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Everything posted by wifeaggro

  1. Ya ive lost all respect for this devolper. they can keep ME 3 . think ill give 38 studios new RPG a try instead. Ive always liked salvatores stories , i would rather throw my money away at a small company that tried then purchase EA games any more. Pretty sad what they reduced bioware too.
  2. How about they just actually put in the high res pacs those screen shots are taken from. that is blatant false representation of content. dont count on this game getting the things it needs to flesh out . for quite some time. BW has to fix its engine first.
  3. Combination of corperate influence and a very short sighted game design . supposedly they had some very talented MMO people on their team. It seems rift got the best of the crop. that game had a far better design then TOR unfortunately .
  4. Populations have another 30 days of burn off before it stablises. BW was very shortsighted thinking they could release a game with so few features, Engine problems and , very basic itemization. this would have flown in 2006 or 2007, not 2012 . very basic foundation but you just cant go this stripped down with a heavy focus on single player game expierence and expect people to pay a premium subscription cost. got about 25 days left on my sub and i will not be returning to TOR until they have made it a true MMO. Iwill not purchase ME3 either i was ok with DA1 even though it was very different form the indepth game mechanics and CHR devolpment BW was known for, but DA2 was a travesty and an insult to PC gamers.
  5. Your expierence resonates with many many players. though we are not as far in progression in raiding as we are a very casual working class guild. we played hard through lvling and relaxed at end game as reprots showed the end game was very bad.Now that we have been in it a couple weeks. its just a very very lack luster expierence. Food stamp set gear is a poor excuse for end game rewards. ther is nothing unique about SWTOR in its itemisation and nothing feels attached to the lore. I knew from beta that this game was going to leave a very bland taste in the MMO veterans mouth . I was very concerned that they opened end game up so late in beta with very little testing, and no itemisation.every thing we told bioware needed to be changed ended up being the major complaints of the people who left in the first 30 days. they have alot of work to do and i have some hope for this game in the future its got a good foundation, but it does not feel like a true MMO it lacks to many features.
  6. all your theories would be great fiction. the undeniable fact is bioware is notorious for slow meticulous devolpment. Add in voice over and cutscenes to all the content with a very cranky engine. Ya keep the Bio cool aid coming. 5 million subs by june? i need some of your delusion
  7. LOL gw2 is no where near a rift clone its worse. calling it a rift clone is a compliment. as for EQ2 being dead? it has held the best retention from sales of any MMO , and has had the most expansions of any MMO. It made a crap load of money just not as much as WOW. Im not sure if your trolling or not, but if you are you should probably research your attempts a little better.
  8. They should not advertise what they cant put in game
  9. The game is very stripped down . It lacks depth and full feature set of aMMO. but if you look at the trend of BW games after EA involvement they have become overly simplified. Almost lazy and lack of care. Games like BG,Kotor series, NWN, ME1 were suberp. are very different you start to see a signifcant turn at DA 1 . Simplified chr devolpment less thinking involved and very generic approach to combat abilities and leveling process. SWTOR has an almost lobby game feel to it, they have a solid foundation to make this a good indepth game but based on the past track record of their last 4 games i highly doubt they will take the game in that direction. i anticpate more of this very watered down MMO type of features. they will just regurgitate flash points and raid zones at us make more generic set gear. the days of a unique indvidual attachement to your chr are gone the food stamp itemisation is firmly taken hold in this genre. Devolpers will no longer take time to craft items that had lore value to the world that felt unique and increased your attachment to your CHR. This is a reroll game with no interest in making you feel attached to your main chr. the stories are great but the MMO part of the game severaly lacks immersion and flexibility. the game world zones are actually like extremely large single player lvls of DA or ME with multi player options.these are just my opions and thousands of players feel the same way but their are several thousand wo enjoy this game play.
  10. Actually this engine is not even the hero engine . Bioware took the base of it and recoded it to fit their needs . the engine was still indevolpment when bioware took control of it. they did not even have documentation for it. Any faults it may have are actually biowares doing.
  11. um they knida did pre launch by advertising it with high res textures and confirming to fan sites pre launch they would be there. and the same in beta when they put them in for a day then took them out and stated they would return for launch.
  12. Yes it did it was from Stephen reid in the offical thread covering this issue . he posted those very words in the dev tracker then weeks later removed his post dont comment on something you did not follow go through the 185 pages of the offical thread and youll see the community calling B.S. on him.
