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Everything posted by Darth_Victus

  1. Sounds promising. I am looking forward to the next movie even more so now.
  2. BioWare, can we please get a Guild Log feature so that Guild Masters and Officers can see who comes, goes, invited or kicked?
  3. Already pre-ordered before these were announced, so I wasn't really expecting anything else. But these are a nice bonus.
  4. Well, there is the "Secret Space Project" they are working on. But right now all we have is speculation, though they did tease that "It did not launch with the game." So we will see as they reveal more about it. If they ever reveal more about it.
  5. I would love to see this outfit in the game as Adaptive Armor. BioWare, you have found your next Cartel Market armor set. Make it happen!
  6. I would love more interaction with my companions. Give me a reason to want to gain their affection and put the betrayal system back in. Who cares if some idiot cries because he foolishly killed off all of his companions on a whim. That was the whole point of the feature is to make you regret your choice.
  7. My primary concern about this is what exactly are the benefits to grinding this rep. So far all they are teasing us with is new titles. Will there be reputation based vendors that will sell unique items to players depending on reputation with the faction?
  8. My main concern with this, is will the lag issue caused by numerous players in the same area be fixed? This was a pretty big issue with the original Ilum PVP, and turned many players off from it.
  9. Honestly, going to wait until I see more information on it before I come to any conclusions.
  10. Same here. Getting double global cool downs, so this interrupts attacks I am trtying to perform.
  11. It actually sounds alot like what Blizzard did with Wintergrasp. Encourages both factions to fight over access to the PVE content. Now sadly, this is just speculation with the little information that has been given out. So there is no mention if it is repeatable or not.
  12. Yes. I pre-ordered. However, I will say this "Expansion" will be a make or break for me. If it does not impress me and look like they really tried with it and the game. I will simply move on to a different game. So here is to the best of hopes for Rise of the Hutt Cartell.
  13. Not if it is exclusive to the Cartel Market only.
  14. I was going to say, I remembered Daniel saying something that later on it could be possible. But they would have to deliver it in a way that it, from a story stand point, made sense.
  15. I hope this is true, because that means they are learning. Then again, I would hope that the devs actually fix the bugs that are reported and not just ignore them or put them in a "later fix" like they have with past content patches.
  16. My thoughts as well. In my own opinion, at least based on the feelings of fellow guildies; RotHC is going to be a make or break for alot of us. I am hoping it does wow us enough that we enjoy it enough to see a future in the game.
  17. Skype is only free if your calling another Skype account. Toll Free numbers on Skype are only free up to 3 hours, trust me I used it all on my call recently and I was on hold for most of it.
  18. Yes. Multiple times. The card issuer (American Express) has stated that there was nothing blocking the transaction on their end.
  19. Well, good thing I was able to call them yesterday using the Toll Free number. Though it didn't help with my billing problem. They are still saying its the card issuers fault, yet Blizzard has no problem accepting it. Even SoE accepts it. So yup, it's the cards fault.
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