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Everything posted by misterME

  1. Many, many moons ago. I don't have a link (maybe someone can help OP out with it), but it was discussed in some detail at the Guild Summit back several months ago. They are working first on Dual Spec, which will allow players to switch between 2 specifications (Skill-point allocations) at will. Later, they will release Multi-Spec, which will not only allow for quick changes in Skill-point allocation, but also in gearing and quick bar arrangement, where more than 2 will be allowed to be prearranged for quick changes. But the Guild Summit, IIRC, was the first place this was mentioned with any certainty, and no time frames have ever been announced for either.
  2. I think it's Social II (as in "2", not "11"), but I could be misremembering (been a long while since I bought one of those). The cool thing is, if you don't want to look completely like a red-light-district, back-alley layin, herpes-infested $5 ho, you can just wear the Slave Girl top and match the rest of your gear to it color-wise, and some combos actually look quite good. Doesn't work for Companions yet (the color-match thing), tho they've said that's coming very soon.
  3. No, they haven't. They just all rerolled toons on the Tomb of Freedon Nadd in the EU...
  4. Bioware, the weekend is over. All day yesterday passed without any sort of update on this from you. Care to chime in?
  5. God helps those who help themselves (or at least so I've heard; don't really give the big guy much more thought than Santa Claus myself), so I will say again. Calmly, but in a firm tone: Bioware, We appreciate that you found and shared with us a reasonable solution for many of those who had characters on the Lord Calypho EU RP-PVP (English) server, but there were many of us for whom the solution was not tenable. Those of us who chose not to accept your one solution to our unique problem on Lord Calypho did so because we originally rolled on an RP-PVP server to reap the benefits of both open-world PVP and an RP-friendly environment, and transferring to The Tomb of Freedon Nadd would accomplish neither for us, as open-world PVP is nearly non-existent, and the server has shown both through anecdotal and direct evidence to be well under the limits of maturity and consideration we set for ourselves on Lord Calypho. Furthermore, to leave us on our origin server, as you suggested in your last post, is also not a reasonable solution. We bought and paid for, and continue to pay for, a Massively Multi-Player Online RPG, and a total server population for both factions of less than 100 people during peak play times does not lend itself to the advantages of playing anything described as "massive", and means that we can seldom, if ever, participate in much of the content your team has worked so vigorously to provide us. Based on those facts, and a diligent search for a solution that does not break any known existing Bioware policy, we respectfully, yet insistently, request for you to open server transfers from The Tomb of Freedon Nadd to The Progenitor and allow those of us who wish to transfer to the RP-conducive environment on The Progenitor to transfer once to the Tomb of Freedon Nadd, wait our requisite 72 hours, then transfer to The Progenitor as our final destination, also allowing any others who wish to transfer from the Tomb of Freedon Nadd to The Progenitor to do so. We also humbly ask that if you have a more elegant solution that allows those of us who remained on Lord Calypho, as well as those who transferred from here to the Tomb of Freedon Nadd because they felt as if they had no viable alternate, to transfer to The Progenitor as our final destination, you share it with us and implement it posthaste. We appreciate you taking the time to listen and respond to our concerns, and trust that you will understand the urgency and severity of our currently unacceptable situation, and take the actions necessary to remedy it. Sincerely, The Lord Calypho RP Community
  6. I got sick to my stomach staying there for an hour to test the waters prior to transfer (and so thankful I did and thus avoided going there). I can't imagine playing on that server. I'll take the eerie silence and empty streets of LC over that any day of the week. (Actually, I've found it so damned easy and quick to level my 38 Powertech there now that everyone's gone...) I feel for you, Kiyosa, and all the rest that made the move. Hopefully someone from BW will read through this today now that their weekend is over and authorize xfers from ToFN to TP, so we can all get to where we want.
  7. Maybe. But I think we would've probably ended up similar to the ways many RPers who took the free xfer to ToFN feel now. Moving enough people whose only concern is PVP over to LC would have just brought in an element that wouldn't be compatible with the community LC was building. I think the reason so many of the RP crowd are pushing so hard to move to The Progenitor is that we see kindred spirits there in their attitudes and dedication, and are more than willing to give up the (non-existent anyway) open-world PVP to have that sense of community again.
