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Everything posted by misterME

  1. And that's the point. With the EU RP-PVP servers being shuffled off to pure PVP servers, that's exactly the kind of crap I have no intention of opening myself up to.
  2. Don't count on it. These guys don't have a clue what they're doing in the first place. If they ever--and that's a pretty big IF--let you choose where to transfer your characters, it will likely cost a pretty penny. And these ammeters will never, and I do mean never, get another red cent of my money. I'd advise you to keep yours too.
  3. So, what? You don't care about RP, so they shouldn't either? Could you be any more self-centered? The fact that Bioware, the company that made some of the best RPG PC games ever, was putting together an MMO, gave me hope that there might actually be some "RP" in this MMORPG. And yet they do less to facilitate it than most other MMO's. That's my point. And it's a good one. Whether you agree with it or care about it or not. As for evidence, I gave three pretty spot-on examples in my original post. LTR.
  4. a) I don't care. b) I highly doubt it. If that were the case, it might almost mitigate their actions, to some small extent, if they came out and said that. They didn't. And the interface for the transfers lends itself to players choosing a destination server. So I really don't think it's some sort of technical limitation. In any case, it doesn't change the fact that they just **** on all the RPers from each of those three servers.
  5. All I can say to all of this is bull****. I have no desire to go to he Tomb of Freedon Nadd. I have no desire to play on a pure PVP server. I waited nearly 2 weeks for them to decide to screw me, as well as any other RPers who don't feel this is an equitable solution? F*** that! Why did we wait so long, only to have them do something mundane, unimaginative, and, frankly, insulting? If I'd wanted to play on a gd PVP server, I would have went to one in the first place. To me, RP, and maturity of the players on an RP-centric server, are far more important than any (non-existent anyway) world PVP. Pathetic. (And yes, I know I sound pretty immature right now myself. But I am angry. I'm angry because I like this game, a lot. But I won't just sit by and be treated like this by company I once admired, and continue to give them my hard-earned $ each month. I deserve better, as does every other RPer on LC.)
  6. I don't have a single character on any server with this name. It's a forum name, not a character name. I know how to use names appropriately, thankyouverymuch. So how 'bout sliding down off of your high horse now, huh...
  7. When you create a server and give it a title of "RP-PVE" or "RP-PVP", you certainly can enforce stronger filters for names. Many MMOs do this. The fact the Biwoare didn't do that with this game is very telling to their "commitment" to the RP crowd.
  8. Yeah? So? Did I ever claim they were? I'm just making the point that there's far more of that on ToFN than there was on LC. Just ike every other PVP server: A bunch of little immature brats who think they're so cool between their ridiculous names and their shiny epeens.
  9. The two used to go together like PB & J. Neverwinter Nights was revolutionary in what it allowed Role Players to do with the game. And now? Not even close. They throw in RP servers to cater to the RP crowd. But they don't moderate, not even with some simple naming rules. Nothing breaks the illusion like someone named "Icanhazchzbrgr" running up to you on the Fleet with his big epeen mount and jumping up and down on your head while you're trying to RP. And ignoring someone doesn't make them go away, or make them invisible or any less irritating... Add to that no chat bubbles or any convenient way of conversing for RP (and custom chat channels aren't the answer, never have been; as soon as there's more than 4 or 5 people participating, it becomes too hard to follow). And now that they're merging servers, they force even the RPers on the EU RP-PVP servers to transfer to pure PVP servers. How is that at all equitable? If I'd wanted to play on a PVP server, I would have rolled on one. What's more, they took 2 full weeks to decide to screw us that way. These guys have no idea what RP is. They can't. There's far too much evidence to the contrary. So, if anyone new is around, looking at this game and thinking, "Hey, it'll be fun to RP in a Star Wars environment," think again. Maybe if Bioware wasn't at the helm, that might be the case. As it is now, the one company that should have gotten it right is so far into fail territory, there's simply no hope. I'm just sorry I can't use the language that I really need to to express my outrage and disappointment...
  10. And one more nail in the coffin is acceptable? Please...
  11. I don't think Bioware understands what it's doing to itself. Including this game, I had purchased every game Bioware had ever released, going all the way back to MDK. They were far and away my favorite game developer. I often bought their games sight unseen, and enjoyed every one. Now, with the way they have mishandled things in SWTOR since day 1, culminating with this ridiculous treatment of a small but still important group of their paying customers (and with the fiasco that was ME3's ending), I will never buy another game from Bioware as long as they remain a company. I doubt they give a $#!t one way or another, but they have seen their last penny from me. And I doubt I'm the only one... And all they had to do to prevent this was communicate, effectively. .
