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Everything posted by tekhiun

  1. Do we even know what the supposed drop ratios are, or that they are not changed between patches ? That's why i don't waste time on gambling boxes. Also this is the result of people binge buying those packs. Enjoy
  2. Not if its on SM , you dont have CD on click. On another note I ve seen people 3 manning the tanks on EC SM, before 2.0. 2 sents 1 scoundrel
  3. Please tell me why you have so many guardians ! what the hell man
  4. I also really don't like alderaan. I was hoping they would use quesh this time. Seems much more reasonable imo.
  5. I also pull those numbers on my sorc , regardless of spec however I often break 3k with my guns and mara, and no they arent better geared , and no it's not just a l2p issue, it's bad class design , this doesn't happen only to me.
  6. It is true, but the snipers have that awesome shield and mara can heal the group while is dealing MORE dps ( its not a lot but it does help with damage mitigation over time) , apply speed+defense buff , damage and healing buff to the entire raid. Meanwhile dps sorc can only heal by not dpsing and having to cast with pushback and bubble, not to mention that if you are playing madness those things will really hurt your force pool. Oh yeah they can also be idle and do nothing for 12s and not deal any damage at all, while mara get a similar talent that consumes 50% of their health but still allow them to continue fighting. VERY balanced. Right ? Even merc has better ultilty than sorcs, they can do up to 3 insta heals on someone , depending on spec + the aoe heals, and those are not really expensive on their resource pool. So yeah sorc can heal to up and watch the enrage
  7. Regardless of what we got so far, most games have been or are being released with much more of what we have now. ESO beta seemed more polished than this game now and so did gw2. Shows the consequences of a bad planned development and release. Bioware is still learning how to manage a mmo. Meanwhile other companies seem to show that they know how to do it already.
  8. I think this is pretty much how the devs think. Explains a lot though. The potential dps definitely there for sages and sorcs. But its much more easy to get high number as a sniper or mara that is for sure. Pretty sure the devs said that sorcs and sages are designed to be easy to learn hard to master iirc, if that is true, shouldn't all classes be like that ? Also the only reason madness balance/ are still competitive in dps now is because of the broken relics.
  9. Which criteria was that based on ? Afaik they actually made a mistake on the swtor section. Hutt cartel expansion was only makeb and SAV afaik no ? Or is anything released nearly 6 months later still part of that expansion ? Also :
  10. As long as the Christmas special stays canon ! and yeah just kidding.
  11. *throws snowball* afaik snowballs can last up to the whole winter
  12. Its not a pvp patch. we not gonna get any warzones, we gonna get a new mode of flashpoint. and most of the changes regarding class balance will affect more pve than pvp. Concealment is one of the "worst" dps trees atm cause it last sustained damage, which is what they are giving operatives on this patch, and which is what they need.
  13. I really liked teso, its like a mix of skyrim and gw. I actually like that there isnt much hype about contrary to a certain game we all know too well. Also the only people playing this game atm are star wars fans, so the only threat to this game is another star wars, or another sci fi mmo.
  14. So it's not spam your spacebar style like the one in this game ? Imo TESO got the right balance between text and animations. At least from what ive seen in the beta so far. I raher have a wall of text ( like the ones we get from dailies and weeklies node) than having to spam spacebar and 1 several just to get going with my quests that i already know the storyline backwards and forwards.
  15. It also puzzles me that the dev post is not even a sticky. It's like they want this information to be hidden ( more like they don't really care enough to press that one button)
  16. Be mindful that some really want ranked comms so they can use the pvp relics on pve, so you might get a bunch of pve ppl farming those dailies ( doesnt matter if win or lose still counts for daily) on ranked queues , there is plenty of those on the regs ,at least on my server which is pve.
  17. what you talking about ? It has been fixed so it never existed ! Why are you such an entitled snowflake ? But yeah im glad this will be fixed , about time.
  18. True that. Not to mention I don't see any rageful comments only people posting that they don't agree with the choices or that they think it was a bad year for mmos. Also "By listening to fans and delivering on what they were asking for." I lold. Well at least they didn't listed arenas after that. Also was oricon part of the Hutt Cartel expansion ? It did come several months after and the story lines are not even related. I guess they don't know much about the games they list.
  19. I can already see posts " See operatives are OP, nerf them !" great vid , always fun to watch
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