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Everything posted by Belegnole

  1. I've been around since early beta and I have to say I agree with this.
  2. NO, no, no....they get to wave it around like it's a 3' long wand. And, it is one of my pet peeves....truly annoys me. Melee light saber 1 light saber = Jugg 2 light saber = Marauder double bladed light saber = Assassin
  3. I'm getting a situation where the game locks up when I quit. Task manager can exit the program, but it is annoying.
  4. Yup, they adjusted stuff, and not necessarily in our favor.
  5. Belegnole

    Hello bugware.

    You must work where I work.....lol
  6. I must admit that I have not tried them yet. I just finished the story line on one toon so far. Have to get the rest that I play up to 70 next. That happens to include a few tanks that I started with 4.0. I had never tanked in SWTOR before 4.0 but it is a refreshing change of pace from just dpsing. However there are still many times where I just prefer to beat the snot out of something. Possibly because as a newb tank I haven't gotten to the point where doing it is instinctive. As to your point I think that on the surface it sounds good, But, as with all things gaming....I'm sure someone would figure out a way to abuse it rather quickly.
  7. Why thank you Sir. You are a gentleman and a scholar.
  8. Thank you, my number crunching days are over. I appreciate it.
  9. Try this.....Here In essence keep outside of the big red circle and use the green circle to heal yourself or hurt Vaylin. I kept most of the fight at the bottom of the stairs and when the red circle showed up ran up the stairs. After the knock back, Vaylin jumps to you....run to the bottom of the stairs again.
  10. I haven't gotten jack and what most are getting is not equivalent to comm gear.
  11. Well lo and behold, I was just thinking about giving GSF a try again. Thanks for the info!
  12. For the next expansion I would like Disney to take the license away from EA and give it to someone who can make a game worthy of the franchise.
  13. Yup they get lost or distracted and fall WAY behind sometimes. But, right before you take 1/8th damage they magically show back up.
  14. What an elitist bunch of crap...... Their not good enough to play with us... You all should listen to yourselves. First you ***** and moan about not enough players, and now that there is new blood you complain about that. Look the newbs have taken the first step by trying PvP to begin with. Most have no clue what is what, and most are reluctant to ask for help because of the toxic community that PvPers are assumed to be. You the seasoned vets need to either promote our community or shut up. Because there are more of them than there are of us.
  15. I'm coming to the conclusion that it is best if you just don't care. Enjoy the game for what it is and enjoy time spent playing with friends. If I spend time worrying about how great my gear is I will end up rage quitting and I don't want to do that. So, as I have a few months left on my sub....I' just going to go with the flow and see what happens.
  16. Hey! I like the fur shirt. Where can I get one. now I'm going to have to check my kitties....luckily they wear more clothes.
  17. lol....The expansion is what gives you the ability to get to 70. So, only those allowed to play the new expansion due to early access get to advance to 70. Why in the heck would someone think that they should get any part of early access when they don't qualify.
  18. Interesting, if it isn't a bug I too hope they keep it. Seeing it's just about the first positive thing I've heard today.
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