  12. While no Mac is ideal for gaming, as they use graphics chipsets that are not optimized for games, it is fully possible to run SWTOR on a Mac. Bootcamp is one option. You can read more about it, and see instructions and requirements, here: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1461?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US Another option is using software that creates a Windows Virtual Machine on your Mac. Someone previously mentioned VMWare Fusion, but I have had much better success with Parallels 7 (http://www.parallels.com/products/desktop/). I have a custom-built Windows 7-powered gaming rig that I play SWTOR on. Using the new 7000-series GPUs from ATI/AMD, I can play it at High/Very High settings at 2560x1440 on my 27" Apple Cinema Display (though I have to force the FSAA through the ATI app for some reason; using the in-game AA settings does not seem to work). But I travel a lot on business, and I can't lug the beast around with me. So I use my MacBook Pro (mid-2010), recently upgraded with a 240 GB SSD, to play while I'm on the road (or in the air; surprising how many airlines offer pretty decent Wi-Fi connections these days). It has a 512 MB Nvidia 330M graphics chip. I run SWTOR under Parallels 7, dedicating 2 cores, 4GB RAM, and 256MB of graphics memory to the process. At these settings I can run the game at the native 1440x900 resolution with decent settings (shadows off, bloom off, textures at low, character detail and textures at high) and get around 40 fps, which is playable. And the SSD gives me excellent load times. The advantage of doing it this way is that I can simply swipe out of the game to use the Mac for all the things it is better at, which is practically everything else. So it is possible, even relatively painless, to run it on a Mac, provided you install Windows on your Mac either through Bootcamp or virtually. I'd love a native Mac client, but I think SWTOR has bigger issues to address right now than the handful of Mac players, especially considering there is a workable solution already available. .
  13. If it takes until 1.3 to fix the problem, fine. But at the very least they could tell us that. Silence speaks volumes. I find it hard to believe that they are intentionally pissing us off. But that just means they're really out of touch with how their refusal to communicate effectively is affecting us as loyal players and paying customers. We are obviously concerned. Playing on a dead server is no fun. Continuing to build our legacies on a server which very well might be left out of transfers altogether is pointless. And imagining a scenario where we might actually have to pay extra money to remedy their oversight is downright insulting. Addressing these concerns, with something more than "We're still thinking about it because we're too clueless to have come up with a solution beforehand" is not effectively addressing the issue. .
  14. I'm at the point where I don't see what difference it even makes now. This isn't the first situation BW has mishandled in their running of SWTOR. It's just cementing their lack of expertise. It's sad, since one they were the game developer when it came to giving customers what they want. I honestly don't see them coming out of this looking like anything other than the bloated, grubbing entity they have become. They can have their game, for what it's worth (and at this point, that's not much). All they had to do was come on and say something substantial. Instead, they've blown smoke, twice (three if you count the tweet), on this subject. And it's all crap anyway. If you look at the way the transfer page is put together, it was designed to allow them to designate several destination servers for each character. So why can't they do that for us? The only thing I can think is fear that allowing us a choice will piss off all the other players who were told to go to a specific place. Frankly, I don't care anymore. Any player who doesn't look at the situation and see what we're facing should suffer the same fate that BW deserves at this point (which I won't mention, because I'm sure it'd get my post deleted). So, now I just have to figure out how to get out of my six-month sub. I think if I'm not playing the full six months, I should get a refund of the remaining amount, yes? .
  15. If it was an improved "Sprint" speed, it would not affect balance in either PVP or FP/Ops. Sprint is already unusable during combat (the little icon just simply disappears when you enter combat and doesn't reappear until you exit it). Increasing the speed boost from Sprint just increases the speed, outside combat. If I had to guess, I'd say that Celerity was deemed redundant with the Legacy perk of getting your Speeder license earlier. While I was looking forward to Celerity myself, having the Speeder for my Shadow at level 10 was even better. Nothing like blazing through the expansive hallways on Couruscant (or however your spell it). I think I finished that planet in nearly half the time, and cursed a lot less... .
  16. 3 hrs/day x 5 dys/wk + (2 weekend days x 6 hrs/day) = 27 hours And I'd consider myself a Casual player... Though to be honest, that won't continue if Bioware can't find a solution for the population problems on Lord Calypho (EU RP-PVP, no transfers allowed). I'm running out of things to fill 27+ hours per week. .
