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Everything posted by mitchsts

  1. i think the pvp is fun in this game. i actually think the opposite, i will never understand why people play an mmo for the pve. i always thought you played a online game for pvp and offline games like sykrim/fallout for pve. in my opinion the pve and stories in this game feel extremely dull and old. especially now that disney made everything not the movies not canon, it feels like every story in this game is just another fan fiction. and i never really cared for that stuff. whenever i tell my friends who quit swtor that bioware is focusing on the story, they all laugh, then i question why im still playing. bioware might make bad decisions which makes pvp worse, like the insane gear grind and how they mess up the class balance, and how they removed world pvp. but i always come back for the warzones. and when i get bored of the pvp, there are hundreds of games with fun pve to pick from.
  2. im going to have to agree, that was bad.
  3. i think they need to keep happening until the problem is fixed. if i was a new player and leveled a character on a dead server, i would probably just quit. yes it is easy to move servers, but i wouldn't want to deal with that. that's the reason i quit playing guild wars 2. i said screw it, i don't have to deal with this. i have other games id rather play. joining a game and finding the server you rolled on is dead doesn't send a good message about the game, it makes it seem like its dieing.
  4. the dye system will never change and if you want a reason, this is why.
  5. that used to happen a lot back when i used to play on wifi. do you play on wifi?
  6. it never really happened before, but after they made different instances it completely died. i haven't seen any world pvp since that update. its not a lot of fun in this game anyways, everyone has their companion healing them so its always a stalemate unless one side has a lot more people than the other side.
  7. i have played this game since launch only playing warzones, and i have been in thousands. i have never seen any hacking or cheating. i have heard of someone doing it in solo ranked, but i never saw the guy. worst thing i have seen is a bot.
  8. you had to go back 3 years to find a worse idea... that's how you know this new system is bad.
  9. guys, you have this system all wrong. you'r not supposed to get geared, its the thrill of the hunt.
  10. if you all want them fixed, this is the only way. if everyone plays merc. they probably don't test warzones so numbers is all they check on, and if they see everyone is on their merc that would get their attention.
  11. i have been thinking of going back to swg until bioware deals with this gearing grind nightmare. which server has the most people?
  12. mitchsts

    Valor question

    i think you have to have valor level of 40 to do ranked. edit: i guess 40 was wrong. not sure where i got it.
  13. what are you talking about? i read that like 3 times and i still have no idea.
  14. its not about the reward, remember? its all about the thrill of the hunt now.
  15. bastion has been like that for at least a year. you should transfer or re roll on harbinger, the only server that wont end up like that. i mean, it could end up like that if bioware doesn't figure out this train wreck of a gearing system. no company would be dumb enough to continue to let it run everyone off though.
  16. i just use armor sets and then put level 10 mods from the fleet in it. i don't usually upgrade it until i get to 70 because it seems like a waste of money.
  17. the game doesn't lag by itself, its something on your end that you are going to have to figure out.
  18. the clipping isn't going anywhere. i would just try to get used to it.
  19. that COULD be a good point. but, bioware has been pushing this game to be a single player, casual player focused game with mmo parts. right now, there is no way a casual player can get geared. its too random and it takes way too long. that is the problem. i have given up on that wild goose chase.
  20. out of all the things that need to be worked on, i have no idea why they decided to make that worse. i really cannot think of a single reason for changing it. nobody asked for that. what a waste of time.
  21. so you left your credit card linked to your account so that he could continue to rob you? why would you not cancel the card right away?
  22. i feel like it would be easier at this point to just roll back 5.0. i don't even care if i lose anything if they have to do a massive roll back to some 4.0 patch. as long as this gear system is gone.
  23. to me, watching someone play a game is like watching someone eat. seems like such a waste of time when you could be playing the game.
  24. they still care about the cartel market. isn't it fun buying packs? who needs content when you could be opening packs?
  25. too many people were complaining that raiders and pvpers were being screwed inconsistently. so they decided to screw everyone equally for now on. but we did get those exciting rng boxes so everything should be good right?
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