  8. Last night on Lord Calypho: (play dramatic music) Chandler and company got a visit from a long, lost friend. Phoebe experienced her first case of morning sickness. And Rachel--wait, that's not right. There weren't even 3 whole people on the server last night... Okay, that's an exaggeration. There were about 45 people on the Imperial side, and about 30 on the Republic side when I was on. Queued for Warzones for over 3 hours with no pop. No one available for Heroics on Taris or for FP's on Fleet. In fact, strangely enough, I only saw one other person actually on the Imperial Fleet. Here's what I don't get, though. Last night and the night before, I saw maybe 10 or 15 new characters working their way up on Hutta and Korriban, and 8 or 9 new characters working their way up on Ord or Tython. I don't know if these are alts, or new subscribers picking LC unaware of the situation. I have a hard time believing they were all alts, especially since it seems like a waste to get invested in a new character while everything is still up in the air concerning our fate (and add one more toon to the list of those that you might have to [grimace] pay to move [/grimace], I'm assuming per character, in a week or a month or two. Meanwhile, getting mighty dry up in there...
  9. Alright. I got some clarification from the moderator who closed it. It was closed because, especially for hot topics like this one, it is much easier for them to collect feedback from one source than to try and collect and collate it from multiple locations. And while I might not completely agree with her assessment, I will say that her reasoning does make sense, enough so that I don't believe it was done maliciously. I just wanted to clear that up before a whole new conversation within a conversation starts around the closure of the petition thread. Thanks.
  10. Wait, so let me get this straight. An In-Game CSR tells Dukes to create a new post on the Suggestions forum concerning the RP players on Lord Calypho wanting to be transferred to The Progenitor. So he does. And it picks up some steam and get a decent number of views (and sigs, btw). So a forum moderator comes along and CLOSES it, using some excuse about not wanting to confuse players by having too many threads talking about the same thing? Despite the fact that one is clearly a petition, and the other is clearly a discussion thread? I don't even know where to start... The obvious reply would say something about the need for their right hands and left hands to get on the same page (so we can slam the book closed on all their fingers at once). Just when I think they can't fall any further down on the scale of respectability...
  11. Bravo! Well done! Your cookies are in the mail (and enough MSG to kill an elephant).
  12. Thread being moved by mods to the Suggestions forum in 3...2...1... In any case, I'd like the feature, but it would need to be 2 colors, as I believe they stated somewhere that each piece has a primary and an accent color attached.
  13. All sarcasm aside, you made a good point. But who's to say they let even paid transfers move to any severs other than their consolidated "mega-servers" they just created? In fact, since it's a foregone conclusion that they will eventually close those now-dead servers, it would be pretty pointless to let anyone transfer to those servers at all, paid or not. Easy enough; just don't make them available. I would guess that they would also have to disallow transfers, paid or not, to certain mega-servers like The Fatman that are already busting at the seems. Or at least only allow them for players with characters already on them over a certain level or for a predetermined amount of time (to avoid juking the system), as this wouldn't actually increase those server pops. Otherwise, though, if their system is in place (and it may well not be), there isn't any other reason I can think of for them not to go ahead and open them up. Would cure a lot of the problems for those that regret their decisions to transfer to their preselected destination servers during this round. And there are a lot.
  14. For all of those coming on here to show their support for a move, however traditional or non-traditional, from Lord Calypho to The Progenitor for the disenfranchised RP players, thank you very much. And please click the "YOU GO NOW" link in my sig to go cast a vote on our petition page (located under the Suggestions Forum on this site). And +10 cookies (with sugar on top) for anyone who can tell me what morbidly obese comedian made that line popular, and in what context.