  17. Here's what I don't get: In the US, they allowed those on some West Coast servers to transfer into their counterparts on the East Coast. Granted, that isn't crossing national boundaries, but it's pretty close to having our EU servers with the option to move to the East Coast. So whey don't they just allow us to move to a US East Coast RP-PVP megaserver? What this would also do is allow a more consistent population throughout the 24-hour span when one takes time zones into account. Sure, there is the potential for increased lag. Which, again, is why this is an optional transfer. But I really believe that it is the best of all solutions. We on LC get to move someplace that is similar to what we rolled on initially if we want, and get the higher population as well. And, honestly, I connect to US East Coast from all the way over here in Saudi Arabia and only see about 20 - 60 ms difference (as in it always sucks for me, but that's the perils of connecting out of a country with filtered internet: it's always slower). The one thing this does not do, however, is solve the problem for the Germans and French... Problem solved. .
  18. Like I said, it's not game-breaking. Just ticks me off that I'm expected to break character to get a perk that any min-maxer gets for free. More evidence of our illustrious developers' lack of thinking things through.
  19. It's a good thought. But, alas, no. Business as usual. Of course I belong to one of the 3 servers guaranteed not be allowed transfers in or out tomorrow: Lord Calypho (EU English RP-PVP, excluded from transfers since we don't have any other servers that Bioware in all its wisdom thinks we might want to move to since ours is dying a painful death)... .
  20. You play your way, I'll play mine. And don't you tell me how to play the game, thank you very much. Some of us do actually like the story, and it's pretty immersion-breaking to have the LS and DS points displayed for all to see for each conversation option. I really wish all the people who dislike or care so little about the story would go find some other game to play and keep their big mouths shut on topics that have nothing to do with them. If it doesn't concern you (which clearly it doesn't), then why bother posting at all? Opinions are like you (you figure out what that means; you can do it if you really try). .
  21. Well, I agree they're dragging their feet on this. But it's not quite as simple as removing the Alignment Restrictions from the items. To keep it balanced, they would need to have both alignment restrictions present. For instance, a relic that was equivalent to one requiring Dark III would need to require a player to have 2,000 points in both Light Side and Dark Side. But still, that's a far cry from completely rewriting the game to make it work... .
  22. Yeah? Says who? The Devs? Neutral Gear was discussed all the way back at the Guild Conference, and yet we still don't see them in-game. The only checks they would have to add on the gear is both a Light Side and Dark Side value rather than just one or the other. Really, it can't be that complicated. Certainly not so much to take more than four months to implement. Meanwhile, Neutral characters are at a disadvantage, both in PVE and PVP, until they reach level 50 and can afford Recruit gear or run an Op or HM to grab something decent. Not only do they lose out on the Stat boost (which, though low, is significant at the lower levels), but they also don't get the use of the abilities they have attached to them. No, I agree it's not game-breaking. But it's just one more instance of Bioware alienating a segment of its customer base by ignoring their valid concerns.
  23. ^^This exactly. I left an RP-PVE server that was dying a quick death (Kath Hound), leaving behind a 15 Legacy that I was pretty attached to. I've enjoyed my time on Lord Calypho, but the players are becoming fewer and fewer. I'm simply not abandoning another Legacy to move once again to reroll somewhere else. If I can't take it with me to a place worth playing, and no one will free-transfer into Lord Claypho strengthening its player base because it's excluded coming and going, then I'll just have to find something else to play. I've always been a loyal Bioware fan, but I'm losing my faith. .
  24. How will you handle server populations on a server like Lord Calypho in Europe? It is the only English-speaking RP-PVP server in Europe, which means there is no way to transfer to or from without changing server "type". The population level isn't "completely empty", but it's certainly not thriving. And what about those of us with characters sitting idle on a dead server if we rerolled onto a server of a different type (RP PVE and then RP PVP)? Are left out in the upcoming free mergers, unable to merge our legacies together? .
  25. I see a lot of people on this thread complaining about the rising Level Cap, and so this is my question: Isn't there a way to allow for a rising cap without obsoleting the current End-Game content? I mean, they already have multiple difficulty levels of Ops. Why can't the "Story Mode" (or whatever the easiest is) still be balanced for lvl 50 players, Normal Mode for lvl 53, and Hard Mode/Nightmare Mode for lvl 55 (or scaled appropriately for a 60 cap if that's the case)? It would take some effort on the part of the developers to balance each for a different level, but they're already doing that based on gear spec differences. So all they'd have to add is balance for whatever additional powers and skills are given between lvl 50 and whatever the new cap is. Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't understand what the big deal is, and why all the QQing over it. .
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