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Everything posted by Jhonen

  1. Keep in mind that what I am about so say is only my opinion. Purely subjective and not entirely factual. You can't argue Cata is making it harder in the slightest after patch 4.1. The difficulty was amped up slightly, then dropped to support a more casual learning curve. WoW will never see another Ulduar again, which was arguably their best raid (Blizz has stated the cost for making such a zone as their reason), and with the raid finder out and about, they've brought raids down to a level where anyone can run them. I don't think it's any more difficult than WotLK in the slightest. If anything, it's gotten worse.
  2. Also, with a name like WarTornPanda, it's really easy to see which MMO is your favorite.
  3. Smoother gameplay, story, stong end game content out the box, etc. You're right, WoW had the smoothest gameplay of any MMO ever. But after being out if it's prime for 4 years, what does it offer now?
  4. And the fact that their looking for raid option is making a huge number of their fans upset is a good sign, right? Oh, also, most of the boss models were rehashed in 4.3. Another good sign, right? Not to mention that Blizz has stated that you'll never see anything like Ulduar again, which was arguably the peak of their raids. Also, the endgame content exists in ToR. Other 50's don't exist in abundance however.
  5. 1. I guess it's a matter of opinion on that one. For every person I hear that doesn't like it, I hear three more people that do it seems. 2. They're fixing the auto-focus in the next patch. Also, you need to spam more than two buttons later in the game as it gets much more difficult. WoW, RIFT, Aion, and to a lesser extent, WAR are games where spamming keys = win in my opinion. 3. As opposed to... any other MMO ever? Seriously, in an MMORPG how do you divert from this formula? If anything I think ToR deviates from it the most. 4. Wait, the fighting is repetitive, but you need to use more than one key now? And the enemies are actually tough? Are you just bashing the game to bash it? 5. There is endgame content, and if you're saying that people will get tired of running the same three Ops all the time, I'd encourage you to look at every other MMORPG on the market right now. 6. I haven't had much experience with crafting, so I've got nothing for that. Simply put, it seems like you're just bashing the game to bash it, and I can't take you seriously at all.
  6. I'm sorry, but I think that's blatant trolling right there.
  7. Oh hey, look, it's Shadysketchy. Game still isn't up to your standards, is it? Pity. Also, there's plenty of end-game content. Don't let this guy get you down.
  8. It just seems to me and some people that you come across as a doomsayer. Somebody is only able to point out flaws and is able to predict the day ToR will most certainly "die" or go F2P. I don't know if that's your intention, but there's far too much of that going around. As for BioWare not responding to any complaints just yet, keep in mind that it's the holiday season, and that many customer service reps and / or devs are celebrating. I'm surprised they put out a sticky thread announcing that they've been listening to the community and are planning to implement / fix things. Usually this happens well after the release date, or far too late.
  9. I won't be, but there seems to be a good number of people out there that will. Just trying to get a head count. Yes / No will do, leave a reason if you want.
  10. The voice acting for the most part is stellar in my opinion. Also, David Hayter as the Jedi Knight? I can't play any class but the Knight now.
  11. But you'll eat some of them, right? I joke, I joke. I think that's a latency problem that can be easily fixed anyhow.
  12. I'd like a source for the Hero Engine being that bad. BioWare has repeatedly stated that the game engine and servers are more than capable of hosting enough people comparable to the current "AAA" MMORPGs. Also, phasing is temporary. Less q_q on that topic.
  13. It is competing with 2011 WoW, this is truth. Though to many, it doesn't seem to fall as flat as it seems. If they wanted to add as many dungeons / races / raids / warzones / etc / as WoW, they'd still be in development for a long, long time. After Diablo 3 was delayed, BioWare announced the release date for ToR almost five hours afterwards. Was it rushed? A bit, yes. Does it have the potential to catch up to WoW via content patches given their sprinting start? Absolutely! It doesn't compete with Cata WoW in terms of sheer content, this is truth. But it easily matches up to late BC if not past early WotLK. Won't be long before ToR catches up, no doubt in my mind.
  14. Never had a problem with casting delays, but my friend who's a Sith Sorcerer does at times. It's hardware / software / lag related I'm sure.
  15. That depends. There are a lot of people (including myself) that enjoy the pve / pvp and thing that there's nothing wrong with the control scheme / reaction time. I boil it down to personal taste, and some hardware / software problems.
  16. Pouring out your heart and soul isn't helpful at all. It comes out as some emotionally fueled rant that is for the most part devoid of any sense and reason. You're the only person I know on this forum by name (for making such whiny and self-absorbed posts), and it seems I'm not the only one. There is a difference between a temper tantrum and constructive criticism.
  17. I'd love to believe you, but do you have a source?
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