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Everything posted by Gidoru

  1. not surprised pt is a joke and so is Biowares game balancing.
  2. Ya its also the least balanced map out of the bunch. Too bad having a Tank Jugg when the other team doesnt basically gurantees you a win. More Huttball when you remove the ability for ball carriers to leap/speed/
  3. 1. 200k damage isnt remotely impressive my recruit geared sorc does more than that 2. 200k healing as a madness sorc is not impressive, as 100k+ of that is self healing from dots and shields on yourself.
  4. scrap recruit gear, give people free BM gear problem solved.
  5. Yup, i feel for you dude. I love critting a Marauder for 1300ish with my highest hitting attack, meanwhile hes able to consistently crit me for 4000+ plus. Marauders CDs are a joke and there is no way they should stack.
  6. You should take your own advice. you will get about 230 crit rating without augments at most. If you stack nothing but WP you will basically gain 1.6% crit from all your augment slots. If you mix in crit augments you can increase your crit far higher.
  7. 1. Power and WP are not the same for damage. The numbers are something like, 4 power for 1 damage increase, 5 willpower. It may not seem like a significant difference, but it adds up. 2. There are no talent points in any Assassin tree that increase your WP. Only sorc does in the madness tree. 3. You need something like 140 WP to gain 1% crit.
  8. Umm then you're doing it wrong. Your biggest hitting attacks should be Shock, Discharge and Maul. 2 of which are force. If you arent using shock every 2 stacks and Discharge everytime its off cooldown you're not playing the spec properly. As for power vs crit. Dont listen to people telling you to stack willpower, thats terrible. Second of all, while you can crit on demand with recklessness, its still a 1.15min cd. Deception is heavily reliant on crits, when you dont crit with any of your big attacks it feels like your damage is just pathetic. So i kind of feel like having a lot of crit with the spec would be good.
  9. 1. Other than the extra stun which is incredibly short, engineer spec doesnt add any extra cc. 2. The spec effectively adds 1 extra aoe.... but i guess 1 = tons and its one thats incredibly easy to walk out of 3. umm lol? Eng single target damage in pathetic in comparsion to either Marks to Leth 4. What mobility? the spec relies on cover 5. Cool, something that every spec has? 6. Leth has that too If i see a Eng Sniper, i just laugh, they are terrible and free kills. But i guess you 'dominate' or more like you spam aoes and get close to the top of the damage charts so you mistakenly think you dominate.
  10. There are a couple of issues with this. 1. Any class or spec that relies on casting abilities in this game is basically terrible. The simple fact is that there are far too many ways to interupt and if not interupt then cc to make casting reliable. This is why Mercs are generally thought to be an inferior DPS, this is why almost no one plays Lightning Sorc, even fewer effectively and this is why operative healers and classes like PTs are the best instant abilities. I dont even know how they would begin to address this other than say adding in a new type of 'resolve bar' but for interupts such that you could only be interupted once every x seconds and in addition to that improving the resolve system such you cannot be stunnned full duration 2 times in a row before being immune. 2. If healers are buffed then guard needs to be nerfed. Guarded healers are already nearly impossible to kill. So the question is, do you nerf tanks in favor of healers? Because this is about the only way a healer buff wont be overpowered. It possible they could design it in a such a way to make it balanced. Perhaps by rather than making it a permanent active effect, make it some type of short duration ability on a cooldown that can be strategically used to combat short term burst. But this may also make tanks less desirable in warzones either way.
  11. •1.Cross-server que (plenty of threads about this, no explanation needed) •2.Solo-ranked que (When #1 is completed, obviously) It is already been stated that season 1 of ranked wzs will have this.
  12. Given that your numbers dont even come close to reflecting the true damage potential of certain classes, you cant draw any conclusions from YOUR set of numbers. First of all, you fail to account for that fact that certain classes are more likely to be defending a node meaning that their damage would naturally be lower than other classes. Secondly, map is a significant factor in the amount of damage certain classes do. For instance on Huttball, melee classes typically do less damage than ranged classes due to the design of the map and the effectiveness of knockbacks. Furthermore, certain classes with aoe or aoe specs can do considerably more damage on a map like voidstar in which people are typically clumped up. What makes a PT overpowered is that they have too much burst. This is something that doesnt necessary show up on a pure damage chart even tho it often does. What makes a marauder overpowered is the fact that they have too many defensive cooldowns or they are otherwise too strong, again this is something that doesnt necessary show up on damage chart.
  13. Gidoru

