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10 Good
  1. Please base pvp groups on VALOR level, not player level. Valor 70 and above = group 1 Everyone else = group 2. Thanks
  2. I have to agree with this. Plus now there is the problem of joining matches were people have already quit. You literally walk into a lose situation. I used to keep playing those, because i liked the challenge, and there was some possibility of reward. But, if it's 4v8 or 5v8, i just quit now, cause if i only get a meddle or two, the game thinks i'm afk or something. Why waste my time?
  3. You managed to kill the thing i liked best about this game -> pvp balance. PVP Recommendations: 1. War Hero's should be a separate group. 2. Baseline Expertise. Better gear should have better stats only. -- 3-4 new 50's trying to beat on a War Hero is WOW, you are NOT WOW... (that's a good thing) 3. Even better, make wz groups based on valor level, not player level. Valor 70 and above is group 1, everyone else is group 2. Commendations: You messed this up. Fix it please. This might not be so bad if Valor level 70 and above had there own group. Anyway, you saw that FUN in PVP, you took aim, and you shot it right between the eyes. Please resurrect the FUN.
  4. Now that we can exchange Warzone and Mercenary Commendations for Battlemaster Commendations, why not Champion for Battlemaster? I'm full Champion (plus some Battlemaster) and have over 600 extra Champion Commendations...
  5. Why? Whats the point of Ilum? There is no point to Ilum except to get your dailies done and get the hell out. It's too frackin big, capturing nodes is basically pointless except for a bit more honor, and its a good ten minute waste of time to get there. I also love the beautiful 2fps second i get when we actually engage in World PvP with no more than 80 total people. ( I have a good machine, the engine is not built for world pvp to begin with) But wait, the crash to desktop every frackin 5-15 minutes on Ilum when world pvp is going on is also really cool. Add to that the fact that armaments only spawn at the central node at a ridiculously slow rate (for world pvp) and i'll tell you why i trade kills. I have better things to spend my time on then a severely broken world pvp system.
  6. Amynthrise


    Wow, my last post was deleted in 5 min.
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