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Everything posted by Ditched

  1. At least you can PLAY warzones. For me, the FPS is so bad its unplayable. Seriously, FIX THE DAMN FRAME RATE. Its funny, every game I play runs fine, but this. SWTOR runs like a slideshow.
  2. Something seriously needs to be done about the FPS issues in this game. WZs are unplayable for me.
  3. I would have much more fun if the FPS wasnt so abysmal.
  4. bad FPS is by far my biggest issue with this game. Something really needs to be done.
  5. seriously. Of ALL the things you could complain about.
  6. Im on one of the most populated servers and it takes way too long to find a group. cross server LFG is fine.
  7. Anythings better than sitting in the IP for hours on end spamming LFG in chat.
  8. 4 - something REALLY needs to be done about the FPS issue.
  9. I dont understand what the issue is with cross server LFD. It would be faster. The only downside I can see is that it might encourage people to troll/grief. However if SWTOR has the proper game mechanics (like not allowing certain classes to roll on certain items, and being able to kick people) then this should not be much of a problem. Seriously, it worked fine in WOW.
  10. Instead you would rather have a lobby and LFG spam in general chat for hours on end? Seriously think about what you just said. In order to find a group now you have to spam chat in the Imperial/Republic fleet and hope you find a group. LFD tool lets you do whatever you want while you queue. Its better for everyone. Besides, its not likes it forces you to use it.
  11. I agreed with what you said except the last part. I hated Gault more than Skadge.
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