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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Bilirubin

  1. Meh, I was happy for being able to kill someone, from the enemy side, in world PvP, and my post was removed from this thread (how did that break the forum rules? :jawa_frown:). Accomplishment with a rush, personally!


    Its funny how much of an adrenalin charge world PvP can be. And I'm a FPS player who is used to only PvP, but something about this game jacks my heart rate right up...


    Soloed some giant 75k hp champion or other on Balmorra, big bloody robot thingy. It dropped an archaeology mission. I hope it comes with good stuff because, after a 3-4 minute long fight (in which I briefly dipped down below 20% hp; yay harnessed shadows!), I was a bit disappointed.

  2. I think the point is even if you take a ton of time, did every quest in the game, absorbed all the story and role played a bit; You should still have hit 50 by now.


    No not really. I probably get 2-5 hours in per night, have dabbled in WZ, am doing most quests, and am only just hitting 36. I had a couple of days early access, but then went away for two weeks, only resuming around the 29th of December in earnest. I level efficiently, group on occasion, but I am also learning my role, learning to play MMOs, and enjoying the story (i.e., reading and watching cut scenes).


    My progress is what it is *shrugs* Eventually I will do ops with my guild; no big whoop.

  3. Lets face it, if 100 Jedi came to your aid, you wouldn't have made this post. The problem, therefore, is not enough Republic players on your server, at that given time, that cared to come to your aid or participate in the battle.


    Exactly. And this is where I am very very happy to have the server forums coming online; it will allow for coordination of the factions and hopefully open up real world PvP with coordination between guilds, strategy and planning, and of course cross factional trash talk :D


    I'd also love to see more battles on other worlds too, although we are starting to see that more and more. I think it adds a certain realism to the tensions between Imps and Reps.

  4. The thing is, Shadows aren't Assassins. You are covert ops. Sometimes that includes combat, but it's primarily about gathering information and controlling things from behind the scenes. But, being a Jedi, you do that in a MUCH more forefront manner than what we think of as covert ops might.


    I would argue that much of this is the theme for the activities on Nar Shaddaa, esp. the bonus series, which I am over halfway through at this point.

  5. Updated


    Currently, at level 35, I'm at:

    Shadow, Kinetic tree

    Strength - 82

    Presence - 173

    Aim - 42

    Cunning - 40

    Endurance - 540

    Willpower - 601

    Exp - 0


    Damage - 255-314

    Bonus Damage - 136.4

    Accuracy - 90%

    Chance crit - 16.19%

    Crit mult - 50%


    Health - 6774

    Armour rating - 3447

    Damage deduct - 30.65%

    Defense - 18.29%

    Shield - 20%

    Shield abs - 24%


    Just finished Vivacar, and got a new lightsaber but those aren't included in the stats above (from the beginning of the gaming session). I could up the crit again, just a matter of adding the right mods.

  6. I didn't realize sidonie was such a tough fight.. Have they already reduced the difficulty level for her?

    I have been levelling solo and very casually and must have had my encounter with her at 34-35 (I am going to be 40 now) and as a full TK spec sage, I didn't even realize she was any different than other bosses. I have had tougher issues with the sith apprentice champ in nar shadda bonus area than sidonie!


    Ya, interrupt and get out of area effects and you should be fine for any boss fights.


    For me the most difficult fight was the damned imp surgeon on Nar Shaddaa.

  7. "The Summit: The difficulty of the encounter with Sidone has been reduced."






    Sidonie was a good, if somewhat tough, fight. Hardly impossible OP, even for a casual gamer like myself. I made the mistake of letting force storm hit ONCE partially, then either in a force stun or Holiday cast I hit a medpack and pulled up my pants and went back at it. Hate to see it nerfed because I'm pretty happy to have flashed that fight.

  8. World PvP is really heating up on my server. Was out at the pub with my wife after work, stayed for a nice long time. Cold nights mean the pub is abnormally empty, which just improves the overall vibe. Anyway, come home, hop on the server to run a quick quest and try to level, and the sith are out everywhere. I see one attacking a trooper, so I jump in and pound them. We group up, and proceed to roll over a quest, and two heroic 4+s. He was DPS trooper, I am kinetic Shadow tank, both are companions are healers. Perfect combo. The typical mobs were two golds and an elite, and we had crowd control running, rarely broken by AoE attacks, and I had the time to check for any lost mobs and taunt them back onto me to keep him free to keep DPSing unmolested. I rarely dropped below 80% health, our healer companions were really on the ball. Some of those fights took a while mind, and I recall saying after an early one "WTH have you taken me?" (did I mention I had been at the pub?) and he just laughed. Finished, then we went to a second, then I took him to a third, and we rocked. At the end he commented that I "was a good tank" and we added each other to our friends list for future activity. Was good fun, got lots of blue drops. Perhaps the best night of MMO action for me so far.


    Then my partner went to bed, and I realized that it had gotten on to nearly 2 am. Oops.

  9. Communication can sometimes be difficult out there. Before the first fight I can go to extreme lengths to explain what I am (kinetic shadow), mark targets, and ask them to wait until I cc one, but 2 out of 3 times someone will let rip with an AoE while I'm stealthed in the middle of the enemies...


    Still. When a group clicks the content just melts in front of us, and that is quite satisfying.

  10. I figured that keeping a running tally on Shadow stats from various people/levels/specs would be a good way of double checking how well we are leveling/picking equipment and talents, and provide a database for future Shadows to check against before asking their own questions in the forum. This stems from another thread but instead of derailing it further I thought a new one would be appropriate.


    Currently, at late level 30, I'm at:

    Shadow, Kinetic tree

    Strength - 74

    Presence - 155

    Aim - 38

    Cunning - 36

    Endurance - 429

    Willpower - 516

    Exp - 0


    Damage - 240-290

    Bonus Damage - 120.7

    Accuracy - 90%

    Chance crit - 17.05%

    Crit mult - 50%


    Health - 5363

    Armour rating - 2428

    Damage deduct - 26.31%

    Defense - 16.6%

    Shield - 20%

    Shield abs - 24%


    I've been equipping based on willpower mostly, only recently paying attention to the mitigation stats (really only recently started getting those items). Have not done any PvP yet but will start tomorrow night most likely. Am I about where I should be? Am I overlooking/way too low in any important stats?

  11. It is for the quick bars, you need to bind a key to a quick bar slot, then put your ability there.


    Ah. Thanks.


    (See, I said it would be blindingly obvious. In FPS one usually binds the action directly, so that was what I was looking for)

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