  13. This company has the worst community releations of any devolper they are historicaly closed mouthed about their games in devolpment and post. it is about as bad as gaute goadager and his promises with AOC at launch. The truth is bioware wont be giving us high res textures because they need to do a crap load of recoding on their engine. they took a unfinished product tried to finish it themselves with no documentation . then had to stop production of the game and rewrite the engine from the ground up due to hero not being able to support the large amount of people using it. In beta they did post a few times saying High res textures would be in at launch after they took them out. The Armors textures in this game are horrible and the draw distance is laughable it looks like i am opening up a pop up book as you go along on your speeder through foliage. the enviroments are not horrible some of the features are on par with a 2011 release. the problem is now that they realise how poorly their engine handles them they are trying to damage control and basically lie saying thats how the game was intended .despite reporting to fan sites the contrary in the devolpment process and the community in beta. I doubt we will ever see high res textures in this game. Ive pretty much lost my hopes of TOR straightening out BW does not work fast, historicaly they take a long time to produce games . the base line features a MMO usally have are missing leaving glaring holes in game play . Persoanlly i can live with out the textures at this point they need to start adding missing game features of a MMO. currently a part of the community does not even consider tthe game design a MMO, many say its a lobby game. If it is bothering you that bad unsubb take your money else where. you will not get an answer from the devolpment team. as they say nothing when they know we will not like the answer. ive unsubbed for various reasons i have 28 days left on my 60 day sign up, one of them being the high res textures. the main reason being a very shallow end game and zero guild features. I woould rather see a big guild featue up date then the Legacy system which is just a rerolling perk. I should have listened to my gut when Dallas dickeson answered some interview about end game saying" bioware considered rerolling a big part of their endgame".
  14. Gaute Goadager anyone? now they have a fall guy for GCD and ability delay.
  15. In all seriousness it probably was not even his fault. If you give mechanic a volkswagon and say i need this to beat that ferarri , he can only do so much. he probaly got tired of getting yelled at about the ability delay and GCD . which are more about the UI and engine interfacing. All you juggs like that ravage skill animation and being stuck in it once you use . It takes longer to do the animation then the GCD
  16. Yes 590's are sold out everywhere as are the 7000 seires ATI.
  17. Hell no the guys calling the shots are getting the sales in one qrtr . they only get a percentage of the subs over the long haul that really dont effect the next qrtr in a large scale. the wanna hype a game rush it to release and collect the 60$ x 2.1 million in sales. Plus merchandise liscensing. as long as corperations dictate what content we get we are gonna get sub par products. rift is a prime example that game was polished and indepth at release , it had very little corperate involment. it was all financed privately and had some of the best minds of the genre making it. What it didnt have was a massive I.P.
  18. ya its pretty sad i can siege with 60 people PVPing with destructible enviroments in DX10. with hig res textures , AA AF all the bellls and whistles cranked high and get 60 FPS solid. Log onto rift crank everything PVP or stand in the social hub and get slight render lag when logging in but imediatley clears . Its pretty evident the engine is not running correctly. though i did not get any worse performance in beta with hig res textures for the day they enabled them. As for Ilum i dont even go there anyhow the whole zone is broken from every angle broken dailies PVP exploits and just a general drab playing expierence. Crossing fingers for 1.2 but at the rate Bioware produces stuff i might as well take a 6 month nap from this game and revisit it in late summer.
  19. Partially true. Publishers are pushing for high sales numbers so they can grab a big qrtr. they really restrict what features a Devoloper can put in the game. Personaly i found Kotor 1 way more indepth then SWTOR. You see a big difference form bioware BG , NWN and ME 1 compared to EA bioware . the games were much more of a thinker. More customizable in the sense of weapons and chr devlopment. there games went from 5 star meal to Mcdonalds . thank corperate america for that.
  20. or on the fleet lol. my system is close to his minus 1 590 gtx , my CPU is a 990 x 4.2 i get about 20 to 30 FPS when im on the Station funny thing is nobody is moving.
  21. I meant for both 1200 to 1400 for his dual set up.
  22. you have the wrong video cards 590 gtx are about 600 to 700 dollars and twice the video ram
  23. the cards alone are 1200 to 1400 hundred bucks . with that said SLI 590 gtx does not yield anymore FPS then my single 590 gtx . in all honesty Bioware has a **** load of work to do.
  24. Drew i personaly hope your right. honestly i do i hope that people do stick around so EA will release more funds to expand this game evolve its game play and make it better. But from playing multiple MMO's from launch and following the communities pre and post launch. the retention rate is going to be not so great. Based on engine problems and shallow end game a good portion of MMO vets will not make the 90 day mark on subs. If you think tor is gonna retain those 1.7 million subs your very very hopeful. they sold over 2 million copies and with in 11 days form december 20th to december 31st over 400 k players spit this game out before they were even asked to put their credit card number in. with that said i dont hink TOR will be a failure not by a long shot but i do not see it retaining the Veteran MMO crowd and in all honesty those are the ones that sub for long cycles and dont churn in and out with the facebook generation of gamers.
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