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Everything posted by Jhonen

  1. I'd like to see more emotes. Right now /sleep does nothing, and you can't seem to sit in most chairs. Also, in addition to chat bubbles, I think that /say and /yell should have animations (ex. World of Warcraft).
  2. You've kind of pointed out two bugs. Please be more specific before saying it's "riddled" with bugs.
  3. Happy new year, BioWare. May ToR see many more
  4. http://torwars.com/2011/09/09/zoeller-on-launch-day-world-instancing-dealing-with-gankers/
  5. A little radical, but I agree with most of your points. Most "doomsayers" I've noticed are used to World of Warcraft, and don't know any other MMORPGs beyond that. At the same time, I can agree with a lot of gripes people have. Do I think this game is broken? No. Do I think it can be improved? Yes. Does it have a good future. Very much yes.
  6. Eh, I don't see Guild Wars 2 being any more popular than it's predecessor. It also depends on how much content BioWare can get out before GW2 launches. Could be a lot or a little, depending on when it launches (they've been really iffy about a release date). Keep in mind that the above is only my opinion.
  7. Riiiiiiiight. If you don't like the game, you're a hater. If you like the game, you must be fanboy. No exceptions. Ever. That's how most interaction between you and other people seem to go.
  8. Didn't understand that. If you're saying that the next gen MMO is going to be from an Asian studio, I don't think so. They all seem to follow a formula that doesn't deviate from the standard very often.
  9. Oh all the things that will "kill" ToR (this is just my opinion, not fact), GW2 seems the least likely.
  10. BioWare Mythic, not BioWare Austin. Essentially, they kept the staff from EA Mythic. They're two different studios that don't interact. I actually live five minutes away from their studio in Fairfax and got to talk to a couple of them. I was a little disappointed 'cause they had no idea what BioWare Austin was doing for ToR.
  11. Oh man, you can't compare the two, especially since I'll assume you didn't play that train wreck. Star Trek Online was DoA.
  12. I don't think it'll "doom" them. Also, it's an easy thing to fix, give it time.
  13. It was a problem that many players recognized. Also, I liked how they changed the looting colours. They're no longer these huge light shafts. Instead, they're little pools of light at the corpse.
  14. I think we'd all appreciate it, but for now, it seems crying is all the general forums are good for
  15. Sort of true. A lot of people have stopped looking at these forums because they're tired of people either pointing out every last flaw, or wondering if this game has a future. I think so, and so do many other people.
  16. Whatever. BioWare has never patched an MMORPG before, and they're only just getting their feet wet. I'll not be surprised if their second or third patch take a while too, but afterwards they should learn from their mistakes. Developing and upkeeping an MMO is no small feat.
  17. I think if BioWare plays their cards right, this game will have a great future. It might even go head to head with WoW. Only time will tell, but I have faith.
  18. Yes, but they've insulted him / her personally, you see? The OP can't just let that slide, justice must be done!
  19. My entire post was sarcastic, that's why /sarcasm was at the end. All in all, I found it to be a very well done review. He wasn't all about the positives, nor did he let the negatives get the best of his review. Solid review.
  20. This review is terrible! Little to no bashing was done at all, and I don't like how he tried to stay as objective as he could instead of subjective. All in all, terrible review... out of 10. /sarcasm
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