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Everything posted by tekhiun

  1. Only coding reason I can think of is that there is no parent class or if that there is one it doesn't contain the property for hood on/off ( most likely case imo ) . Either way it's really bad design at least they could have made one for all hooded robes. I struggle to believe that this is the reason though because this is like the first thing you learn in Object Oriented Design. Also does this mean that every helm has reference to every hooded robe in the game ? ***.
  2. I am pretty sure that pvp has been abandoned as a serious game feature. Sure they will put new arenas (who asked for that anyway ?) and maybe just maybe a new huttball. But given that they havent fixed balance in well over a year and the serious lack of interest into communicating with this side of the forum I seriously doubt it will ever get anything more than an automated season reset. If it happens that they are planning to look at season 1 data to do any form of serious rebalacing or maybe even 3.0 if those do not coincide all I gotta say is good luck with retaining players . A game that takes PvP seriously should address it's issues on a monthly basis, well bi weekly one if it is something that affects ranked play.
  3. Maybe the reason pvp is dying its because it quickly becomes unfun to steamroll or get steamrolled every time you are playing ?
  4. The only reason I am doing 16 man sm ops, on my full 78 toons is so i can get comms in order to gear alts and companions, when i do this I am usually the one who explain tactics for the bosses to new players. This means that a new 55 is getting helped by a full geared one , JUST BECAUSE OF THE COMMS Removing the comms gives no incentive to more experienced players play with less experienced ones. Tell me again how this is a bad thing ?
  5. I agree, what's worse some specs are much better than other in certain aspecs aoe damage, single target damage, survivalbilty , ultility and etc. For some classes there a spec that is optimal for each situation, even if you are not chaning roles. I think this feature should have been implemented ages ago tbh
  6. Am I the only that thinks its complete nonsense to complain about these buffs when we don't even know what they are ? Seriously just wait to see what this buff is. /threadclosed
  7. play a smashmonkey, easiest spec in the game.
  8. I am sorry to say that you play dps really badly. Dps also has to know when to burst when to move to a certain spot ( not only avoiding visual queues ) . Maybe if you improved your gameplay from below average you would have more fun in the game ? If you are just dpsing with your head down you are a detriment to the group and also not doing as much dps as you can.
  9. i was in a wz with only 3 smashers once.
  10. tekhiun

    Dumbing Down Of PvP

    Yes I agree, buff smash !
  11. tekhiun

    Operative DPS OP!

    Troll ? Has to be, made me lol at least
  12. I agree with your suggestions, besides the day/night cycles, thats really low priority for me
  13. I know a guy that soloed all 50 fps on HM, but I guess we can't solo lvl 55s yet .
  14. Yeah sure if you are all playing the same FOTM composition with same gear Arenas area actually more zergfest than normals ( when playing regs or solo queue ) , the fact that they end really fast shows that, it's like saying "huttball is very good , specially when you win a match in less than 2 minutes".
  15. tekhiun

    Operative DPS OP!

    What about we actually look at the patch notes before crying nerf ? I know, it's a crazy idea but give it a shot.
  16. Maybe everyone should just leave then ? Don't see how someone that is paying a monthly fee should be forced to play a game mode they don't want. If they don't like it they should just leave. Personally I don't but thats because the only reason ive been pvping is to get the obroan relics so anything that fills the daily / weekly counter is good by me. I really don't get what bioware is trying to do by now. They release arenas when the game is not properly balanced for it and there is virtually no matchmaking system regarding composition and thats considering people can't respec while queued. If they plan to spend over 6 months trying to fix balance after releasing arenas then I have to say that it won't do them much good, there will be no one playing them by then.
  17. Basically because ppl were using clickable relics and adrenals to get tons of burst dps back when crit and surge stacking was actually good. They could disable pvp ones from working pve too but only if they fix the pve ones first
  18. 2 server merges, 2 million subs lost withing a few months, massive staff firings and replacements, from sub to f2p within a year = success ? Oh yeah and also ILum. The game is much better now than it was from release but its far from successful.
  19. So why is the PvP relic so much better than the Pve one ? If you take into account the Obroan level in the mods, the Obroan relic should be a purple 67 item and yet remains the second BIS relics for pve ( the same is true for SA ) . This seems a serious design flaw imo. It makes serious raiders have to invest time in an aspect of the game that they are not interested in as it may take quite a few weeks to get the DF relics. My suggestion: Bump the pve Focused Retribution so they give buff primary stats as much as (or a bit more ) as the SA relics give to power and nerf the buff on the pvp relics to match their levels, in exchange give also a flat % damage increase against other players. PS: also make the FR relics available at vendors as many may not have picked that relic as their quest reward due to the its current poor stat. Maybe for an increased amount of comms or a mix of basic elite and ultimates.
  20. I rather look to what he is actually saying, instead of exaggerating sorry.
  21. What he said is that they delayed Battlefront's release in order to fix BF4. Which seems to be true what he is suggesting is that the poor track record that EA has and how it's affection SW games disney might have a reason to pull off the contract (i.e if they have clause about poor performace or something of the sort ) . Seems you are the one reading too much into things. Chill out.
  22. They can't unless they are willing to go to court over it. Afaik Swtor and the rest of the star wars stuff are in different contracts Also if this really happens that means that this game could end up on the hands of anohter developer. It has happened before in other mmos and it was a positive change.
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