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Everything posted by Darth_Victus

  1. Personally, I vote for the person at the bottom of the list most of the time. Mainly because they are probably not going to get any other vote. Of course I am always looking at who put in the most effort. I have scored 5 times in Huttball in a row, captured 2 turrets in Alderaan, and plowed through all the doors in Voidstar and each of those matches didn't get a single MVP vote, because most vote for whoever has the most kills. In that sense, BioWare needs to tweak the MVP system and add medals for completeing objectives for each of the Warzones, which baffles me that they did not do that to begin with.
  2. Try it and find out I did it, but honestly can't remember what happened. Dont think I took any light side points for it.
  3. Hell, even targeting manually is a pain. You have to be dead on otherwise you will never target them, especially when they are moving.
  4. Yup, the French version of the Darth title will be fixed in the next patch. In all seriousness. Georg Zoeller had stated that Juggernauts and Guardians were next to be tweaked at the end of beta. Since then every other class has been tweaked but the Juggernaut and Guardian. Still waiting.
  5. This is fine, except that most classes that have a snare also have a talent somewhere in their AC that makes that snare a root. Also Sorcs have a talent that adds a root to their Overload.
  6. I second this. Especially since I can not spam the sit hotkey to manually teabag the fallen.
  7. Exactly. Even EverQuest had the option to turn down partical effects. There is one vault in Belsavis while doing my dailies that I have to look at the ground because the dust and smoke at the entrance bogs me down to less then 5 FPS. The vault in question is where you have to kill the 5 beasts and disable the 5 machines. Point being, this is a necessary addition.
  8. It's great that they are adding in new features to reduce shader quality and the likes. But what we really need is a Particle Density option to lower the effects of dust, smoke, and ability effects. This alone will go a long way to remove performance issues for alot of PC's, not just lower end ones. So please consider adding this option. While the effects of smoke and debris are great, sometimes it is just a little too much.
  9. Is there anything planned for more Companion interaction? Right now is seems weird that they have 10k affection and don't even want to chit chat.
  10. No. The resolve bar is supposed to make you Immune to CC's when it is full. However the system is flawed because it does not take affect until you cleanse or remove the CC that topped off your bar. Providing your still alive. However, even with a full resolve bar you can still be snared and rooted. There is no diminishing returns thus far in PVP.
  11. Sorry, gotta disagree with you there. Almost every MMO that has launched has had far worse bugs and flaws in it then SWTOR. Only 2 stand out in my mind that were fairly good at release. Rift and DC Universe Online.
  12. This is a trick question and the answer will vary from person to person. If you got yourself overhyped then, no the game will not deliver what you expected. And I have seen countless people do this. The you have the other side that kept their hype controlled who are pleased with the game. Because they didnt set themselves up for a let down. And then you have those in the middle who either just dont care or jump on the band wagons and praise or hate the game. Personally. I believe the game did deliver. It is a refreshing experience away from the fantasy based MMOs. However, that is my opinion.
  13. Will players ever be able to influence their companions light or dark side alignment in the future? While I know they're suppoed to be moral compasses on our choices, that is a two way road.
  14. I am going to say it. In game mounts are too slow as well as the additional ranks. Only 20% speed increase from our rank 1? Sorry, the current speeder bike speeds do not feel heroic or even look or feel like anything in the movies. My suggestion is as follows. Rank 1: 100% Rank 2: 150% Rank 3: 200% or Rank 1: 100% Rank 2: 125% Rank 3: 150% Something that makes it feel noticible.
  15. lol. I beg to differ. I was able to afford paying $200+ to get the Collectors edition imported down here. I am still baffled that they can release it in Russia (Green zone launch) but not Mexico
  16. I support faction swapping. However, I suggest that if they do it. Make it like it was in EverQuest 2. To betray your city you had to do a set of grueling quests to get the "connections" to join the other city. But even after you betray your city, you dont get to march right up to the other sides gates. You had to earn faction with the other side, thus making you kill on sight to both sides. This could also inadvertantly add in the "Third Faction" that would mostly be underground. However the problem with this, is that the "Third Faction" per say, would not have a place to go for a short while as neither would be allowed onto either space station.
  17. While its great that the game is being launched over there, what about Mexico and further south?
  18. I can relate to this. However, at the end of Chapter 1 of your class story that little trip to the fleet is sort of a way to get you to pick up some flashpoint related quests and do some flashpoints, mingle with the other players or doing some PVP (though PVP can be queued from anywhere); before getting back into the grind. At least that is my opinion on it.
  19. I have. And spent weeks camping Ishva Maw for my Shadow Knight spell.
  20. Darth_Victus

    hutball score

    Currently, as I understand it you do not get badges from making the score. Which is kinda of sucks because that is the main objective in Huttball.
  21. 8/10 I'm an old ORIGINAL series PokeMon fan. Mine is Victus, Darth Victus
  22. One question. Whats a Pre Maid?
  23. I feel ya. Playing a Juggernaut and seeing mostly only Bounty Hunter gear drop is frustrating. The only gear upgrades I have gotten is from buying them with my crystals and comms. After raids and countless Hard Modes, I have gotten a grand total of 3 gear tokens. So I do agree that the loot table is broken. I understand random loot is random, but it's not random when the same stuff drops every time.
  24. Will Sith Juggernauts and Jedi Guardians ever get balanced to be on par with their ranged counterparts in terms of tanking? I only ask because we are currently the lowest in threat generation and over all DPS output (as tanks, not DPS) compared to our Bounty Hunter and Trooper counter parts who have a far easier time filling the roll. And toward the end of beta, it was stated that Juggernauts/Guardians were next in line to be tweaked.
  25. In all honesty; the resolve system is broken. On my Operative I can sleep an enemy player and he will automatically get a full resolve bar. I have had it happen a few times. Yet I can get chain CC'd by multiple players and still not get a full resolve bar. As quick fixes have been suggested, it would be best if CC's were diminished based on how full your bar was as well as your break out ability giving you a temporarly (no more then 5 seconds) immunity to further CC's and snares/roots.
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