  15. I'm with you, Tootz. If you read back through this thread, it's almost laughable. When they asked for our feedback, we basically had two camps of people: Those who asked for transfers to a PVP server, and those who asked for an option of going to either a PVP server or an RP server. (There were a few, even me at one point, asking for a merger of all 3 EU RP-PVP servers, but those posts were few and far between.) Someone at one point (can't find it now) went back and counted the "votes" and the PVP server won, mainly because the PVP server got mentioned in almost every post. We, the RP crowd, were (most of us) being fair and saying that both types of players should be accommodated. While the majority of the PVP crowd was concerned only with what they wanted. So, because we were trying to look out for them too, we were asking for the choice (which apparently Bioware was unwilling to do). And since "PVP" showed up far more in this thread because we voted for their enjoyment as well as our own, that's the way it went. The PVP crowd would probably claim that since the majority of the server took the transfer to ToFN, that that was obviously the right decision. I would say that's crap, because a lot of people moved because they thought that ultimately they'd have no other choice. Quite a few have been back on to say just that, and how miserable they are on ToFN. So, even the claim of "majority rules" doesn't hold up in this decision. I really do think that Bioware believes that the RP crowd aren't worth appeasing. And that's shortsighted. Who are going to be the ones to stick around for a long time? The PVP folks? No, they'll jump ship at the first new AAA MMO that comes over the horizon promising better PVP. It's the SW fans and the RP crowd that will sustain this game in the long term. Or at least it would've been, had they ever given us a reason to stay, like taking our enjoyment of the game into consideration even once...
  16. That may be true when it comes to copyrighted names,or other instances where a name might infringe on someone else's IP. But I can't believe for one second that l33tspeak names are filtered, and I know profanity is in the ear of the beholder. But, for instance, log on to the Tomb of Freedon Nadd server and take a stroll around either Fleet. It seems every 3rd character on the Fleet is named something anachronistic, silly, or downright perverse, all of which are immersion-breaking. (In this case, at least, it may have something to do with the fact that, because the server has "Nadd" in its title, which is slang for "********" in some cultures, it attracts the lowest common denominator in droves.) The point is that in most other MMO's I've played (granted, I'm not as well-versed as some others), while regular servers generally didn't moderate names at all (even when reported), RP servers had active moderation, meaning someone went through the DB every so often and weeded out inappropriate names, forcing their players to rename them if they were inappropriate for an RP server. BW doesn't do that, not that I can tell. I did in the beginning. I probably reported a handful in December and early January on my old server. While I don't remember seeing the ones I reported again, I finally gave up because, whether it was the same ones or not, it didn't seem that it was making much of an impact, since I still saw others, all the time. Thankfully, this problem subsided when I joined Lord Calypho. It was *very* rare to see an inappropriate name on that server, probably from just simple peer pressure and the fact that LC had a fairly tight community, and made it known you weren't welcome if you chose to name yourself something ridiculous. But I'm not going into a place like ToFN and spending hours logging down all the stupid names and reporting each one. I don't get paid to do that. I, in fact, pay them, just as we all do. I know we should take responsibility for policing ourselves, but when it's as rampant as it is on some servers, who has the time to do that? Perhaps. Maybe it has something to do with how good you are at reading scrolling text. I was never a big fan or IRC or other Internet chat, I don't SMS text often, and I don't use IM. So maybe I'm just crippled when it comes to that. But I swear I can't (and I know some others I've played with can't either) keep up when it gets to scrolling fast, and that usually happens once 4 or more are involved. This is where our opinions differ. I don't think we have any kind of system, crude or otherwise. What we have are the defaults. Bioware has done practically nothing to facilitate RP in this game. I mean, ffs, you can't even sit down in a chair or on a cantina stool. Maybe RP works if you tune out the screen and focus solely on the text in the chat window. But this game is capable of so much more. I don't want to text/chat and /me emotes for RP, I want to get into character and play the effin game with others. But there are really no provisions made for that. Sure, you can do it, but not easily, and certainly not as easily as it could be if Bioware put the tiniest bit of effort into it. See the link in my signature. Its a story I don't have the energy to tell again. But the long and short of it is that they made the assumption, since we couldn't transfer to another RP-PVP server or merge with others (except those whose primary languages were different from our own), that we would be offered xfers to a pure-PVP server. This is a slap in the face to those of who, while we liked the idea of open-world PVP (and that's all it is at this point, an idea), joined our server more for the RP aspect than anything else. In our particular case, the PVP server we were given the option of going to is one of the most infantile in the game. I tested it out for a little while, and was outright amazed at the level of immaturity and griefing I saw. Again, we could all report it, but I think we'd end up spending more time doing that than playing. Besides, it's their server. They apparently are fine with it operating that way, and I no more want to interfere with what they think is fun that I want them to interfere with my enjoyment of the game. That's why there are separate servers with different designations: to each his own. But an RP community doesn't belong in that environment, can't thrive in that kind of stew. And yet, BW quotes some kind of arbitrary "transfer policy" rather than thinking this thing through. BW /= RP.
