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Everything posted by kirorx

  1. Thank you for clarifying. I am not going to bother with 330 gear than. If I had that, then I would not play any other content but guild raids. I dislike playing old content if it is not going to drop at least equal gear to what I have. So vet mods flashpoints and SM ops are a compete waste of time. Hardmode Flashpoints to gear my alts and then, I guess nothing lol. I will just play more pvp, which is something i did a lot of back in 3.0.
  2. I actually understand your point. I am not keen on farming 330 gear that way though. I have a question; if you have 330 gear and go back and do a hardmode flashpoint, do you get 330 drops or just 226 max? If i cant use a 330 character to do flashpoints so i can gear my alts, then I am not going to waste my time with Nefra runs.
  3. I like playing ops for fun, but now that SM ops drops nothing if you have 226 gear, then even SM ops are pointless to play.,
  4. Gearing is progression. I have played this game since day zero and part of the fun is progressing my characters. I want my characters that I have been playing for the past decade to be as strong as I can make them. After 10 or so years, progression is the content. Why would anyone play old content they have played since launch if there is no reward system or way to improve my favorite characters. What is annoying is that if you have 226 gear from playing flashpoint and decide to play a SM operation, you dont get squat. In short, its fun to earn rewards and boring to have a cap on what you can earn.
  5. Lol, me too. I try to make all my bounty hunter companions look like epic bounter hunters from the movies and shows, so I was stoked to given Fen that Cad Bane look
  6. Solo players are just second rate memberships now.
  7. This is true; but I have to say that this is first time since this game launched, that I have lost complete interest in playing. I really like the ability to choose a second advanced class and the load out system; though I wish the gear would stay in the load out and not in my inventory; but not the end of the world. The end game gearing system and changes, have made my characters weaker and there is no new content to justify this. I am playing the same decade old flashpoints and operations to get a bunch of non moddable, green junk gear. I understood that with a new level would come new gear, but this is beyond lame; it's flat out boring. So, while I agree people have chicken littled this game since day 1, this new gearing system has turned a fun game into something that I simply dont feel like playing. I have given it a solid effort, because I have played this since launch and I am huge starwars fun, but even I have a limit and 7.0 is that limit. I am not quiet ready to cancel my sub, but I dont really see any reason to log in as much, if at all TBH. I guess if another mmo peaked my interest enough to subscribe, than I would be gone for good unfortunately. It is a real shame, because i really do love this game.
  8. Just get rid of leveling all together. Its just a delay before the gearing system grind and you cant even get good weekly conquest stuff until level 80 now anyway. Without levels, the old boss fights would be challenging again
  9. The bigger problem here is that there is no shaved head look that does not have a beard or mustache. The shaved head look goes well with hair style 49 or any other dread type look, but you cant do that with female characters unless you want her to have a mustache. A complete oversight .
  10. Neat. Im trying to make my hunter’s companions look all like the bounty hunter line up from Empire
  11. Ok, so countermeasures is just gone from operative healz, I thought i was going crazy.
  12. Why multiple currencies, it was done away with years ago because it was lame back then
  13. I have a vanguard / operative. That combo is one of my favorites. You can Tank/Heal or DPS and vanguard DPS is one of the best. Ops healer is fun and its a stealth class. Both are blaster rifles too My Bounty Hunter is a Vanguard/Merc and that is a good combo as well. But IMO, the best one overall is Vanguard/Operative. One of my Troopers is a vanguard/operative and its fun to be a trooper that can come out of stealth for some back stab action
  14. I like it. If we did more stuff focusing on KOTOR, I want some Bao-dur armor, mostly that cool arm of his.
  15. I feel the complete opposite lol. I dig the fire ball I think flame sweep makes you look like tinkerbell. Spinning around in a circle like a dandelion, not thanks. Between that animation and the stupid rocket backpack AOE, I gave the hard pass on my Bounty hunter and made his second class vanguard. Blaster rifle bounty hunter just feels right tbh
  16. If you are doing group content like MM flashpoints or PvP with an underleveled weapon, you are wrong.
  17. I understand your point, here; but there is a factor that should addressed. They removed modifications with this update, so the weapons we purchased off the cartel market, some of which cost in excess of 2000 cartel coins which is roughly 20 bucks for a single in game item, as well as additional money for the legacy unlock, Those weapons are at this moment useless. They pushed this update out, knowing that they did not have a functioning appearance tab for weapons, and they have said nothing about this to us, the consumers. It doesn't matter if you pay 1 dollar a month or 400 dollars a month, customers deserve as least some form of communication and should expect the product they pay for to work. The lack of communication is a real issue.
  18. I was so excited for the loadouts and additional advanced class options, as well as the now storyline. Like you, I was met with that Malgus bug and eventually gave up on trying to complete the storyline. I made the mistake of assuming this would be fixed promptly, but that does not appear to be the case. In fact, I have not seen any response or plan to fix this, so I guess I am done with this "expansion" story for the time being. Gearing has been a confusing mess; my Bounty Hunter has two guns that come with a holster, a look that cost a great many credits. The fact that I have to discard his blasters in favor of random green gear is annoying. This over sight makes me feel like this expansion was simply not ready to be released. Between the lack of storyline completion and the weird gearing system, I honestly can't seem to stay logged in anymore. For me, this game is just not fun to play in it's current state. I was having a lot of fun in 6.0. I had leveled up a ton of alts and probably spent more time in game than I ever have, but now I simply can't seem to enjoy my self. Which is crazy, since I have been logging in and paying these people since 2011; yet in only a couple weeks, my desire to even play has been completely dissipated. I have gone from satisfied customer since launch, to just plain bored in a single update; that's pretty amazing tbh.
  19. No mods or enhancements is one of the lamest things I have seen in this game. Making my weapons obsolete in favor of random drops and a confusing gear system is just bogus. I have been playing this game since early release and I have put up with a lot, but this is the one time, I have no desire to play at all. I keep logging in for a little bit, only to get frustrated with gearing and I end up just logging out for the day. 6.0 was the most hours I had spent on this game since launch, because it was so Alt friendly and easy to navigate, 7.0 can't seem to stay motivated to play, I can't even get interested in the new conquest season. I was looking forward to the completing my second fleet stronghold, and frankly I lost total interest in any of that content. As of 7.0 It's just not a Fun game to play anymore.
  20. Its pretty lame. I invested a lot into my character's look over the past decade and now I have to use rando drop weapons with no foreseeable changes to be made. Why release a product that is unfinished? It's very annoying.
  21. I will be honest, I am really having a "not bothering" with all aspects of this game. I just got off work and logged in, played for a bit got Green unmoddable gear and then realized I cant even upgrade my guns without changing them to some unmoddable green gun. I spent kind of a lot of credits on my characters look my losing my holster weapons is just one more kick in the desire to even play. The whole thing just feels like "whats the point"
  22. Interest has been lost tbh. If i get some stuff done, thats cool, but im not trying to meet any of those objectives anymore
  23. Part of the 10 year anniversary is getting to re-live the experience of having lame end game. Those were the good old days. We used to just run circles around fleet doing nothing at max level. I actually have 40 alts and deleted half of them this week so i can just reroll them and play the game again, because playing the same FPs and Ops again is BORING; it is literally the reason the game was shifting toward the play any content you like model, but we are back to 2.0 again, so welcome to the Past
  24. I have been playing since launch and can honestly say, this is the first time I am lost on gearing. None of it makes any sense, I would rather just back to command crates at this point tbh
  25. I love tossing out my “gold” fully augmented gear for a nice set of green static stat junk gear; its so much fun
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