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Everything posted by SanguineSphinx

  1. I'm sure. For FLASHPOINTS it's checked on by default; for OPS it's checked OFF.
  2. lolwhat? What were you guys rolling for? If you both need it for your characters you're playing, you both roll need. As a Healer I say this. Healing doesn't give you special privileges in need-or-greed. Realize that those DPS players have a hard enough time getting grouped with long queues; of course they're going to roll need if they need something. They can't run in and infinite number of times back to back like we can.
  3. Having that grind in the game is stupid, in my opinion, so I understand them removing it... IF they added more social point gain from grouping with others. Basically, every Flashpoint should give the same amount of social points (more for LI since it's harder) and ops should give even more than that. PvP should give it, too. They're called Social Points, but right now they don't reward social behavior at all. EDIT: the social points you get from killing every boss in a flashpoint is minuscule compared to the number you get from Esseles or Black Talon. Which means that, essentially, the social points system is broken.
  4. The answer is finding ways to encourage people to play Tanks or Healers, not adding cross-server functionality (which would make for very, very bad pugs). In-game guides on how to Heal or Tank would help encourage that tons.
  5. My Synthweaving leveling gear sells almost instantly when I put it up. top-tier crafted leveling gear is beast, and people buy it.
  6. ...because joining an in-progress group is turned off by default. It needs to be ON. Seriously, this needs to be fixed, or no group will ever be able to continue if someone drops. We had one dps drop and no one rejoined because people naturally leave things on the default settings unless they get angry about something; if everyone's screwed by one person dropping from an op, very few ops will ever be finished with group finder.
  7. It may be a bug, but I really like the lack of conversation roll portraits. Less clutter, better able to enjoy the game. Please allow a toggle on/off option for it.
  8. They never promised how often the CE store would be updated. You have not been lied to, and don't deserve your money back. That doesn't mean I'm not disappointed, too. One companion customization for your first companion isn't very helpful. I was hoping for at least a unique lightsaber color or something. But when they said it would be updated "regularly," that isn't a promise about how often. They said they're updating it soon, so they're fulfilling their promise, if not our expectations.
  9. Why are there only two levels of the pre-order black-yellow color crystal (one for very low levels that is quickly outleveled, and one for level 50s)? It seems odd to do this, since it strongly discourages players from using that color throughout the game, and I know I'm not the only one who prefers to stick with one color forever, since it's always been a part of every Jedi or Sith's identity. If you're worried about the threat this would pose to Artificers (who make the mid-level crystals), here's a possible solution: have the pre-order vendor sell Black-Yellow crystal schematics of all levels that are Bound to Legacy. This would both encourage players to make multiple characters and ensure that only pre-order players can get the crystals. If that isn't your concern, is there another reason players are "gimped" for trying to use the black-yellow throughout their leveling process?
  10. They've said that the class stories start approximately 10 years after the Treaty of Coruscant. They intentionally keep it vague, for obvious reasons.
  11. Wait three days to ensure healthy population for years. Seems like a good deal to me.
  12. I've heard tell from those on the high-pop servers that chat on the fleet is a nightmare. Guild recruitment spam is through the roof, in all of the channels - because there really isn't a channel for it. Trade chat should be for Trade, and General should be free from the spam that the other channels are for so that people can actually chat. If a new "Recruitment" channel was made (set on in all tabs by default), it would be the best of both worlds. Everyone would see the guild advertisements by default, but they could easily turn off that setting so that they could see chat they need to see without it being spammed away within less than a second. Any comments or ideas?
  13. Your server will die and you will have no economy.
  14. Someone posted it here yesterday; I think it was from a fansite, but I'm not sure. Anyone help with this?
  15. If lag is your problem, go to "graphics," scroll down, and choose "Show Lowest Number of Players." Problem solved
  16. -1 cookie for posting this more than a week after it was written -100 cookies for a complete lack of proofreading for someone to notice that bit at the end of it "heading to the Public Test Server very soon" EDIT: That said, Group Finder FTW.
  17. As far as I know, there is no known limit. There are 40 companions in the game, so you can theoretically get 400 Presence from those. Each unique companion (AKA Mako, Talos Drellik, Vette, etc.) gives you a +10 bonus, even if you've already maxed out a companion of the same role of a different class.
  18. Considering they added even more pop to Fatman and JC, I'm assuming they DO plan to get extremely high populations on all servers. Otherwise that decision wouldn't make any sense at all.
  19. That's how things should work in Free to Play games, yes. In a game where we already pay 15 dollars a month on top of the base game, no, that isn't fair.
  20. We should get social points for Warzones, Rated Warzones, Flashpoints, Heroic Missions, and Operations. And all based on how social you're being, not on how many in-game conversations you spacebar through. Social Points are supposed to encourage people to group up for content. Currently, that is NOT what they do. That makes the system broken.
  21. They have said it is NOT an expansion (James Ohlen in Torwars interview). Whether there will be any price to pay or not, we'll have to wait and see. If there is a price to pay, I'll call BS and say that makes it an expansion pack. But I don't think there will be one.
  22. Awesome. Hoping it'll work as well for the other servers =).
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