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Everything posted by tekhiun

  1. I once was on a 8 man premade , and we won. I once was on a 4 man premade and we won. Anecdotal evidence has little value. Most times premades win, even so double premades. Ive seen people leaving the game because they were in those premades that always got matched against pugs and had no challenge ( this was before 8v8 rwz) . Most of the times is not fun for either side, that's the main issue, not that its a 100% chance of a loss if you are matched against a premade that is taking a break from ranked, you can have a chance to win, but the odds are against you. The only people that don't want separate queues are those who enjoy easy wins, same people that quit 8v8 after they realized they were only good against unorganized and badly geared teams. But don't worry bioware won't change the system, there is not enough people pvping to allow for a diminished queue poll anyway
  2. This, is also very true + use a stim =)
  3. tekhiun

    Premade ruins PVP

    Cause solo ranked is nothing other than boring unbalanced arenas ? Just a thought.
  4. Tbh it has been teased so much that is not even a surprise anymore. I am completely indifferent to it now, just gonna be another rep grind and pvp ganking session when it comes out. They could have posted an official date in a spoiler maybe ? Then people that like to be teased for long periods of time could just not look when the date would be.
  5. The only thing i dont like about surface is this. Windows RT , I get it why they made it ,but now with surface pro and others windows 8 tablets its just annoying that such thing exists.
  6. Treek doesn't do that though. I am not claiming that there is some conspiracy, but afaik all healer comps except she sometimes decide to play dps instead of giving out koltoburgers.
  7. And this is the reason they won't do anything about it. People that are used to easy wins like this guy will just stop pvping once they start to get matched with another premades and stop winning as much.
  8. And the difference in stats is not really that much compared to max bolstered.
  9. If you are using stealth as DCD on pvp you are doing it wrong. L2P
  10. I question the authenticity of this. For one simple reason. It's a complete moronic answer. Prioritizing premade vs premade via a decent match making system or allowing 2 different queues for solo and group (just like rwz) wouldn't punish or prevent people from playing with their friends. The answer quoted seems to imply that solving this issue would somehow prevent players from playing with friends, it's complete non-sense.
  11. So I will pretend this is not a troll thread. How do you think they got your IP ? cause you know thats just essential for a DDOS =)
  12. You mean the class with the worst defensive cds has a higher dps than the one with best DCDs in game ? HOW DARE YOU BW ! Now they just need to move that concept to sorcs and the game might actually be on the right way.
  13. And regardless of how long it took wow to get a feature. This game was not released at the same time as wow. I don't get why people compare a 2012 mmo to a 2004 mmo and think the game is doing ok.
  14. ´There is not enough ppl playing to allow for diminished queue poll , which would be the result of allow people to choose. Thats why we can't toggle arenas off
  15. I woul separete the term Pro from Hardcore. Pros are the guys that always complain on chat, only want to score high numbers , and keep calling everyone bads and noobs. I another words I call pros the Hardcore+Bad player + Trashtalker, ofc the connotation is used ironically.
  16. I agree with the view we should get more skill points, but instead of increasing the ones we have now like they did when 2.0 was released I would rather they made a secondary tree like in GSF where we could spend those points on improving specific abilities in more diverse ways.
  17. You can bet that plenty of people will be legend within 3-4 weeks of the end of the event. Let's just hope that they leave the vendors available like they do with the gree ones.
  18. You don't have to use caps at all, I don't have any problems with reading comprehension =) You however do. I did state that it would be more fair to call them collectibles. Furthermore it could be very well be an option to unlock those items individually afterall we don't have to collect all skiffs to unlock them nor do we have to collect all types of a specific color crystals just to unlock the hawkeye type
  19. I can imagine this being in a bunch of post-it notes someone in the EA/BW HQ.
  20. Its definitely the game. I can run gw2 FF TSW and even TESO on high settings at 60 fps without any issues. On this game however I have decided to play with everything on minimum because some times it just gets unbearable (And i also happen to enjoy the look of low shader) as the the FPS is too unstable jumping from 15 to 45 even while just idleing on a fairly deserted location. Something that worked quite well for me though was to set my processor at 90%. It seems that this game overloads the CPU if it is set at 100% for some reason. I'm running with an i7 quad @2 ghz with 16 gb of ram and gtx 560m with 3gb
  21. Hmm well if you think this is bad , consider them pulling out items out of the game, that you actually got from playing the game, and then just selling those on cartel packs as "new content".
  22. Then how come we need to buy a full set to have a piece unlocked on the collections ? You can define both ways but if you take the collection system as a guideline then 1 armor set can be regarded as 1 item. Or rather use the word collectible instead of item would be more fair. Edit This is a bit irrelevant though as the ratio really depends on the drop rate of superare items , and there is nothing stopping them from adjusting it according to each cartel pack. If we take your example adjusting the rate to 9% the chance to get a super rare item would still be smaller than getting a rare one even when adding the 3rd armor set 4.5% compared to ~ 5.06%
  23. 1) Wrong forum. 2) Possibly wrong game even ?
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