  17. It's Marketing 101: Build up demand for a product while limiting supply or availability. This allows you drive the price up to much higher levels, as people are willing to pay anything once the desire or demand reaches a certain point. It's all about the Benjamins...
  18. Inigo Montoya: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." Or rather, I do not think it means what Bioware thinks it means... (Sad part is, they did at one time. )
  19. From the last update from BW: Since they've already given us our "one destination server per origin server", we should not be expecting another, especially since they are following it up by telling us that the RP crowd can just stay put if they don't like the option of going to a PVP server. Then again, that's possibly mitigated by the statement that this is only the "initial" round of transfers, and that there might be other options in the future. But since they won't clarify what in the hell that means, it's anyone's guess. My personal take on it is that they're referring to a paid transfer service (this mostly comes from the language used in response to my in-game tickets on this matter). I won't use it, not for that. I have characters I abandoned when my old server died, and I'll pay to get them moved to wherever I end up if I'm still here when/if paid transfers become available. And I'm not real happy about paying for that, since my old server died due to Bioware's overconfidence, bad decision-making, and lack of foresight; why then should it cost me? But I'll deal. Not this time, though. I won't pay to move to an RP server when the entire rest of the community got to at least move to a like-minded server for free. They can kiss my big bald bare *** if they ask for one more red cent for that over what I am (was) already dishing out each month.
  20. Precisely. There is no difference between PVE and PVP servers, except that on a PVE server, you get to decide whether you want to participate or not. Hmmmm...Kinda seems like what all the PVPers are claiming about us, doesn't it? I just think they're just spoiled because they have the handy-dandy flag they can use to let others know if they're participating or not. Speaking of which, BW, where's our gollderned RP flag?!
  21. I just played for 3 hours on LC leveling my BH. I pulled up a roster, and there were all of 51 people on the entire Empire side. Still I saw other characters on a couple of planets, even had a couple of duels with an overzealous Juggernaut, who was nice enough while he ate my lunch three times in a row. My short time on the Fleet I saw some conversations in General chat; those who are there are adamant about not xferring to ToFN. Like me, they'd rather have an abysmally low pop than an immature, griefing-prone one. All in all, it harkens back to the days on my old server when it became vacant in February. Oh well, I'd rather play alone than with the ****tards on ToFN. 59 days of playtime left on my cancelled sub; gotta have something to do. Fix it Bioware. I know you're focused on getting 1.3 deployed successfully (don't hold your breath), but you still have a group of very disenfranchised but obviously very dedicated players hanging on on LC. Don't hang 'em out to dry...
  22. Wow. Nice way to undercut weeks' worth of work from these folks. If you're not interested in it (or more likely don't understand some of the higher-level mathematics used in the discussion), then you are free to go read something else. I heard tell that Archie comics are fun for boys of your age. Or would Oh, Babytroll, The Places We'll Burn!!! be more appropriate? Just so you know, TORStatus is used as a reference. The numbers they're using in the calculations are actually farmed from their own logs and submissions by people who actually want to help. Sheesh.
  23. Nope. I've gotten several emails from CSRs lately. None of them said that. I can't say what they did say, because the first rule of {censored} is that you don't talk about {censored}...
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