    damage mitigation

    ummm no sorry. There has to be some way to kill a tank. If tanks are unkillable then the healers they are guarding are unkillable too.
  14. Its balanced out by the fact that the spec is utterly terrible. In fact i would put it out there that is the worst spec in the game.
  15. Gidoru

    Buff Sorc Burst DPS

    Or u could actually try specing full lightning and procing with lightning strike?
  16. you do realize that dps juggs/guards can simply switch to tank stance, this doesnt mean they are tank spec....
  17. even when im on my undergeared healer alt i usually get 1-2 votes, your server must suck
  18. I usually give it to the guy with 5000 damage after a 10-15 minute game even tho its quite obvious all the gear in the world wont help him.
  19. You may or may not be right about ranked saving the game, that is yet to be determined. However you are wrong about the reasons you think it wont save the game. Basically you are suggesting that ranked warzones create an elitist environment that excludes certain people. Unfortunetly, this was already the case BEFORE ranked warzones and has always been in the case in EVERY semi competitive game. There is a simple fact here, that there will always be a large number of bad players in a any competitive game and the at the same time there will always be a small number of really good players. I really dont need to get into the specifics of why as it is quite obvious, but the good players tend to group together and do not want to play with the bad players. This is a fact of competitive gaming and it will never change no matter what you do. If you dont think small groups of good 'elitist' players wont form groups in RvR and exclude the majority of the rest of the player base you're kidding yourself. Can the rest of the community still participate in RvR? Sure, but you will be at a disadvantage against those in organized guilds who are grouping.
  20. Ya recruit gear is pretty terrible. Luckily battlemaster is pretty easy to get.
  21. LOL? So you have to really know your class to press 3 buttons and consistently hit for 4-5k? Pyro PT has probably the easiest rotation in the game. I guess people that dont know how to play just PTs just magically hit for less damage for no reason because clearly pressing 123 to drop someones health to 30% is too complicated.
  22. This is 100% false. Tank gear makes a substantial difference in ones survivability.
  23. First of all, seeing as you just made the claim that you take as much damage in DPS spec as you do with tank, im going to assume you're using Stalker gear with tank spec. So basically you're playing a tank spec without tank gear and now coming to the forums to complain that you die too fast? LOL Secondly, you basically lost 4% damage reduction to kinetic/energy, sorry but this doesnt make the difference between magically taking no damage one day and getting owned the next. You are clearly exaggerating.
  24. There is not too much CC in this game, the problem is that the resolve system is pretty fail. It currently works such that if you are not full resolve you can still be CCed for full duration even if you are at say 90% of a bar. It should be reworked to more of a diminishing returns system such as... Each CC has a resolve value that fill is up the bar. If someone is close to full resolve and a CC puts them over the full resolve mark then that CC should be reduced in duration based on how much it put the bar past full. IE Stun brings someone to 90% resolve for 4 seconds. Target is stunned again, brought up to 130% resolve. Therefore the next stun is only last 1 second. This i think would be better.
  25. Gidoru

    I want to thank BW

    Operatives are fine Sorc DPS is fine, learn to kite. Commando can do pretty decent damage, problem is survivability/interupt vulnerability. Pretty simple here, add a new cooldown to Merc that makes them uninteruptable for about 10 seconds, 1-1.5 min cooldown. Maybe also add some type of slow ability and interupt.
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