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Everything posted by Sugarray

  1. No they don't, they leave when it looks like a loss 1 min after start.
  2. Im full BM buddy. I dont appriciate killing people in 3 sec and have the game more like a zerg fest than an actually thinking mans game (use CC interrupts and tacs.) You are completly wrong, I enjoy a challenge, which is why I don't approve of this patch. Again you are a narrow minded individual if you fail to see the bigger picture.
  3. Maybe BW is doing this cause the FPS guys started doing MMOs and they'd like to change MMO to be more like FPS games. Maybe they should just stay in FPS games and BW should get proper MMO and pvp gamers to test stuff and actually LISTEN to the feedback they get.
  4. So you are winning so the patch is fine. Clueless sheep
  5. I know how to play, I still play very well and win often. I think the patch still has a lot of problems so I ''whine'' about it on forums. As you said in the other thread, you win 97% of the time so its obvious that you are having an easy time and fail to see the big picture. My solution to Forum crap: Remove people like you.
  6. And the reason why you are happy is your ''97%'' win %. Its easy to be satisfied with reward system etc. when you are on the winning side mate. I agree there are a lot of people who just need to improve their game. But people are leaving Wz onces it looks like a loss and that alone is a huge problem. There is a lot of things wrong with this patch, I dunno where I stand on healers nerf but I honestly didn't struggle too much with them pre 1.2 unless they had a tank ofc. Im a shadow DPS specced. I believe the game is too much nuke and too little thinking atm.
  7. Maybe you are just lucky and win most of your games. Regardless I fear that you don't see the bigger picture, and you are a ''zerg zerg zerg'' player. I don't mean to be a jerk, but I honestly cannot see how you can like the changes to pvp unless you are 1 of the above. Or Mara/sent.
  8. pre 1.2 rewarding was fine. Winner got more, loser got enough. Being on an unbalanced server will cause one faction to be vastly better geared. Roflstomp, not funny for either part. (some jerks do enjoy it though, many of them approve of this patch fyi)
  9. Sugarray

    PvP is a joke now.

    The problem is: They have testers that warn them, apparently they don't care or they dont use the feedback or somehow disagree with it. They are game DESIGNERS not PLAYERS, so I wouldn't hesitate to call them next to clueless. Thats why you have game testers, and listen to them... They dont communicate with the community and they get so offended when people disapprove. All in all, terrible customer management and terrible at thinking two steps ahead/identify ramifications of new implements. I guess what I am saying is: They suck.
  10. Yea its annoying to join a game that is already lost.
  11. If video games were as ''brutal'' as life why would people play them? Have you noticed that in 99% of video games, they players is the hero? Here is a life lesson for you: Use your head.
  12. I think you should've chosen a better thread name. How ever I feel your pain. I never leave Wz's either, and I dont plan on doing so any time soon. I dont blame the leavers cus the system almost asks them to queue and requeue till they get a full BM grp. I blame BW. This was lousy.
  13. Actually, you do care. You are just too stupid to realize it. 30k subs = no game. or at least no updates to it. How'd you like that smart guy?
  14. EA wont go broke, they've spread their monopolize to a lot of different games, NFL, NHL, Boxing etc. etc. So they still make money. Btw, the common factor in all these games is that improvement seems to be so slow that it almost seems deliberate. Madden NFL, they add so little every year, but people will still buy it because there is poor competition in the game industry. EA is bad for gamers
  15. No it does not. Uneven factions and people constantly leaving creates a huge problem for reward distribution in this system? You seem narrow minded.
  16. I cant believe the guy you quoted. I am speechless. He doesnt want healers around, he just want nuke die respawn. Why does he play MMO?
  17. Agree with everything except healing. I dont think it was too OP before, maybe a slight nerf would be reasonable - this isnt. I personally dont desire a zerg fest game, this is what it is. An before you label me, im a FUlly geared BM Shadow DPS spec. I just dont enjoy mindless zerging
  18. Top dps, what a weak argument. That doesn't prove anything at all. Also, the fact that you are in almost full recruit gear indicates that you've not played for that long, how are you in position to tell anyone els to relearn their class?
  19. Fyi, in FPS you dont interrupt, CC or tank. You just shoot. Its utterly stupid to compare the two genres when we are talking reaction time.
  20. I do mind fast pace when its a retarded BH spamming tracer missiles in the backfield. This game is not as slow as you make it out to be, not even pre 1.2
  21. Thats the problem, they never communicate properly with the community. Would lessen a lot of angry typing an unsubbing perhaps. They are too bussy writing worthless statements that people are whines if they dont like the changes. Good customer management.
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