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Everything posted by Sugarray

  1. I agree. It is a shame for people with DC problems but I for one feel like its a necessary step.
  2. It caters to the mass. That doesnt mean that every aspect of the game has to be exactly like casual Mike: who only play 1 hour a week cause he is too awesome RL, but still thinks he should get equal gear, achivements, content etc etc etc cause he paid money monthly - wants it to be. Large audience = you make content for each target grp, casual, hardcore etc. Know failure of MMOs = everything aspect of the game is dumped down to casual Mikes level cause he QQ's on forum - resulting in everybody who wants something ''more'' of a game will eventually leave.
  3. Then apparently you are the ''kind'' of people I dislike in PvP. You'll have equal gear in 1.2 so no need to discuss that. How ever when you do leave cause you dont feel like you can win it, you abandon and put the rest of your grp at a disadvantage, also its often frustrating for someone els to join a game which is midway etc. Effectively you screw over everyone els, just because you can't be bothered to lose, in my book thats a soar loser. Why do you play competitive games to start with? you must realize that you wont win all of them, but apparently you cant handle losing. Honestly I have no respect for you or others who conduct themselves in similar ways.
  4. A lot of abilities often allows the commited player to distance oneself from casual player, as he is able to utilize these abilities to his advantage. So no, don't remove any abilities. Give troopers and BH's more while we're at it.
  5. I think deserter buff did a decent job in WoW, and I'd like to see the same in this game. Or simply remove 100k creds from quitters, unreasonable yes, but those losers will get the message fast..
  6. I am not picking sides, but why should they not have a chance to get what they crave? I like to PvP, but I will only do it with my guild if there is no reward to be grinded, as I feel PvP is not fun for more than 1-2 hours if I solo.
  7. Im very surprised they havent add some kind of punishment to ''leaving Wzs'' its common sense that people will take advantage of such a design flaw, which it undeniably is.
  8. My understanding of this post, is that you are talking about a 1v1 scenario. No one is balance for 1v1 and it shouldnt be a vaild reason as to why you should also do a lot of dmg as a healer.
  9. It is annoying yes, but if your team waits on you, they are at a disadvantage which can easily affect the outcome of the game
  10. Well all those guys who whine about being at a disadvantage can have BM gear and I equip Champion gear, cause I will still beat them. What a lot of pvp'ers are worried about is the ''point'' of pvping if there isnt a resonable reward for it. Im not to sure the majority is sold on Vanity rewards. Dont get me wrong, im all in for leveling playing field, cause I will still perform well and those who were bad before will remain so, and hopefully notice themselves as they are now out of excuses (hopefully..) How ever gear upgrades have always been a good carrot on a stick for those who spend a lot of time on PvP. Besides the difference between Champion gear and BM gear is so minor that skill will be the determining factor - the upgrade on ''future'' gear could be even less significant and it would still keep pvpers more motivated to keep pvping/ranked wz, compared to vanity rewards. Btw if you pvp like 1 hour a week, then please stay out of this thread cause your opinion is NOT as important as ones who pvp alot. Say you get it your way, you will be happy 1 hr pr week, where someone who pvps every day might not - MY POINT - if you dont pvp a lot, then leave it to those who do, to decide what is better.
  11. Last time i checked Assassins couldn't heal. But ofc you should be able to do both equally to a pure dps class.
  12. Haha a server for all the casual players. That'd be somewhat nice
  13. I disagree. PvP below 50 is 10-49, meaning you as lvl 10 will have A LOT less abilities than a lvl 49, so he will have a lot more options than you. Unless you open up all abilities when people enter pvp I dont believe it is possible to balance it. GW2 rumors to have this system of enabling all abilities in pvp regardless of lvl, but honestly that'd seem very weird: You set abilities in action bars and when you join pvp you need to sort 5 or w/e more in your setup. And when you get out you loose them again. Seems like a hazzle to me
  14. I think you are right, and so do a lot of other people, but like I tried to tell you in the start of this topic - if you feel like the game is not right as it is, you need to write about it in a constructive way. Your post was more of a rant than feedback mate.
  15. As I understand it you are not 50 yet, right? I dont think you can balance PvP for people lower than 50, without destroying lvl 50 balance. Heavy armor does matter, BH seem to have pretty good survivability.
  16. I think that sometimes we take the job of a dev for granted (including myself) Every change has a lot of implications, just look at all those people QQing here each day. Therefor you need to do extended analysis before you launch anything, this means that the process is slow. Also world pvp, I dont think there is an easy solution but im sure they are working hard on it - fortunatly I dont do world pvp as much so Im not to fuzzed about it. I would how ever suggest that they had more people hired to answer threads like this. I think there is too little communication with the community. Just my opinion.
  17. I miss read your post. Im not trying to prove anything about you, you prove it yourself mate. As a Merc you have heavy armor + shield thus making you harder to kill for melee classes. Now if you had similar distance creating abilities dont you think that will leave Melee at a disadvantage?
  18. Just because I cant help my self. (dunno imp terminology so this is republic names 1. You have the knockback from cover 2. you have leg shot 3. You have dirty kick, which allows you time to leave close range I did this cause of 2 reasons. 1) It shows how clueless you truly are. 2) The fact that you know so little about your own classes is the reason why your QQ shouldn't be taken seriously by Bioware. Low blow? Sure. The truth, definitely.
  19. Haha you are funny, or incredibly ungifted.
  20. Thank you for letting him know, again. Apparently you cant reason with these kind of people, so I guess you're better of not trying at all..
  21. People leaving is a slippery slope. Without any solid facts about this, I assume that when people leave a game, presumably in anger/disgruntled, they will not return. I for one care about the longevity of the game
  22. Im sorry but please dont even call other people kids. Your failure to realize that Developers, getting 1000 QQ posts a day, will not waste time on crap like you've written here indicates that you are not very mature yourself. Sure you dont have to give them feedback, but if thats your attitude why did you come here in the first place???? 2nd with feedback = better game. Too bad QQ'ers, like you, makes feedback into a lot of clutter and whine and too little actually constructive feedback. Rage at me all you want, your obviously angry at the world, so why dont you just strike it down.
  23. You care because if people leave this game will die, cause we're not talking about your random QQ idiot that whines, its a large part of the PvP community. I dont like people threatening to quit more than you do, but its bad for all of us if people leave.
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