - aoe going off and purple lightning zinging across the screen. If these things don't make you ill, dizzy etc... then the new cooldown UI wouldn't be an issue either.
  17. Understood. I need to farm Ilum when I get home so I'll see what I can do for you.
  18. I get about 45-60 fps in a warzone, all options maxed - vsync enabled HD resolutions. In a 16 man raid I stay pegged at 60... however, in a big Ilum battle my average is about 15fps. Fleet in a heavy 250+ shard near the GTN, for example can drop me into the 20's. i7 2600k, 2x gtx 570's. I have a buddy with a much less robust system claiming he had zero fps issues... Went over to his apartment last weekend and asked him to turn on fps while he was running around a repub low pop fleet shard... 10-15 fps. He did a huttball and never got above 25. I have no idea why he lied about his fps - but I'm betting a lot of other people are doing the same.
  19. Rasstavad

    Tracer Spam

    It's why I went Pyro a while ago. I do sooooo much more damage simply because I don't get gang piled as soon as I start with tracer. I can sit their and machine gun RS and PS and nobody seems to notice. People die just as quick.
  20. Nope, real girls don't game. Rule of Thumb.... until I hear you on vent (even then it can be questionable) I figure you are just a guy who gets his kicks off of pretending he's a female. MMO's attract this type of person by the droves.
  21. Ok, I'm a BM in decent gear. I've flip-flopped multiple times (too many credits spent on this, rofl) between arsenal and pyro and I can finally say that pyro is much superior - especially in a map like Huttball where people are constantly using LoS to avoid your tracers and even if they aren't intentionally losing you they will accidentally because LoS is freaking everywhere. Pyro is capable of more consistant burst and constant damage and pressure. The hardest thing I had to learn is heat management and to trust Rapid Shots and my dots, which can tick upwards of 1K on low health targets. Besides, it's a hell of a lot more fun and less frustrating. I still find that good melee will tear me a new hole no matter what spec I'm playing in a 1v1 but at least as Pyro I can make a dent and have a better chance of kiting them long enough to get assistance. Anyhow, my two cents.
  22. Why would valor rank have anything do with skill or gear? I've seen a few War Lords with crap gear (ilum campers, rofl) and I've seen Glads with full sets of Champion. All valor ranks mean are time invested and a potential to have gear (based on RNG).
  23. Because PvP is based on a priority system. Players aren't bosses that are being tanked where you can stick to a series of linked moves with any kid of success. You may have to pop a defensive CD, you may have to throw out a CC, switch targets, use LoS (positioning) and multitudes of other variables that will never allow a static rotation. I understand that all these things can and typically do happen in a raid encounter, but never as quickly or as often as during heated pvp. What do you do when you are 1 2 1 2 2 into your rotation and the player CC's you and runs around the corner. Now you have a Mara up your butt and one or more of your rotation abilities is on CD? I'm sure you don't run around in circles waiting for everything to come off of CD so you can 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 in precise order.... or do you? ... and I was being a bit facetious with the OP - bragging about being OP against lowbies in the 10-49 bracket would be like me bragging about killing a fresh 50 in quest gear in the 50's bracket... both signs that the person is either new to MMO's or very young, tossed in with the way he used "rotation" = noob. imo edit: I can't wait for macro support - and I hope they allow /castsequence type macros. It's going to be fun watching people try to use this type of setup to PvP with in a competitive venue (when rated become viable).
  24. Players can create the 10(12)v8 intentionally - I'm not going to say how to do it, but many times it is anything but accidental.
  25. Anybody who mentiones a "rotation" in PvP is a noob. Just thought you should know that.
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