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Everything posted by Alodar

  1. Can anyone tell me where the Combat Test Dummies can be found on Coruscant? I've looked all over and can't find them on Coruscant. Directions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Alodar
  2. What happens when you hit N to bring up the crew skills window? Alodar
  3. That's not the way it was on the Public Test Server the last time I was in a Warzone (about a week ago) Have you submitted a bug ticket? Alodar
  4. I was having fun before 1.2. I tried the changes on 1.2 on the Test Server and was very pleased. (except for slicing ) Keep up the great work BioWare! Alodar
  5. I believe you have to get at least 3 medals to get rewards in a loss. Alodar
  6. The Rich Critical Missions I acheived on the PTS, for I believe level 2 and 3 missions, were large. There were no level 4 Rich LockBox missions on PTS if memory serves. Rich Criticals were often in excess of 5,000 credits and sometimes a couple of crafting missions thrown in. (My testing spreadsheet is on my home computer so I don't currently have access to it and am going by my own faulty memory.) I haven't had the opportunity to test since this has gone live and I only got to test up to Bountiful level 5 missions due to limited play time on PTS. Alodar
  7. You chose not to test. You don't need to level up to 50 to test crew skills, you just need to be willing to put in the effort. You weren't willing to put in the effort test. Which is absolutely fine, you don't have to test if you don't want to. But choosing not to test is a you issue, not a BioWare issue. Alodar
  8. All players were allowed to participate in PTS testing. I levelled a Guardian to 23rd level, and chose to test slicing because I figured most folks would be testing crafting. There was nothing stopping you from doing the same. Alodar
  9. If you are looking for straight credits Moderate missions on average nettted about a positive 45% return on your investment in my limited testing on PTS. Alodar
  10. On the PTS I tracked 100 slicing missions and found that Moderate was your best bet if you wanted credits. Rich was in general a loss unless it was a critical success and then there was a larger return, it also in my small sample size, 100 missions, had a higher chance to crit for schematics. Try running the moderate missions and see if you are getting better results for credits. Rich over time will give you better criticals but if it doesn't crit will return for a sizable loss. In my limited testing Abundant had a slight positive return and Bountiful had a large negative return. Alodar
  11. If you spend 2 talent points in Defiance you will get 4 focus when stunned, slept or knocked down. Focused Defence costs 4 focus and can be used while stunned. It heals you every time you're hit. Most of our stances refund a 1 focus when hit (frequency dependant on your skill choices) To me Focused Defense seems like the ultimate oh sh*t button. (I'm stunned and I don't want to die) I don't think it's cost will be as big as folks fear, especially in concert with Definace. Alodar
  12. You can get Stasis Mastery if you wish. It only takes 23 points in Vigilance to get Force Rush. It takes 15 points in Defense to make 4th tier abilities available. Those last 3 points now become a much harder choice. You could put 2 in protector/Commanding Awe and 1 in stasis mastery. You could put 2 in Blade Barrier and spend 1 in protector/Commanding Awe. Or you could choose to put your points in Swelling winds in the focus tree. Or any combination thereof. I'm levelling a guardian on the PTS but i've only reached twenty. The hybrid is still viable but there are some tough choices where those last 3 points go -- and for me it really depends on how useful Focused Defense is when I try it. (As I see it, it's a great oh sh*t button in combination with Defiance -- 4 free focus when stunned teamed with an ability that costs 4 focus and can be used while stunned that heals you when you get hit.) Alodar
  13. Levelling in this game is fairly quick. Level 10 is only a few hours of testing. If you're not willing to devote the time to your class, that is your choice. But complaining about something without knowing how it's going to work seems pretty pointless to me. Alodar
  14. So has anyone actually tried the changes to see how they affect game play? They've changed a bit of the underlying mechanics in the game, so I'm not sure that looking at patch notes can really tell you how these changes will affect your class. I'm downloading the 1.2 now from the PTS and am going to play my class and see how the changes actually work instead of just freaking out from the patch notes. I humbly suggest everyone do the same. Alodar
  15. Folks keep using this word Role Play – I do not think it means what you think it means. The Jedi story is not about an adult that just joined the order, it’s about someone’s who’s been in the order their entire life. Is it really so difficult to imagine a rescued Sith child that’s been found after a battle and raised in the Jedi order? How about a lost colony of Sith that was discovered by a Jedi and they were trained in the ways of the light? Or a Sith mother whose entire family is going to be killed smuggles out her baby and that baby ends up in a Jedi Temple? Are any of these role-playing scenarios difficult to fathom? As for the crystals, this story takes place 30,000 years before most Jedi lore. The notion that the crystal is tied to your ethos is not accurate. If memory serves the original red crystals were synthetic. Is it difficult to imagine some undiscovered cave on Tython that held natural red crystals. With the old Jedi Temple sacked and so much lost can you imagine that the Tython Jedi order would have to put aside prejudices and use whatever resources were available to combat the Empire because the crystals aren’t inherently good or evil. I’m sure that true role-players could be creative enough to imagine that. The legacy abilities? That you think you should know exactly what any individual is capable of based on out of game information isn’t role-playing it’s meta-gaming. Person is class x, therefore they can only do y. You only know that they look like class x. They could be force-sensitives who have hid their identity for years. They could be reproducing these results by some mechanical means. They could be a jedi/sith on an undercover assignment. A roleplayer should know that not everything is as it appears. Imagination is the primary weapon in a role-players arsenal. I recommend using your imagination and justifying these occurrences instead of choosing to be offended by them. Alodar
  16. Glad to hear it. That was the one feature out of the Collector's Edition that didn't live up to the high quality standard that I've come to expect from BioWare. Looking forward to what you folks come up with. Alodar
  17. I absolutely love the map system. Fade while moving allows me to travel without getting lost, which is huge to a directionally challenged person like myself. I didn't know about the magnifying glass, so for imparting tips the video accomplished it's mission for me. Alodar
  18. You are absolutely correct! It can also mean: HPCT High Performance Computing Toolkit (IBM) HPCT Hampshire Primary Care Trust (UK) HPCT Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Transplant HPCT Harrow Primary Care Trust (UK) HPCT Hugh Pilkington Charitable Trust (UK) HPCT Hester Poker Chip Tool (pediatric pain assessment) but those definitions are less helpful in the confines of an MMO. Alodar
  19. IMHO quitting warzones or AFK in warzones should make you lose valor. It makes sense logically as quitting because you don't like the odds is the opposite of valor.
  20. Brilliant solution! The customization is much appreciated. Alodar
  21. I wholeheartedly agree. The CE vendor was a joke -- you could get better items from any social vendor. I love this game, I'm subbed for the forseeable future, and really enjoyed the rest of the CE content but this feature was terrible. An overpriced orange uniform (usable only at level 27+ and much more expensive than better looking equipment available at any social vendor) and a couple of companion customizations was IMHO an absolute waste. I've purchased collector's editions of every BioWare game since Mass Effect and quite frankly the CE store was not up to BioWare standard of quality. Heck, the whole VIP lounge is a ghosttown -- at least they could have made the juke box free. In the grand scheme it's no big deal, but I expected more thought and effort from BioWare. Alodar
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