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Everything posted by kirorx

  1. Is there even a two month subscription option? Isn't it month to month, 6 months or 12 months? 2 months is good, it gives you time to level up your characters for the expansion when it releases
  2. The delay is good for me since now I have time to get the limitless title before it is unobtainable.
  3. This actually works out because I didint have time to get 999 renown and I know I can try to finish that cheevo 8)
  4. I have one of each spec as well, but it will be nice to my main capable of filling all 3 roles, so that is a huge benefit. While I was down with swapping characters all the time, with the changes to weeklies being reset, it will be easier to just swap between needed specs. Just my opinion on it at least
  5. So does this mean that my current Commando, whom I have had for the past 10 years, can NOT be a Mercenary Now? I love the play style of the Merc/Mando, but I have never liked the Big Gun and was Super excited about changing this when this was announced. If this is the case, it's real hard to not feel like I am taking a back seat to new players that get to take full advantage of this new system. I could reroll again, but lose all the player titles and stuff that i have earned over the years. Maybe if you can't do us right due to techincal issues, perhaps you can make all the "character unlocks" available for "legacy" so that I can reroll a new guy without losing now unobtainable titles and armor sets.
  6. So for the 10 year anniversary; those of us with 10 year old characters are chopped liver? Cool, and after they took a chainsaw to class abilities too. Us old timers that have been here for the past decade can just go back to eating mud I guess lol
  7. You said everyone, so you are just going to get a bunch of responses on here about how you dont speak for everyone. You can speak for me though, I love this idea
  8. Another reason I will be doing the new operation and nothing else. These other systems sound like a lot of work for subpar non-modable gear. At least for the first time in a long time, I will log in, play the one operation and then log out. The hours I spent playing alts and dabbling in all different parts of the game will be a thing of the past. If you have been around a couple years, my suggestion would be to Just get a guild, schedule some raids on the guild website and profit. I wouldn't touch any other content tbh, its a waste of time. Aside from one imp and one rep storyline play through.
  9. Exactly. Its just disheartening to lose this entire system. Even if crafters can make mods and enhancements, they can only sell them to NiM Raiders, but the crafting materials will probably come from the same operation, so you will have to play the new operation if you plan to participate in crafting end game gear I just dont get removing a system that was selling point since launch.
  10. Colicoid War game is still available in the drop ship missions hanger, and it is still one of the more fun flashpoints; actually now I want to log in and play it again lol. By active, I mean active in grouping at end game. Sure we went through bursts of players, but "lack of end game content" was like the first major complaint. Some of the selling points of this game was gear modification, legacy perks and using Alts. It has a taken a decade to get it where we are. We are approaching the 10 year anniversary and we are back to shelving alts and for first time in history of this game, you no longer mod your gear. After this many years, i have one character of each spec on both factions. Aside from sent/maur. I love modding gear, in fact I chase those perfect numbers for my Tank. See I like Raiding and i enjoy the hardest content. I dont like not getting rewards at all though. I am certainly not going to play content that doesnt even drop moddable gear. That seems so ridiculous. Forget B.i.S, just having no control over gear stats. No thank you. So, now Im sitting on a ton of alts, that will not see the light of day again, because im just going to log into my tank, play the new ops, then play alt tank and then that is that. Right now I can just play for hours every day and still progress all my alts, but Non Moddable gear, I mean that is just terrible. Even if my alts dont have the B.i.S gear, that is just a boring system.
  11. This. Over the past couple years we have moved to “play your own way”. I have been subbed since pre launch and I would argue this is the most active the community has ever been as far as people playing various content at end game. TC groups are being formed every second, groups for 2 person heroics and WB groups are constantly popping up . If you think people will continue to group up for content that does not advance their character;; well when was the last time you have seen a group for Colicoid War Games. You dont, We put top gear behind ops before and people kept running the same ops over and over and other content went to the wayside. Rewards for playing the way you want to, opened up the whole game to us. This is current system is going to be a huge step in the opposite direction. I play all aspects of this game, including NiM Ops and I am not looking forward to just going back to farming the same ops again. Right now, if a new player wanted help with something I could help them and maybe even get an upgraded augment or piece for one of my many alts, but why would i would I waste me time playing 10 year old content that has a gear rating cap on its drops. There is no benefit to tanking a flashpoint anymore for anyone when Im only doing ops for rewards, i got a lot of alts to gear up.
  12. That is a good quote lol What I dont think people realize is that the gearing does just affect "solo" players. World Boss Group, Warzones, Flashpoints and Heroic 2 missions are not "solo" play, all of those things are done as group content. They just wont give rewards at a certain point.
  13. That's what it was like in KOTOR, would be cool here. Certainly would give anything to swap that droid out in Solo Flashpoints with a 3rd companion.
  14. Players want to earn rewards and want to feel like they are progressing. Even when you had level 306 gear, you could still tweak it with augments or B.i.S pieces and amplifiers. In the last update we could progress while playing almost any content and that kept people busy. I have not left this game since launch and I have seen the UPs and DOWNs and I remember what it was like before, with similar systems to the this ""new"" one. Logging in, Running circles around the fleet doing a whole lot of nothing. Sure people will play that 1 new operation over and over and over again, but in 3 months time it will be on grind mode for them. No more TC or world boss groups, none of that stuff that we see right now. All those worlds bosses, heroics; all the content was dead just a few years ago. Why play something that has no reward. Sure if it's new to you, but its 10 year old content for most of us. Players are simple, they want to progress and they want to earn stuff for their time and effort; or they will just get bored and eventually stop playing. I was playing more during 6.0 than any other time period in this games history, because the system did not punish me for playing alts, but actually the legacy system; as it was advertised back in 2011. This new system is just a step back in time, and I already seen this all before.
  15. Im not what the plan is for the advanced classes; if we are going to get to change them when the update comes around. If you are happy with your Class and your advanced class, then I would start a new character today. There is so much story content, it will take a long time to play it all from the beginning.
  16. I dont know what will happen on live. I would say that not allowing us to reroll our advanced classes when we log to our characters when 7.0 is released, would be a huge mistake. I would agree that having to use the 2nd advanced class slot to roll Mercenary trooper on your already Commando trooper would feel like a massive waste. Since you pick any advanced tech class when you create a new character, i cant see them not implementing a reroll on our old characters primary advanced class.
  17. Juggy. Sin/shadow tanks have awesome utilities, but IMO Force leaping into a large group and beating the tar out of things with your saber is much more fun. Powertech has some cool animations, but they took away Death from above and a couple other cool looking abilities There are pros and cons to each class, but in terms of just FUN. I would lake a Juggy any day.
  18. Like so many other on here, I also will not que vet mode FPs as a tank. People playing Vet mode are usually grinding levels or chasing gear, so they mostly want to run through content, and honestly as a tank, I feel like Im just slowing them down. The few ques you get that require any usage of mechanics, people drop like flys from anyway, because they would rather blow through hammer station all day. Master Mode is the way to go. Though, I think the term "master mode" is a little misleading; it should just be called Normal mode. As a tank or healer, its just so much nicer to play with the proper classes and people in group using the proper mechanics in fights.
  19. It will encourage players like me to do the new operation I wont be doing any other content, since there will be no rewards, but at least I will do the new operation over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over, then around February I will just stop logging in until a new story line is added, play that and then wait till the next one I guess.
  20. I dont understand it. I have been playing this game since launch and this has been the best system so far. It allows me to do pretty much whatever I want and still get rewards. This has been such an alt friendly experience, which was nice since at the inception of this game "legacy" was something that mattered, and we were encouraged to create alts. Sure there was some RNG, but honestly we get so many gear drops it wasn't that big of a deal. I would prefer the vendor that sells the RNG pieces, just sold item you wanted; which is all that was needed. I just dont understand what that point of limiting your ability to obtain the best gear to a single operation in a game that has 10 years of content. Removal of modding gear is just such a far cry from the highlights of this game since launch. I simply dont understand the rational behind this. I am only going to do the new operation now. There is no point in touching old content, even after I gear up. It's just 10 years of content that I see reason to play if there is no advancement. We have had this kind of system before, where the old stuff goes on Ignore. So welcome to the past I guess
  21. It looked liked those stats are going away. It will just be 3 stats: damage, support, survivability. I hope i saw that picture wrong; i am a huge min/maxer and stat junkie. I love tweaking my characters to hit those perfect numbers and if the above is correct, I am about to lose my favorite part of playing mmos; the customization. I have been active here since pre launch and while Im not going to Rage quit; I could se myself getting bored and logging in a great deal less.
  22. My ultimate WISH, which is Highly unlikely. By Unlikely, I mean Never will happen Playable alien species Aliens like : Rodian, Sullustan, Bith, Duros, Kel Dor, Devorian There are only a few models of these characters in game and they have human body types, so they can wear all clothing armor available and we would not expect much in the means of customization. Just have like 2 or 3 head options for each alien species and gtg. Very little customization needed.
  23. I would be totally fine if every cloak with a hood, had a hood up and hood down version. There are some out there now, that I use. I have both sets in appearance tab, depending if I want hood up or hood down. I want a hood down version of my tribal robes set, but that set is one of the ones we lost when lost CxP boxes and went boring renown boxes.
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